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Colbert Report


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This morning as I was eating my blueberry waffles (mmmm) I happened to catch part of the Colbert Report. He was doing some sort of honoring women day and decided to interview Jane Fonda and Gloria Stinem while making apple pie. It was v. amusinating and I am wondering if anyone else happened to catch it (it will likely be on youtube eventually).

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Guest Haxorsist

Lol, yeah, I think I saw that one. That's the one where they keep kissing him, right?


The Report is great, but not as good as The Daily Show, imo.

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yup, that's the one. And then in the next segment he walked out wearing red heels.


I definitely prefer Daily Show, but every now and then Colbert gets pretty darn funny.


I was busting a gut when Daily Show went through all the presidential references they had made on the show!

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Guest Haxorsist

Those 10 F#@king Years-specials are awesome. I loved the one they had about NAMBLA. "The International Atomic Energy Agency or IAEABLA."


And one that wasn't in the special, but after the Foley thingy: "The Foley saga quickly set leaders of the North American Man/Boy Love Association or, Congress, into action." :lol:

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yup. The rerun I was watching this morning had the word "safety" He was arguing that the best way to prevent school shootings was to arm the teachers. And get the teachers supergood drugs because then kids would know that the really good stuff was in their teacher's desk, not down in center city with shady dealers, and then to get the girls all pregnant, because no gunman would take on a school full of drugged out pregnant teenagers and teachers with guns.

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