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I've been a fan of the site since I first started reading the series about the same time that I began college (in 2002), and never got around to joining...better late than never, I guess! I've read through Book 11, and was too occupied to pick up the next ones when they came out. As can be imagined, I've forgotten much, save the basics. But, working two (sometimes three) jobs at once, while training as a competitive swimmer, I don't have much time to sit down and re-read the series before what is sure to be an epic finish. Sooooooooo, I opted to go a different route, and listen to it with audiobooks. Some might consider that cheating, but I think that it gives a whole different perspective. The narrations, which could almost be considered dramatizations, are very well done, in my opinion. Besides, I plan on reading the books I haven't read yet once I catch up to where I left off.


I just now purchased Lord of Chaos off of www.audible.com, and am burning it to CD's. Anyways, I have to be careful where I go online (especially Dragonmount.com!), as I'm sure that material from the 12th and 13th books are widely discussed, and I don't want anything ruined for me! Hopefully, I'll have read through the more recent books by the time the last one finally rolls around.


In any case, I'm happy to finally be a part of the Dragonmout community and eagerly look forward to the end of the series (although I'll probably be pretty sad once it's come to an end).


Long days and pleasant nights, and may ya do well!

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Welcome to the Mount!!! it's always good to hear from people who finally decide to join after a long while :biggrin:


You needn't be too worried about spoilers (I think) as long as you avoid the WOT Book Discussion areas. There are many members that haven't finished or aren't very far in the books yet, so you're not alone! :tongue:



I have a question... Where did you get your name from? Cause if you went to College in 2002, then one can strike '91 being you birth year. So do share :smile:

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Wow, y'all analyze usernames! I just take them as they come and don't really concentrate on the names too much!


I am currently doing my great re-read with the audio books and I am LOVING it! I agree, they are so well read, I find myself catching my breath while driving at times. (Clearly not a good thing). Like Tynaal said, avoid the discussion area, and you shall be fine! Just come plop on down to the Social Groups and poke around a bit - most of us don't bite, and those that do give food while we do it!

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I won them in 2008 and 2009. I am a passionate weightlifter, but more as what we swimmers call "dryland training" than as an actual sport. By the way, I remember years and years ago there was an audio clip going around the net of Robert Jordan talking about pronunciation. It was pretty funny. Does anyone know what I am talking about or where I might find it?

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