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Welcome to Fiddles! Fiddles is DM's spam forum, so feel free to spam here as much as you like. You moderator in charge is reyler. If you have any questions or problems, go right ahead and bug me. If there' s a problem, or you have a suggestion to make fiddles even more magnificent, you can reach me via PM.

DM-style legal stuff: This is a dictatorship, not a democracy. What the moderators say, goes. Respect the moderators' decisions. If you are unhappy with a mod's decision, then your first step is to contact the Fiddlesticks Mod with your concern again, and we will review it and get back to you. If you are still not content with this, then your next step is to approach Verbal. He will deal with the issue, and whatever he says is final. There are no stops after him except community@dragonmount.com which you can approach as well. Mods can be reached via PM or MSN, please include a link to the thread in question.

•Adhere to DM's PG-13 rule.
•Game threads within this forum should stay on topic.
•If somebody's posts irritate or insult you, please either PM the mods and/or try not to take it personally.
•We value creativity and keeping a thread's momentum going, so please try and make your posts more interesting than "lol" or an emoticon post - there's nothing to respond to there.
•Any good spam forum is intended to boost your post count, but some people will abuse that fact. Please, play fair: avoid multiposting and making the same post in multiple threads.

Also, there's a new code of conduct, which can be found in full at various other places on DM.

Some important rules on Fiddles. Of course, this is fiddles:
- I.1. Bigotry – DM takes a strong stand against discrimination in any form. Anyone found posting sexist, racist, homophobic or religious hate messages will be dealt with quickly and severely. Typically, the response from staff will be a lifetime ban.
- I.2. Swearing - Only language found in the Wheel of Time may be used. If it is not in the books DO NOT USE IT. This applies on all boards.
- II.1. Privacy. No member of Dragonmount should ever publish private correspondence, without the approval of ALL Parties involved in the exchange. This includes PMs, E-mails, and Instant Messages.
- II.2. Bullying. Bullying takes many forms and can be far more destructive than many people will realize. Some people will laugh off the most vicious comments; others may be driven nearly to suicide. The Staff reserve the right to remove any posts, avatars or sig pics that are deemed to fall into this category. As a general rule of thumb – if you wouldn’t say what you’re about to post in real life, in a dark alley, to someone twice your size and better trained in fighting than you, don’t post it at all.
- II.3. Personal Attacks. Personal attacks on other members are not tolerated, period.
- II.6. Instructions by staff. Follow staff instructions. If you don't agree, open a discussion via PM (not on-thread). If, after making an attempt to discuss the issue with the Staffer, you believe you are not being adequately heard, feel free to include the relevant supervisor (Barmacral). In the interim, follow the Staffer's instructions even if you disagree with them.
- III.3. Speak Your Mind. DM will never discipline any member for telling Staff something Staff does not want to hear. That doesn’t mean that members have license to be ruder to Staff than they would to other members. But it does mean that if you see a problem, you need to tell us about it, no matter what it is.
- III.4. Remember that Reasonable People Can Disagree. There are certain things that are black and white, of course: bigotry won’t be tolerated, favoritism is wrong, American football is better than soccer. But most disputes don’t fall within these realms of incontrovertible truth; more often, there are shades of gray, and reasonable people acting in good faith can and will take different positions even when looking at the same set of facts. As a general rule, people who come into a discussion of issues with this in mind tend to be able to find a mutually agreeable resolution much more often than people who don’t.


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