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Stargate finished....


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Guest Emperor

The SCI FI Channel has announced they will not renew the series STARGATE SG-1 for another season. They did announce though they will pick up its spinoff series STARGATE ATLANTIS for a fourth year.


The channel said, "SCI FI Channel is proud to be the network that brought STARGATE SG-1 to its record-breaking 10th season. Ten seasons and 215 episodes is an astounding, Guinness World Record-setting accomplishment. STARGATE is a worldwide phenomenon. Having achieved so much over the course of the past 10 years, SCI FI believes that the time is right to make this season their last on the channel. SCI FI is honored to have been part of the STARGATE legacy for five years, and we look forward to continuing to explore the STARGATE universe with our partners at MGM through a new season of STARGATE ATLANTIS."

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le sigh. Came here specifically to post this but should have known Empy would beat me to it. ;)


The only thing that surprised me about the announcement is the fact that they gave the show its little face lift of new cast this year, making it almost a new show concept. Why bother if they're just going to ditch the newbies after a year? I was feeling like the old cast was getting a bit stale, but lost some of that feeling with the interplay of the new folks. Would be interesting to see where they could have gone and I'm very interested in seeing how they end it, including if there are any cast members moving from SG-1 to Atlantis.

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Ah yes... I got greeted with that lovely bit of news when I got picked up from work yesterday. Chris and I are more than a bit disappointed - we really liked the new cast (Vala vs. Daniel, anyone?) and have been downloading the episodes faithfully every week (since they're only showing Season 9 here in Canada).


We'll miss recognizing every alien planet (it films around where I lived before I got married). But I guess there's always Atlantis, which we also like.

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Ten seasons and 215 episodes is an astounding, Guinness World Record-setting accomplishment.


Except it's not, or shouldn't be. I've read some of the controversy on this on other forums and no matter how you look at it Stargate SG-1 is not the worlds longest running sci-fi program. North America's maybe, but not the world.

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Guest Majsju

While it's a bit said to see it end, especially with the new cast, I think it would be really hard to keep it interesting for another season. The Goa'uld defeted, the Uri most likely defeated since it's the last season, I wouldn't be too surprised to see the Daniel-chasing-Ancients storyline somewhat resolved...


What would be left for them to do, chasing Ba'al for an entire season?


But I will keep my fingers crossed that at least Vala and Daniel will sign on to do quite a few appearances on Atlantis.

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Ten seasons and 215 episodes is an astounding, Guinness World Record-setting accomplishment.


Except it's not, or shouldn't be. I've read some of the controversy on this on other forums and no matter how you look at it Stargate SG-1 is not the worlds longest running sci-fi program. North America's maybe, but not the world.


A certain show that started in the 60's on BBC might give it a run for its money, then?


It's certainly in the top 10 worldwide, though.

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A certain show that started in the 60's on BBC might give it a run for its money, then?


It's certainly in the top 10 worldwide, though.


From what I've been reading even Doctor Who (26 seasons, 695 episodes, 17,740 minutes running time -that's the original series only, not including the TV movie or new series which I think should count because they are part of the same continuity) can't hold a candle to some of the Japanese Anime shows. I've read that one of them may have been running continously since the mid 60's.


BTW, to compare running time with DW, SG-1 has 8910 minutes. (In case anyone is wondering how SG-1 got half as many mintues with less than half as many seasons and episodes it is because DW mostly had half hour format episodes.)


*BTW I'm not sad enough to have researched all of this myself - I've just copied the info. :)

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From what I've been reading even Doctor Who (26 seasons, 695 episodes, 17,740 minutes running time -that's the original series only, not including the TV movie or new series which I think should count because they are part of the same continuity) can't hold a candle to some of the Japanese Anime shows. I've read that one of them may have been running continously since the mid 60's.


BTW, to compare running time with DW, SG-1 has 8910 minutes. (In case anyone is wondering how SG-1 got half as many mintues with less than half as many seasons and episodes it is because DW mostly had half hour format episodes.)


*BTW I'm not sad enough to have researched all of this myself - I've just copied the info. :)


LOL no worries. Still, is the world record for the longest running series or the longest running live action (vs. animated) series?


And (not to derail the topic or anything) I agree that the 9th & 10th Doctor series should be included with the previous Doctors since there is continuity there.

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Guest Emperor

Thank goodness, we got a discussion going.... and one I cant comment on as I dont watch anime.


But I am a doctor who fan....


Stargate lost me two seasons ago. I am just waiting for the new movie.

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Guest Majsju

Hehe, I started a Stargate-marathon this spring, picking up both SG-1 and Atlantis from the beginning, and then kept it running. I managed to time it so nicely that when I finished SG-1 season 9, it was less than two weeks til the start of season 10 :D

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Hehe, I started a Stargate-marathon this spring, picking up both SG-1 and Atlantis from the beginning, and then kept it running. I managed to time it so nicely that when I finished SG-1 season 9, it was less than two weeks til the start of season 10 :D


Ooh, nice. We ended up having a 2.5 month gap and so we had to watch commentaries on episodes until season 10 started.


That's what I get for marrying an actor, I suppose. Have to watch commentaries for everything.

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I loved the original movie and would have liked to have seen the first seasons of SG-1 when they were new, but we didn't get pay cable (I still don't subscribe to the pay channels). I didn't want to watch the edited versions on Sci-Fi, so a few years ago I got the first two seasons of SG-1 off ebay. Watched the first season and loved it, but I never got around to watching the second season. (I actually have a lot of DVD's on my shelf that I don't have time to watch. One of these days I'll get around to watching season 2. Don't know if I want to pay for 7 more boxsets though. Maybe I'll just sell my boxsets and rent the rest of the DVD's on Netflix or something if I ever re-join one of them... Or, if they are cheap maybe I will keep getting boxsets occasionally and watch them at my leisure.

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We're still Netflixing SG-1's in our effort to watch the seasons we missed when we were in college and the first years of marriage. I'll admit that after a while it does seem to me that the mini-conflicts (stuff that happens in a single episode) are getting repetitive even if there is a main conflict that changes over time. We just started Season 5, so we have a ways to go. I'm actually a bit surprised that it stretched itself to a full 10 seasons without pulling in some fresh faces earlier.

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Yeah, I've kind of noticed the repetitiveness as well. We (Chris and I) have noticed that in the later seasons each actor tended to get a one- or two-episode "break" where they're only in one or two scenes.


We've also noticed that:


1. Weird incurable disease things happen to Jack (and/or Mitchell).

2. Something ALWAYS happens to Teal'c's symbiote (it gets removed/sick/tries to mature/etc).

3. Daniel always gets the girl, but then something horrible and tragic happens to her.

4. Sam gets a love interest who turns out to be a freaky alien.

5. (Seasons 9 & 10) Vala screws up royally or gets them in trouble, yet still comes up smelling like roses.


A bit cliched, but in a fun way ;)


Atlantis' characters also have cliched scrapes but they're not 100% equivalent. (Although I can't tell Mitchell and Shepherd apart...)

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