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The Q&A Compilation Part A--Plot Related (Spoilers) 1/1/10


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So there is apparently a word limit to Dragonmount posts--figures I'd be the one to discover this. As with the other thread all thanks and congrats go to those that actually transcribed the information--both Storm Leader and lovely fans. Special thanks to Terez for directing me to many of the non-DM Q&A reports.


Please keep all discussion the existing Q&A discussion thread. This is only a compilation. Thats mostly because this probably won't stay around forever.


What's in this section?


Questions and Answers on the following subjects are in this section of the Compilation.

• Rand’s Sword

• Characters

• The Big Unnoticed Thing in Book 4-6 [Direct Q&A]

• The Big Unnoticed Thing in Books 4-6 [The Theorylander Discussion]

• Towers of  Midnight

• The Shadow

• Graendal

• General Wheel Information

• The Aes Sedai

• Asmodean/Graendal and Balefire.


All updates are under dated headings.


1/1/10 updates in;

• Characters.

• The Big Unnoticed Thing in Book 4-6 [Direct Q&A]

• The Big Unnoticed Thing in Books 4-6 [The Theorylander Discussion]

• The Shadow



The Gathering Storm Book Tour Questions & Answers On Plot



Rand's Sword


New 21/11/09


Rand gets a new sword in chapter one. It has been confirmed by Kathana Travaeler that this is Justice through direct email correspondence with Brandon and Maria.




1. Question -   How extensive were RJ’s notes about Lews Therin?


1. Answer -   His notes about Lews Therin, I would say are about middle extensive, comparatively of different things that he has notes on. Les than some, more than others. They were extensive enough that I know enough things you don’t know to make me excited, but not so extensive that you know, you are ever going to see a book about Lews Therin or anything like that.


2. Question -   As a followup question, are the notes about Lews Therin the same notes about the voice of Lews Therin’s?


2. Answer -  You know I think that’s enough of a spoiler because there is still confusion or not confusion, wondering from people whether or not Lews Therin is the voice, I mean, of course Semirhage said that it is… Robert Jordan never really made that explicit himself. What I think and what you think may be different and so we’ll just leave it. There are things about this in the book.


3. Question -  Is Mat’s humor changing?


3. Answer -  His world turned upside down. Usually, he’s the guy who leaves, he doesn’t know how to handle someone he loves leaving him.


4. Question - If you could kill one character gruesomely (with out regard to plot) who would it be?


4. Answer – Cadsuane


*New 16/11/09


5. Question: Was Taim turned by a circle of thirteen?


5. Answer: RAFO.  I will say that he was never a very nice guy.


6. Question: Slayer made a gateway in Far Madding when he tried to kill Rand and Min.  Does this mean he uses the True Power to make his gateways?


6. Answer: Slayer does not channel.  His powers come from somewhere other than the Source.  Slayer is not affected by the Guardian in much the same way that Perrin wouldn’t be.


7. Question: Do the Seanchan consider the raid on the White Tower a success?


7. Answer: Yes, they consider it a success, but they’re disappointed that they didn’t get their hands on the Aes Sedai superweapon.


8. Question: At the darkfriend social, Carridin is given orders by Ishamael that he can’t remember.  Later on in Ebou Dar, he sees Mat out the window and he sort of goes into a trance, sees more imagery, and when he snaps out of it, time is stopped and Sammael is in the room.  How did this happen?  Was Sammael paged somehow when Carridin’s orders were triggered?


8. Answer: MAFO – Maria and find out.  This means he will answer the question, but he wants to check with Maria first to make sure he has the details straight.


9. Question: After Moiraine uses balefire on the Darkhounds in TDR, she says something about how she’s much more dangerous now than when she met Perrin in Emond’s Field.  How did she become more dangerous?


9. Answer: There are a couple of ways she might mean that she has become more dangerous.  Think about this – when she went to Emond’s Field, she thought Rand was the Dragon.  Now she knows that he’s the Dragon.  That in itself, combined with the fact that she’s Blue makes her much more dangerous.


10. Question: Does Elayne know that Allana bonded Rand?


10. Answer: Uh...well... I'll have to check that. MAFO. Good question.


11. Question: Is there any chance that Cadsuane might be Ilyena reborn?


11. Answer: I...wha?...First of all, I'm not going to answer that. Second of all...EWW! ... And you can quote me on that! [note from Mato: This was frackin' HILARIOUS. Totally unexpected, and Sanderson was totally shocked over it.] [Note from Luckers: How many times has Cadsuane been compared to be Rand’s stern aunt? I second Brandon’s ‘eiww’ lol]


[note: this next one is heavily paraphrased. I was not able to hear a good amount of it]

12. Question: Elaida's dress in the dinner where she beat Egwene, I noticed that you included uncut <insert stone type here...Mato can't recall what it was> stones in her dress.


12. Answer: Ah yes, I added that post-revision remembering your question you had asked me before. I felt it fit in with the technology, and was a good addition. By the way, the Storm Leaders in this particular signing have been the best prepared so far. You all have done great!


