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WOT and Similarities.....


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Ever Since finishing TOM and going through withdrawl and starting my first Re-read[still a little soon but i cant help it]. I have been noticing things in movies, books, cartoons, and other random stuff with similarities to WOT. Lastnight after some Two-RiverS and a cup of brandy, it was late and I was going over old Venture Bros reruns. I couldnt help but see alot of Lan in Brock Samson..lol..Im crazy right, but regardless I think alot of stories and tales are influnenced by stories that the creators loved and cherished. It would be intresting to see the paths that helped mold authors and directers into the people that they are and therfore the people that they create. Case in point and a very tense subject is Christopher Paolini. People say that he took all of his ideas from practicly everyone who is anyone....but is there anything wrong with that?! I wondor what we be missing if everyone was just there own.

Hmmmm........... thanks for reading Kepp it sexy....


I just finished reading Inheritance (4th and last eragon book by paolini) two days ago and I also started my first reread of WoT yesterday. Now that I look back on Eragon 1-4 it is a lot like Star Wars. Ex: Empire=Empire, a mentor that turns out to be the ancient warrior that the main character is the first of since an evil one of those warriors took over, lived with uncle that was killed, Murtague=Darth Vader, Galbatorix=the Emperor, etc.


Also, Roran (especially in Eldest) is a complete copy off of Perrin.


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