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New member on the block...

Lord Xar

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Hello fellow readers,


my name is Xar and i'm a fan of the WOT series just like the rest of you. I live near Rotterdam in the Netherlands and i am 25 years old. I've read the books two times and i'm planning the 3rd time right now.


I have been checking out the forum for a long time now and decided to join the club today so thanks for the warm welcome...


I also like the books of Feist, Weis and Hickmann, Terry Goodkind and a few others but i wont bother you guy's with that lol.


I've read the books of RJ in dutch so it's possible that i write the wrong name for a character or place in the books. Although i'll try to keep it to a minimum!



Anyway i look forward to reading the theories of you guy's in the time to come.


Greetings Xar

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argggghhhhh.... can't believe it... just wrote a long welcome post for you, Xar, and hit a wrong button... yep... it all dissapeared!! :evil:


Ok... let me start again, lol. Hello and welcome to DM, Xar.


Great to have more people from the Netherlands join. Some of the RP guys had a meet over your way only a short while ago. Maybe one day we have a Euro meet in your country... it seems to be pretty central and easy to get to for everyone...


Have you considered a re-read in english? I always find books best in the language they were originally written in...


...and poke your nose in at Fiddlesticks. Good place to start meeting people here... :D


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Hello again and thanks for your welcome!


I did'nt really consider reading the books in english but i've been snooping around the net and i'm considering it now lol...


Another advantage is that the books are released a lot sooner so maybe...


I'll be looking in the spam toppic thank you very much for the tip and again the welcome!

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