13. Question: Can you elaborate on why the voice of Lews Therin was not speaking when Rand and Isha--I mean Moridin were talking? Is it becau--


13. Answer: Ah. Yes, well, I'm going to have to RAFO that one...too close to dealing with the specifics of the voice, sorry.


14. Question: Slayer, is he going to be in the thirteen or fourteenth book?


14. Answer: He has a role to play in both, you will see him in both, probably. Unless you know he dies in the thirteenth, because he very well might. So, he has a role to play, yet.


15. Question: Is it an assumption that we haven’t seen the last of these individuals right here (I was pointing at the Seanchan assassins)?


15. Answer: There were five sent. We know one is dead. The other four, they may have lived or died through the assault, it was pretty chaotic, but they are expert warriors with ter’angreal focused on letting them hide.


15. Followup Question: How long does that affect last? Days?


15. Answer: That affect can be stretched if they take it off, for several weeks. It is going to kill them eventually. If they are wearing it straight, it’s not going to last long, a matter of days, but if they take it off they can hide for a matter of weeks. So, there are four unaccounted for, who have orders to kill as many Aes Sedai as they can.


New 20/11/09


16. Question: The dream sequence where Rand sees Moridin, and he thinks about having been there "long ago"-- is he simply remembering his dreams there with Ishy from TEoTW and TGH?


16. Brandon and Harriet Answer: Yes.


17. Question Did Graendal use compulsion on Ituralde when they met previously in LOC? Is it still there?


17. Answer: MAFO.  ---This lead to quite a bit of discussion. Basically, Graendal pretty much uses compulsion on everyone she interacts with. He also asked if it had been revealed that King Asalam’s (sp?) letters were revealed to be fake. I went into our discussion here and Dom’s interpretation in particular. Brandon seemed to like it. He also said that if Ituralde was compulsed, that it’s still there – Rand’s ta’vern does not have the power to break compulsion. And he said that it’s certain that Ituralde was under the influence of Graendal.


18. Question Tell me what you can about Laras’ backstory. Is she an agent of the Kin?


18. Answer: Basically RAFO. Laras is in NS (which I don’t remember).  This lead to a fair amount of discussion about backstories – he doesn’t want to spoil something that could be revealed. So, I followed up with something like ‘presumably, if the prequels are written, we’ll learn more of Laras’. Brandon said yes, presumably.


19. Question How does Nynaeve compare with Semirhage in OP strength?


19. Answer: I’m pretty sure she’s stronger, but they are very close. RJ has a list of all the channeler’s strengths. On that list, only 6 people are stronger than Nynaeve. It’s such a rare event that pretty much anytime we meet someone stronger than her, it’s explicitly said. There are two OP strength scales – an ‘old’ and a ‘new’. Nynaeve was the top of the female list for the ‘old’ list. Six are stronger on the ‘new’ list.


20. Question Will we see Nynaeve Heal the darkness that it in some of the male channelers before the Cleansing?


20. Answer: Nynaeve has said before, and believes, that everything can and should be able to be Healed, except for maybe death, and she certainly believes that it is possible. I’m not going to say whether or not it will happen.


21. Question Did Verin have anything to do with the attack on Demira Sedai in Caemlyn?


21. Answer: RAFO+. Even though Verin's gone now, so much Verin discussion remains that it shouldn't be disturbed. (He took several seconds deciding to RAFO, if that means anything)


22. Question Will Elaida ever learn how badly she has misinterpreted her Foretellings?


22. Answer: RAFO+ (He smiled at this one, almost wanting to answer, and later reminded us that there are possible future outrigger stories, which he dared not spoil)


23. Question Does Tam al'Thor have a romantic interest in his future, and if so, has he recently encountered the object of this interest?


23. Answer: RAFO+ (With a similar comment to the Elaida question above, a Tam-centered story is outlined)


24. Question Were the references to Galad, both from Rand's technicolor scrying of Perrin and Tam's mention, intentionally left in place as teasers, or an accidental artifact of the book division?


24. Answer: Intentional.


25. Question Is Tuon's new name, Fortuona, an intentional play on the Latin Fortuna? Many see this as a semantic trick for calling her Lady Luck, which fits being Mat's wife.


25. Answer: Good question, and I'm going to allow you to say yes, as I don't think anything of that nature was done without a purpose, but it was Jim's (Robert Jordan) choice, which Maria dug out for me when I realized I needed to create a new name for her upon ascending as Empress.


26. Question Was the Compulsion which Elza told Semirhage about, Verin's work from after Dumai's Wells, and was it Shaidar Haran who told her about it and to ask Semirhage to remove it?


26. Answer: Yes.


27. Question How did Elza defeat the wards on Cadsuane's plain wooden box?


27. Answer: Elza had been given knowledge of several rarely known weaves, and in other ways made into a tool of Shaidar Haran. Not all of it was pleasant for her.


28. Question Did you enjoy Tam calling Cadsuane a bully?


28. Answer: (Broad smile) Immensely! She needed to hear it.


29. Question Will there be reciprocity for Cadsuane's treatment of Semirhage?


29. Answer: If I have anything to say about it.




• Another asked him, considering how the TGS ends, if he will miss writing in Lews Therin voice, Brandon said probably, but he was not 100% sure that we will not see Lews Therin voice again.

