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Week 1 Fantasy Football recap...


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Well I am dating your favorite canadian chef. No, the other one!


Darn, I have to post the update. Tomorrow I promise... I am just too tired to do it tonight.


Plus The Crow is on.

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As promised and foretold on a mountain up high, this weeks (last weeks) FF recap.


Many of you old timers may know that DM has a long tradition (well if you consider 4 years long) of taking all brave individuals and having them duel it out in the Thunderdome that is Fantasy Football. Two men (or women) enter, one man leave (note how I left the women out). In order to keep you, the viewer, informed I am going to be recapping all the trash talking, all the games (that have DM folks in them) and all the whining (wait Maj is not in our league this year *g*). So without further ado, here is the recap.


First the players of which there are 18. Yes, you heard me right. This year I am embarking of the grand experiment of having too many teams in one league. So far, each team seems to be evenly matched up.


The players:


Bunnylike Villians aka Emperor aka 2003 and 2005 DM League Champ and Karana's worst nightmare


Paityr's Pickles - Paityr seems to have an obsession with pickles but at least he is playing this year instead of fielding hurt players


Karana's Crusaders - She is just playing to trade jabs with Paityr, women don't know how to play Fantasy Football *g*


Buckeye Fury - Serinia Sedai... I can't be mean to her because she knows where I live *gulp*


Luvi's Tinkers - LUVI! Last year had much trouble with his team but this year looks to be a monster


Wrecking Crew - SeggPoor guy, his whole team are Dallas Cowboys... he didn't read the FF rulebook


Other non Dmers:


Mordsith - Serinia's mom

WhattheDeuce - Serinia's bro in law

Big Baby ChickenButt - Funny guy from my work

Cobra Kai - Serinia's neighbor

Spare Change - to be honest, no idea who this is

Bear Down - best friend from college

Dante's Inferno - Seri's bro in law's friend

AccessViolation - Seri's neighbor

Pittsburg Thunder - Friend from work

Knights of Columbus - My brother

Turf Toes - Friend from work

The Risk Brothers - brother to Big Baby *points up*


Shew, as you can see not as many DMers this year as maybe in years past, but everyone has an opportunity to sign up so be thinking about next year.


So on to the recap (about time Empy, sheesh):


We will start off with what I thought was the most important game... my game aka the Main Event. I was up against a fierce opponent that had a pretty stacked team with a foundation of L. Tomlinson. I admit, I was scared. I admit I got lucky when I beat his team by less than a point *does his dance*. Victory is mine!!!


Game two: Paitry vs my brother. Not much to say about this battle. My brother got stomped and Paityr took first place in overall points in some freakish alignment of the planets.


Game three: Karana vs. Pittsburg thunder. All week Karana downplayed her team. She posted about how bad she was and she might have even cried about how unfair the world is. However, her team might not be as bad she thinks as she devistated PT by 20 points.


Game 4: Luvi vs. What the Duece - Poor Luvi, Trent Green gets knocked out early, Sean Alexander has the worst game of his career it seems and Minnesota is not a real defense. He got clobbered and is now in last place. Really, on paper he should have won but luck was not on his side.


Game 5: Seggie vs. Seri (DM matchup). Wow what a close game if I ever saw one. Seggie is fielding Cowboys players and Seri mostly has the appropriate mixture of players from different teams... you know.. good players *g*. Well I think I foreshadowed enough on the outcome. Even though Seri's team had much trouble getting points, it was enough to defeat Seggie, but just barely. It is scary, but Seggie's plan of fielding one entire team MAY work. Scary.


Well that is all for this week. Be sure to come back to SC for next week's wrapup as we have some pretty good match ups.

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Whining? Moi?


What the hell are you tolkien about? I entered last year with one goal, to beat the snot out of Paityr. Which I thoroughly did. mission accomplished, no whining from me.



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Werent you the one talking about fractional points and how it wasn't fair that I beat you down so hard in the final game? Oh wait, maybe that was someone else. Yeah it was Gon. My bad.

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