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Halloween Movies and things that go bump in the night


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Labryinth scared the crap out of me as a kid the two times I attempted to watch it. I still haven't watched it all the way through. I just couldn't take the whole losing the baby brother thing. *shrug* Dark Crystal I loved.

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Funny you should mention Labyrinth, as we just watched it a couple days ago. Both for the first time since it first came out. It is a strange, strange movie. And the only thing that is truly scary about it is David Bowie's tight pants.


Jareth: You remind me of the babe.

Goblin: What babe?

Jareth: The babe with the power.

Different Goblin: What power?

Jareth: The power of voodoo.

Goblin: Who do?

Jareth: You do.

Goblin: Do what?

Jareth: Remind me of the babe.


As for movies that still scare me...


Blair Witch Project: I thought it was brilliantly done. And anyone who has ever not been able to sleep while camping in a tent out in the woods because you heard creepy noises will find it terrifying.


Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original version): The sound of the flashbulb going off during the opening credits still sends shivers down my spine.


Night of the Living Dead (original version): "They're coming to get you, Barbara!"


The Serpent and the Rainbow: "Don't bury me! I'm not dead!"


Misery: Sledgehammer, anyone?

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Guest Emperor

The Thing and the Exorcist both messed me up as a kid. The Thing because you couldn't tell who was evil and it turned you inside out. The Exorcist because I was scared of getting possesed and for a few nights I thought the devil lived under my bed.

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Guest Haxorsist

The Ring: Little scary girl coming out of the TV and moving freakily :shock:


The Blair Witch Project: For many of the same reasons as Paityr it just freaked me out.


Another movie that scared the hell out of me was a Norwegian one named Villmark. It's about a group of people heading out in the woods and freaky stuff happens, and it has a nice little plot twist at the end. The fact the setting is kinda like how it is where I live only makes it more scary.


And now I'm gonna go hide under my bed.

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I forgot about this one...


Odishon: One of the creepiest plot twists I've ever seen. It hits you out of nowhere like a ton of bricks about half-way through the movie. "Kiri kiri kiri kiri kiri kiri!"




Also, Session 9 really creeped me out. Anything dealing with the horrors of 19th century and early 20th century psychiatric hospitals is the epitomy of terrifying to me.

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Guest Segurant

I don't have Zombie nightmares anymore and I know how to defeat them. Can't use a gun but I have plenty of swords and stuff to bash their heads :)

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Guest Emperor

Zombies do not really scare me. Like in NOTLD, they were slow moving and you just needed to hit them with a blunt object. Of course what is really scary is being bitten by one and then slowly turning to the undead. Now that is a scary prospect.

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