• Hopefully we’ll get to see more of Pevara being awesome, but that could possibly appear in a novella on Brandon’s web page that will fill in some missing holes. But no promises!

• *New 16/11/09

• ---The change in Mat’s personality that many of us noticed in TGS was deliberate.  He’s reacting to being married, which was the last thing he thought would happen to him.  RJ’s notes said specifically that “Mat refuses to become husbandly”, and he’s doing that by trying to go back how he was in TDR.  This is part of where the silliness with the backstories comes from – he knows that he was less serious and more of a joker at the time, but can’t really get back to how he was then.

• When he was writing Talmanes, Maria mentioned that Talmanes doesn’t usually mock Mat in the earlier books.  Brandon said that he has always read Talmanes that way, and that’s what he finds so funny about it – Mat doesn’t realize he’s being teased.

• When asked about Rand’s new sword, Brandon acknowledged that most people assume it is Artur Hawkwing’s and that Rand had last seen it at Falme in The Great Hunt. Brandon did not outright declare this to be true, but he did agree that the logic makes sense.

• Brandon says of the five Redarms that enter Hinderstap with Mat that the three that seem unaccounted for when everyone else escapes are not “forgotten” and their circumstances are RAFO. He also said that he appreciates the finding of continuity errors so that they can be corrected before books go to paperback, but they are an unavoidable part of the business. He doesn’t like when authors ignore continuity on purpose, but understands accidents.

• Will we see more of Harine? Yes, and Rand was not keeping to his side of their bargain very well.

• New 20/11/09

• Brandon was pretty certain that Nynaeve is stronger than Mesaana, who isn’t particularly strong in forsaken terms.

• New 23/11/09

• Some kid, to much laughter, asked if Rand was really going to die. Sanderson said sometime to the effect of 'What did the Finn say?' He then said that the prophecies must be fulfilled or the pattern will break.

• Someone asked if Sanderson could reveal who was behind the visions that Masema was having. Sanderson basically said that there definitely was someone involved with Masema having visions-- he did not provide any further details other than to say that Masema's visions weren't just from Masema being crazy.

• one person did ask a question about Verin's letter to Mat. The person asked if Verin's time-based conditions she stipulated to Mat had something to do with the 'last hour of death' oath that she took. Sanderson said that Verin's conditions did have something to do with her oath, but that there was a lot more going on than just that.

• When asked about Harine, Brandon confirmed that Rand was not sticking to the bargain.

• Rand and Egwene are in the same time zone, approximately, at the end of tGS.

• Tuon’s scene was 3-4 weeks after her last scene in the previous book. RJ was “crafty” with his use of timelines, but generally they were chronological within a viewpoint.

• New 1/1/10

• Verin. He said the notes on her are quite extensive. Lots of her backstory is there. He said he felt like what wasn't revealed in the books would be a good candidate for the encyclopedia.



The Big Unnoticed Thing in Books 4-6 [Direct Q&A]


New 16/11/09


1. Question: You had a quote that we all talked about just recently, that there is a small detail with this secret thing. There were two quotes we put together where you told somebody from Chicago where you say this detail first comes out between books 4-6. Is that verified?


1. Answer: It’s been going for a long time. Somewhere in four and six the first hints of it are mentioned.


2. Question: But that’s not the only time it’s ever mentioned?


2. Answer: It’s not the only time it’s ever mentioned. It is…hints about this hidden thing appear in pretty much…in several of the books. It first, somewhere in one of those three is the beginning of where it shows up. The first hint that you get. […] I mean, it’s a small thing that means something large, that sort of thing…and you guys are very good at finding things and I’m not going to say whether you hit it or not.


• I asked a follow up question about the big clue in books 4-6, asking if the clue became more relevant due to events in the later books, and he said that it didn't, and that it's something we should have picked up on when it appeared. He also issued a caveat (that is basically common sense) that it is possible someone discussed this issue at some point on one of the boards and that he didn't see that, but that he has never seen it raised in his lurkings, and that this issue is more important than who killed you-know-who.

• Brandon is concerned about the HCFF's digging and digging for the surprise in books 4-6 and ruining it for TOM. Also, he stated he never read anyone discussing it but it is possible someone has. Also, it is some puzzle that should have been looked at when it was first revealed. It's bigger than who killed Asmodean, according to Brandon. [Luckers Note: This seems to confirm that it will be revealed in ToM]

• New 23/11/09

• I was at the Clayton, CA signing today and I asked Brandon if he had noticed the important thing in books 4-6 before he started writing WOT.  He said no, but he also said that he had never really wondered about Asmodean either until he read about it online.  He said that there are other people who are much better at ferreting things out than he is.

• Regarding the notorious clue that everyone has missed, Brandon pinned it down to somewhere between books 4-6 (reread time!). He reiterated how astonished we would be when we found it… but won’t get any more specific for fear of ruining our surprise. Also, the “never mentioned” aspect of the clue might not be entirely true, but Brandon himself has never come across it. Maria had a knowing smile at the time, suggesting maybe it has been mentioned. Time will tell.


