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In Awe

Jon Storme

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Unfortunately my memory doesn't seem to work as well as other people's. I've read the lot so often at this stage I should be a flippin quotemaster or something.

Introduced to series in 2000, with books 1-8, I think. Have done at least one full re-read per year since then, (not 2011 though) with the newer books as they became available. ToM had three reads last winter - the first one way too rushed cos I've no patience, the other two more slowly to savour.


I feel a lot of compassion for those who started when tEotW was new, I've hated the waiting game for later books. In fact because of it I refused to read any Harry Potter book until the lot were done, and haven't read any GRRM for the same reason. I'll be useless for the last few weeks before aMoL comes out, and indeed for a week or two after.


I totally understand what you mean about GRRM....we were waiting six years for ADWD.....it was unbearable.


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