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DM Dispatch VI


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Well, I'm back, I would like to welcome you to the latest edition of the DM Dispatch, the one and only place where you get all the facts from everywhere on the boards. I would also like to thank Egwene for filling in for me, and say that she did an awesome job, better than I've done.


Now before I begin, I would like to urge you to PM me (goldeneys) anything, yes anything that you think is "newsworthy". It is very hard for me to look all over all the boards for things, when I have shcool, and other things going on...especially when I haven't been around much the past 2 weeks. So please, help me out...you don't have to right the article, just give me a lead. Now I'm not saying that I will put it up, but there is a good chance that I will because lately I haven't had that much to write about.




The Return


Well, the Band of the Red Hand is finally getting their leader back, after two months of his internet being down. For two months, the executive officer F Horn of Valere (or simply Horn) has been taking care of things (and showing that he is very worhty of his position) with the former Under-Commander Cumadrin, but now things will settle back to normal and the choosing of a new Under-Commander will resume. On his return Corki had this to say:


I am here in my departmental common room procrastinating on:


a) DM

b) www.addictinggames.com playing Invasion 3 (and my force is so large the game is easy now)


when I should be reading some essays for a seminar tomorrow on:


a) Ancient Egyptian Literature

b) Ancient Greek Scribes


Oh, the joys of that silly website, and my ability to procrastinate!


He seems to be back to his normal self, joking, ready to have a great time (and also most likely stay up all night reading those essays). He reminds me of my brother, in college he would procrastinate so bad...he had a term paper, that was supposed to be 5000 words (or was it 10000?) and he left it for the last few weeks when he had all the end of term homework...but I suppose thats probably the type of thing I'll do too.






"The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose in the Mountains of Mist. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning."


Well, there are some interesting discussions going on on the Wheel of Time Discussions board, one that caught my eye was started by Bob T Dwarf and is about the Circularity of Time in the series. The discussion started with Bob T Dwarf saying this...


As has been pointed out in many places, Time in Randland is circular and pretty well fixed circular at that. There is room for slight variation in the exact series of events that takes place throughout the Ages of the Wheel, but overall, all of Life and Time is preordained to come to the same series of points. Over and over again.


Given that this series is a saga about the struggle centering on one of those node points, was this a useful paradigm for the author to adopt? Doesn't it rob the whole series of any ultimate suspense?


Sure, we get the minor suspenseful moments - will Nynaeve ever break her block? - will Perrin ever find Faile again? etc., but the big climax that the series is supposed to be building to is already predetermined - isn't it? Hasn't The Wheel passed this way many times before? Since the world is still there, and the characters are there, and The Wheel is still turning, everything always ultimately keeps those things happening.


So, where's the cookie for the reader?


Well, I hope that piques your interest as it did mine and you go look for more.


Newbie of the Week


Hans: Hey Anakha56, you've been chosen as Newbie of the Week.


Anakha: I newb of the week... I'm so proud :D :wink: :lol:


Hans: So Anakha, tell us a bit about yourself.


Anakha: I am not married but am in a serious relationship which has lasted me 3 years 8 months and 8 days. I cant give the hours because well thats what the g/f's memory is for Razz. I am an IT Technician for a global company. I enjoy reading fantasy books fav. authors include Robert Jordan (no surprise there Laughing ), David Eddings and Terry Pratchett. I also enjoy computers hence my profession as well as Water Skiing and Wake Boarding.


Hans: Thats cool, I enjoy computers too, and am taking an A+ course. Ok, how did you find out about Wheel of Time, and start reading it?


Anakha: My wheel of time adventure started when I was in Grade 8 (about when I was 13) I happened to wander into the "big" boys section of the library, saw book 1 and was hooked from the first paragraph on.


Hans: I can understand that, though personally, I didn't really like the prologue of the first one. So how did find Dragonmount?


Anakha: There is a guy who works here with me who told me about the web page and I decided to take a look. I never knew Jordan was having such health problems so it was a big shock to "see" it.


Hans: Yeah, I didn't know until I joined either. What other Fantasy do you read?


Anakha: I read all sorts of fantasy, Eddings, Gemmel, Pratchett (although he's fantasy/humour) and Goodkind to name but a few.


Hans: I'm thinking of starting some of Goodkind's books, I've heard a lot of good things about them.


Hans: Ok, next question...how did you choose your username?


Anakha: Ahh the user name... When I read David Eddings series concerning Sparhawk (the elanium if I;m not mistaken? excuse spelling of it too plz) when Sparhawk learns of his other name "Anakha" meaning "one without destiny" it struck a chord within me and I have used it since. the numbers are just my lucky numbers...


Hans: hehe ok, I never read Sparhawk, but I'll have to check it out. So...is there anything else you'd like to add?


Anakha: Thank you for making me n00b of the week! Razz As said in my introductory post I wont be posting alot on here due to work and other forums I am a part of. But due to this series being a big part of my life I am going to make the effort to come back every now and then.


Hans: Well thank you too, for being the noob of the week, and we all appreciate that you will make an effort to keep posting here.

  • 1 month later...

Christmas presents


For those that do not normally visit Fiddlesticks... you may not be aware that Ata is holding a christmas calendar sig auction. The sig that you are bidding for is hidden... you have glimpses of it through a few stars.


You can also gift a winning bid to a friend or have it alternating with your existing sig. There are numerous sigs to be won, so keep checking the thread and put in your bids for as many of them as you like.




Happy bidding!


  • 2 weeks later...


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