The Big Unnoticed Thing in Books 4-6 [The Theorylander Discussion]


Brandon Sanderson's assistant, Peter Ahlstrom, told Tamyrlin that in the Theoryland discussion of this issue no one had figured it out (up to post 137). It was confirmed by Brandon that Peter knew the secret. I've gone through that discussion and compiled a list of what was raised.


NOTE: This is my list, not Team Jordan's. It is designed only as an aid not as an official list from Team Jordans. For assistance I will post the posts from the theorylander discussion in dot point in the second post of the thread.


--Things we can probably rule out based on the Theorylander discussion.


Certain parts of these comments were inaccurate, therefore depending on Peter’s thoughts on the importance of technicalities may still be viable.


•   Elayne and Nynaeve’s use of Need in TAR which led to the *angreal storeroom [note: The theorylanders only discussed this in terms of E&N using Need to find a ter’angreal which fixes the weather, which is not accurate. They were using Need to find something to help Rand, and to convince the the Salidar Aes Sedai to stand with him (which led to the Bowl of the Winds and their claims that it required a man to work).]

•   Farstrider in Graendal’s lair [note: In my opinion the old man is more likely Alsalam, but irrespective as with above the Graendal’s ‘old man’ may still be viable, provided he isn’t in fact Farstrider]


--Things we can fully rule out based on the Theorylander discussion.


( * ) means more than one mention in the thread.

( ** ) means detailed conversation occurred on this subject in the thread.


•   **A.R. (anything related) to Birgitte, her expulsion from TAR, or Moghedian controlling her.

•   A.R. to Slayer in the Two Rivers, or him entering ToG.

•   *A.R. to the ter’angreal stash in Rhuidean, or those taken by Moiraine.

•   A.R. to Egeanin’s appearance in the story.

•   A.R. to Fel’s note, philosophy, or instructions to Rand.

•   **A.R. to Shara, or reports of war there.

•   **A.R. to the Tinker wagons Mat finds destroyed in LoC.

•   A.R. to either of Moiraine’s notes.

•   *A.R. to any actions of the Gholam.

•   **A.R. to the Tower of Ghenjei, the doorway ter’angreal, the Finn’s, or prophecies or knowledge relating to either.

•   A.R. to the sisters Siuan sent to recapture Taim.

•   A.R. to the question of who killed Sahra Covenry.

•   **A.R. to Graendal’s meeting with Inturalde, or what she may have done to him.

•   A.R. to the Pit of Doom being in a different world.

•   *A.R. to Rand becoming Moridin.

•   **A.R. to Rand being one with the land, or the changing influence of his ta’verenism, or the effects his corrupted wounds might have through his ta’verenism.

•   A.R. to Asmodean.

•   A.R. to Taim gaining his freedom, or dealing with Bashere.

•   **A.R. to the Aiel Memory Collumns, the seed singing, or the Song, including Ogier, Tinker and Aiel implications.

•   A.R. to Moiraine’s knowledge of the future.

•   A.R. to Fain in books 4-6.

•   **A.R. to the Ashendarei, or the reasons the Finns gave it to Mat.

•   A.R. to Avendesora, including the correlation between Rand’s feelings under Avendesora, and his feelings in Veins of gold.

•   A.R. to Min’s viewing in tSR, including that of the apple cheeked accepted [Theodrin???] behind bars.



Towers of  Midnight


*New 16/11/09


1. Question: Will Moiraine be rescued in the next book?


1. Answer: You’re assuming that Moiraine will be rescued.


2. Question: Will Moiraine’s rescue attempt be in the next book?


2. Answer: You’re assuming that Thom and Mat will attempt to rescue Moiraine.  (I’ll tell you, he’s as bad as an Aes Sedai.)


3. Question: What will be the focus of the next book?


3. Answer: This book really needed to focus on Egwene and Rand, and get their stories moving.  There was also a nice contrast between their arcs in this book, with Egwene’s going upwards and Rand’s downward.  The next book will be much broader in scope – we need to see what’s going on with a lot of different parts of the story.  There will be a lot more Mat and Perrin than in this one.  I suppose you could say that if there was going to be a rescue attempt, the logic place to put it would be in a book with a lot of Mat .


4. Question: Will we see what’s going on at the Black Tower?


4. Answer: We’ll see whether that fits in or not.


5. Question: Will Fain be in the next book?


5. Answer: Padan Fain will be seen again.  He’s a mixture of two things – Mordeth’s power, which he got by seeking out all of the evil things that weren’t related to the Shadow, and the Dark One’s Hound.  Brandon said that Fain’s number one goal is to kill Rand, and a close second is to kill the Dark One.  Now that Shadar Logoth has been destroyed, all of the Mordeth power that remains in the world is in Fain.


New 20/11/09


6. Question: Will we see Moiraine in ToM?


6. Answer: Moiraine is mentioned.


7. Question Please tell me all you can about the potential novella that fills in holes? What holes? Who? Where will it be published if written? Is this material that you really wanted to include in ToM or TGS but just couldn’t fit in? How does this match up with your feeling about not writing other stuff in the WOT world?


7. Answer: There are about 50,000 words of secondary plots that Sanderson wants to include in ToM. He’s just not sure all of it will get into the book. If something gets cut, he’d like to get to his fans on his website.



• Brandon admitted there would be overlapping chronology between The Gathering Storm and The Towers of Midnight and that Graendal’s name will be mentioned a few times.

• Brandon said the progress of book completion is sometimes edited down and then up depending on the subtraction or addition of submitted content.

• Jordan’s outline for WoT’s conclusion was about 2500 pages.

• New 20/11/09

• ToM will be a very different book that TGS. TGS was very intentionally focused. Brandon felt strongly that a ‘hit’ wasn’t good enough, that TGS needed to be a home run. (At the table, we all thought it was a home run). ToM will need to catch up many plot threads and will be much less focused. This will have its problems and it will be a big struggle to find the right balance – they aren’t there yet in the writing process. Brandon mentioned a few plots as examples which strongly suggests they will be in ToM – Loial, Lan, Fain, Taim, Logain, Elayne, if Mat does what fans think he will, etc.

• Verin’s revelations will have ramifications throughout the last two books. Brandon is surprised that more people haven’t been asking about this.

• New 23/11/09

• Towers of Midnight refers to the actual Towers of Midnight in Seanchan, but it also refers to other towers. At one point his working title was ‘The Three Towers’ (yes and intentional riff on the Lord of the Rings, but it was never going to be the real title).


The Shadow


1. Question -  Has Mesaana’s alter ego been seen yet “on stage”?


1. Answer -  “I’m afraid I’m going to have to RAFO [read and find out] that.” Any yes/no would set all the fans, especially on the message boards and fans into figuring it out by process of elimination. The crowd pressed him for hints, and he did confirm that she is still in the White Tower. This statement was met with speculative “oohhh”’s and pensive looks as new theories were born then and there.


CLARIFICATION (20/11/09) From Brandon’s twitter: Re: Mesaana. People have been misquoting me a lot on this one. Early in the tour someone claimed to have a quote where RJ said that her alter ego hadn't been seen. This shocked me, since I thought she had been. I have been waiting until I got home to check it out. The only thing official I have said is that someone claimed RJ said on the Knife of Dreams tour that she hadn't been seen, and can say nothing until I am off tour and can research old RJ interviews to find if I've missed something. I think it likely the person was mixed up.  (later) Word from Maria: RJ said we HAVE seen Mesaana's alter ego on screen. That's good. The guy from DC had me worried. I thought I'd known from the notes exactly who Mesaana was, and she has been on screen.


[Lucker’s insert] For final clarification since people seem confused, here is RJ’s comment from a Crossroads of Twilight signing.


When asked if we have actually seen Mesaana's alter ego in the Tower, RJ said, yes, we have [Robert Mee, Bailey's Crossroads signing, VA, January 23, 2003].



*New 16/11/09


2. Question: Is Mesaana still in the Tower?


2. Answer: Egwene makes some deductions about this at the end of the book.  Egwene is not incorrect.


3. Question: She could swear that she’s not a Darkfriend on the Oath Rod, right?


3. Answer: As long as she believed it to be true.  Every remaining Aes Sedai in the Tower has retaken the three oaths.  You should be thinking about ways to defeat the Oath Rod.  There is a way to do it.


4. Question: Was Ishamael partially, or was he responsible for the initiation of the three oaths. Was he a part of what brought them about?


4. Answer: That’s a MAFO. Type that one out. That’s a MAFO.


New 20/11/09


5. Question You mention that SH has quite a few limitations on his power. Can you give us a few concrete examples of these limitations?


5. Answer: SH needs a minion to most of his work for him. Elza was essential to SH in getting things done.


6. Question Where did Cyndane’s new body come from?


6. Answer: Where have any of the new bodies come from? He then mentioned that it’s not confirmed who Cyndane is, though he didn’t refute me when we all said that it’s pretty certain. I asked about her strength in the OP – Brandon says she’s very, very weak. This surprised me since I didn’t think she was that weak.


6. CLARIFICATION: [brandon on Twitter] Okay, time to post about Cyndane for you Theorylanders. I have been discussing with Maria all day. She and I have different opinions on some things in the notes, but she has convinced me that she is right. I believed that there were some issues with her Power level—the Dark One playing tricks to keep everyone guessing—but Maria convinced me her Power really is what it seems. So you can disregard my comment about her being really, really weak and stick with the word I used earlier—"weakened."  This is what you get for asking about things that we are still picking apart the notes regarding.  You know I love you, Theorylanders. (Even if I sometimes feel like I'm surrounded by a pack of wolves when talking to you.)


7. Question Do the Forsaken consider themselves Darkfriends?


7. Answer: Oooh, you are tricky! I know what you’re doing. I would say that, in general, yes they do consider themselves Darkfriends, though there are ways somebody would be able to get around that. I would say, yes, that that is not the sort of mental gymnastics that…it is very easy to convince yourself that you are not a Darkfriend.


8. Question: Did Ishamael have a hand in how the Seanchan prophecies have come to differ from those of the westlands?


8. Answer: RAFO+


New 1/1/10


9. Question: How many trollocs did the Dark One have access to?


9. Answer: [brandon] stated definitively that there are lots and lots of trollocs. The Dark One has access to either "orders of magnitudes more" or "an order of magnitude" more trollocs that can be supported in the blights (I can't remember whether there was an "s" there. Sorry). He wouldn't comment on how or where, but was very clear that there was going to be a big big trolloc army.


10. Question: If the Forsaken were in a bubble all by themselves, who would win?


10, Answer: Ishamael. He's got the True Power.



New 20/11/09


• At one point, Brandon said ‘all forsaken other than Sammael who haven’t come back were balefired’. I immediately jumped on this and asked if that included Asmodean – Brandon said that he wasn’t talking about Asmodean (we all didn’t even want to go there), but this is further evidence of Brandon slipping hints that Asmodean was balefired. This lead to a small debate about Osan’gar – I didn’t think he was balefired, everyone else at the table thought he was.  [Luckers comment—kfc is correct about Osen’gar. Elza enveloped the hill in a ball of fire]

• About the whole Semirhage death scene. Basically, she felt betrayed by the DO, and Brandon says she’s a very astute person. Brandon also said that Moridin and the DO are on the same page with most things and that Moridin is the most trustworthy forsaken for the DO. Also it was strongly implied that idea that DO served Semirhage up on a platter for Rand to balefire is true.

• New 23/11/09

• Someone asked for clarification about whether we had seen Mesanna and Demandred's alter-egos on screen. Sanderson said that we had seen Mesaana's alter-ego on screen as of KoD, but that we had not seen Demandred's alter-ego on screen as of KoD. Sanderson would not elaborate on whether Demandred's alter-ego had been seen in TGS-- Sanderson didn't want to narrow down the suspects for us if Demandred really had appeared in TGS.






New 16/11/09


1. Question: There is a character in the book that appears to die on page 574... [Lucker’s comment: Graendal]


1. Answer: ~reads page~…there is a woman that actually dies here…(couldn't decipher for certain if this was a statement or a moving question/comment)


2. Question: Did this character actually die?


2. Answer: Let’s go on record with this, I am not going to say until after Towers of Midnight, but I will…they are looking for a “toast” comment, and I am not going to give the “toast” comment yet. The scene that I’m talking about, there will be things related to it in the next book, so I don’t want to say yet. Corner me after Towers of Midnight and I will give you a definitive answer, but Towers of Midnight may in itself give a definitive answer.


New 20/11/09


3. Question Has Graendal's death in any way acquitted her as a suspect in Asmodean's death?


3. Answer: (short pause) No. (longer pause) For that matter, I'm not saying definitively that she's dead.



General Wheel Information


1. Question -   Will we see the Land of Madmen in any of the last books?


1. Answer -   RAFO.


2. Question -  What are the new chapter symbols?


2. Answer -  Harriet names the chapters actually, so she sent over a list of all symbols and chapter, and wanted me to pick out symbols to go with the chapters, BS pushed for new symbols. He wanted a symbol to show the pattern unfurling. So that’s what you get with chapter. Also Brandon chose Perrin’s black smith puzzle for his own symbol on the author page


New 16/11/09


3. Question: Perrin is chasing Slayer in T’A’R, does Slayer actually disappear into the Tower of Ghenjei or does he disappear from the Dream.


3. Answer: That’s actually something I wondered and I asked and that’s a RAFO. Both Slayer and the Tower of Ghenjei are things that are reserved for the Towers of Midnight. [Lucker’s comment: There we go—ToG will be in ToM]


4. Question: Do the Finns care whether or not the Dark One wins?


4. Answer: RAFO.


5. Question: Why do the Aiel revere and protect blacksmiths?


5. Answer: It has a lot to do with the fact that without the blacksmiths there can be no warriors. The blacksmiths are the ones who make the spears and who keep them going. But, in a way the blacksmiths are among those who sacrifice being able to go and fight themselves so that others can and that’s kind of a holy calling to the Aiel. There is also a lot of spirituality to it related to where they live, being in the desolate wasteland and the whole concept of being forged. […] There is a spiritual aspect to a blacksmith forging something because of the place that they live. Those are the two of the main reasons. It’s cultural which means there is going to be more than one reason that it is deeply ingrained, but those are two big ones that roll of the top that are in the notes.


6. Question: We know that the Karaethon Cycle and the Essanik Cycle are different. Is that because there were different contributors to each, or some other reason (like tampering by Ishy)? Which is more correct?


6. Answer: The Essanik cycle had only in Seanchan and there were different contributors. Which is more correct? I’m not going to say which is more correct. There has been tampering…


6. Follow-up Question: In both?


6. Answer: People are not perfect, alright? Let’s just say that and there are lots of forces at work. The Essanik cycle, they have tried to preserve it as perfectly as they can. If the Outriggers ever get written there will be more information about what the Essanik cycle is. It is had only in Seanchan. It was given by damane in Seanchan, so nobody knows about it on the main continent.


7. Question: Is the Court of Nine Moons something that moves with the Empress. In other words, wherever the Empress is holding court is that the Court of Nine Moons?


7. Answer: I think that would be subject of debate, depending on what…I think that if the Empress were to declare herself on a different continent she would expect that it would and I think there would be those that would argue with her and wouldn’t expect that it would. Does that make sense? So, my answer would be that it would move with the Empress, but there are those that would disagree with me and with the Empress, may she live forever.


New 20/11/09


8. Question Can you clear up the timeline issues? How do Mat, Perrin, Rand, and Egwene all match up in the timeline?


8. Answer: TGS begins sometime in April. It ends around the end of June/beginning of July. However, Perrin advanced very little – only about 2 weeks. Mat advanced a bit more, but was still about a month behind Rand and Egwene (this gets an astrix as a MAFO), but Mat traveled to Caemlyn about 30 days before the end of the book – he emphasized 30 days and asked if I understood the significance of that – I said that I do. (Interpretation: Mat will open Verin’s letter very early in ToM). Tuon’s timeline jumps around the most. In KOD she ended about a month ahead of everyone else. There were probably (MAFO) about 2 weeks between her meeting with Rand and the launch of the attack on the WT.


9. Question I got the impression from somewhere that the Aiel were a result of tampering, to some degree, with the One Power. Am I insane, or is that based in reality?


9. Answer: I have not heard that before.


9.Question I don’t know where I got that from.


9. Answer: Yeah. I certainly haven’t heard anything to do with the One Power. There was tampering going on, but we’re talking more like Aes Sedai, things like that. The pillars that were left behind were obviously intended to do something, and the charges that were given to them….but it’s not necessarily like they were trying to make anything specific.


10. Question Has Narishma fulfilled the prophecy regarding Callandor and "who draws it out shall follow after"?


10. Answer: RAFO.


11. Question Has Cadsuane met Min's vision regarding the lesson she must teach Rand and the Asha'man, which they won't like one bit?


11. Answer: Part of it. (That strongly suggests that the "laughter and tears" connection is valid)



• New 16/11/09

• Harriet indicated that the Bloodwrasps mentioned in TGS is not a typo of Bloodwasps and is a new thing we haven’t seen yet.

• I also asked if the Tinkers have their own set of prophecies and he said that if they did, we would know about it by now. Now, that's an Aes Sedai answer LOL

• about symbology, [Maria] said that RJ had some notes on that, and that the posts on 13th depository are pretty accurate regarding this.

• About Gawyn's duel with Sleete, and the usage of real swords, [Maria] said she would have to look into that, since I had believed that normally practice swords are used. She said that perhaps sometimes they have to use real swords to keep their edge, so to speak, but will look into that.

• [Maria] She RAFO'd me when I asked if the Towers of Midnight are dungeons.

• They are already working on the Encyclopedia and may or may not have an electronic version (currently no plans for one, but I asked about it and its not ruled out).

• The timeline is in a spreadsheet but it will likely not be published since it is very rough and Jim did not like his unfinished works published.

• The beggar prophecy was fulfilled when Rand went to Ebou Dar, as well as the one about the bandages over his eyes.

• New (20/11/09)

• Someone asked about [Luckers insert: Merillile] – the AS in Caemlyn who ran away with a Sea Folk apprentice. It was implied that this may be a thread that goes unresolved [in both the series and the encyclopedia Harriet is writing—I refer to you the first dot point in the Prequels Outriggers and Encyclopedia for the beginning of this thought ].

• RJ left detailed descriptions of people after the [Luckers insert: Last Battle] (make of that what you will).

• Hinderstrap is a re-imagining of the old ‘Stone Soup’ folk tale

• New 23/11/09

• We will most probably not be seeing any actual dragons in the series – the naming of Aludra’s cannons is not because of the shared fire breathing, but simply a general association with power.

• New 23/11/09

• When asked about the number of years between the breaking and current day Brandon replied that it was well know and referred us to ewot, which is accurate except for a year here or there.

• Brandon confirmed that the wolf dream / fortelling of Rand as a beggar and the one with bandages over his eyes is fulfilled with his visit to Ebou Dar.


The Aes Sedai


1. Question -  Since you are Brown Ajah, will we learn more about the 12 (13) Depositories in the White Tower?


1. Answer -   They are mentioned in “The Gathering Storm”.


2. Question -   Will any previously unknown Black Ajah members be revealed?


2. Answer -   Yes there will be Black Ajah members revealed in The Gathering Storm.


New 20/11/09


3. Question Was the Warder bond originally created to control male channelers?


3. Answer: RAFO.


4. Question Some commenters (AMW) have noted a seeming discrepancy regarding Egwene's accounting for captured, missing, dead, and present sisters. Is this true, and can it be explained?


4. Answer: RAFO.


• New 16/11/09

• One fan seemed underwhelmed with the Seanchan raid against the White Tower and asked if it had originally been intended as a truly epic battle. Sanderson said that it was always intended to be a raid.

• Stated that the Ajah Heads in the WT conspired to send sitters to Salidar who would speed up reconciliation, but not draw suspicion due to being supporters of Elaida previously. They chose young Sitters in the Tower as placeholders. However some of the Sitters who left the Tower went of their own accord.

• The Ajah Heads for the reunited Ajahs will likely be the ones who led their Ajahs before the split. Will be determined quietly and is Ajah business only.


The Glorious Attempt – Asmodean/Graendal and Balefire.


Luckers Comment: This needs to stay whole. Matt deserves some serious credit for this one.


Matt- Question: Did Robert Jordan leave a power to time comparison, as to how much time is burned back on a thread using balefire. Is there a calculation that says x amount of power will burn back x amount of time on a thread?


Brandon: M.Answer - F.O – Maria and Find Out. What he did leave, he left a lot of stuff, there is discussion of these things in the notes. I need to look and see if there is an actual equation. He was very focused on strength of the power and things like that. He has probably told you before, I think I’ve seen a copy of that on notes and things. He did leave scales on exactly how powerful each person is…


Matt – Question: The Choedan Kal, does it amplify your power? Is it a limited, for example, if I have a certain amount of power does it give me 10x what I have, or is it a certain amount of power I can access?


Brandon: One of the things I’ve been doing when I answer questions is that I’ve been saying that this is my understanding and putting an asterisk at the bottom that is a – I am speaking from my understanding and not from specific knowledge from the notes, meaning yes I am probably right but these are the questions I could be wrong on…this one my understanding is that it is a reservoir of power. It is not necessarily a magnification. A very weak person with a very powerful sa’angreal is very powerful. I’m pretty sure on that one, but I will add the asterisk just in case. If you send me an email, I can go back and look to make sure. But I’m reasonably sure on that one, the reasons being things that are talked about in the notes mixed with the way an’greal and sa’angreal worked previously in the books mixed with two specific things that he talked about in the notes when people using an’greal and sa’angreal after they become very weak or after they are weak.


Matt – Question: We know that in the Age of Legends that the Forsaken/Chosen, everyone agreed to stop using Balefire because of its effects on the Pattern. Is it unrealistic then to say that a great amount of power could burn someone’s thread back a year or six months. Is that an unrealistic thing to say that there is enough power available to either one or multiple people to burn somebody back that far?


Brandon: I see what you are getting at you are trying to figure out if Graendal was killed with a whole lot of balefire would it bring Asmodean back to life (Brandon had heard about this idea, which he mentions later).


Matt: …like that could ever happen…


Brandon: That’s what you are digging for isn’t you?


Matt: Let’s say, if a Forsaken was responsible for killing another Forsaken.


Brandon: Uh huh


Matt: And said Forsaken was balefired….


Brandon: You are under the assumption…You are trying to figure out who killed Asmodean again. That’s what you are trying to do and I’m not going to get caught and let you know…


Matt: It’s a legit question…and I’m sure whatever is said at this table stays at this table…


Brandon: I’m sure, the leader of Theoryland and the guy taping this…


~Much laughter from table~


Brandon: Let’s divorce it. Rand balefires Rahvin as hardcore as he could and Rand is one of the most powerful people to live and he got us, what have you determined, from the lightning killing Mat until balefire killed Rahvin, I’d guess fifteen minutes.


Matt: Well, he at least got us fifteen minutes. We don’t know how far back, we just know up to that moment.


Brandon: Well, we do know because if it had been too much further than that we would have noticed a lot of discrepancies in the Pattern from things he’d done…


Matt: Let’s say thirty minutes to an hour, at the most


Brandon: Alright, thirty minutes to an hour. Okay, let’s say the Choedan Kal amplifies his abilities 100 fold…let’s say it’s a 100 times more powerful than Rand. That’s giving us, lets say he got an hour, we’ve got four days, from the most powerful, one of the most powerful sa’angreal ever created. I think it is unrealistic to assume you can get back a year, but that’s not saying it is impossible. I think that if you did that to the Pattern the ramifications would be so dramatic you’d see the Pattern unraveling hardcore at that point, it’s like balefiring an entire city. When I first read that guess I just laughed, I’m like guys c’mon lets run the math on this.


Matt: Like I said to Jennifer, it is my job at Theoryland to entertain these ideas.


Brandon: Yes it is, it is your job to entertain them. But in the terms of Mythbusters let’s go ahead and call that one “Busted” in the realistic world. I’ve got to give you at least something, so I’ll at least give you that…If it were possible to do things like that, we’d have the Dark One just going and balefiring you know Tam so Rand never gets picked up off the mountain….



  • 1 month later...

Comments from the Theoryland Discussion Relevant to Peter Ahlstrom's Comment


I copy and pasted each comment from the Theorylander thread that Peter Ahlstrom reviewed. From that I created the above shortlist, but here is the source material for that list for you to go through if you wish.


•  Moghedian and Brigitte - Moghedien did something to Birgitte, in creating her, like a ticking time bomb. Birgitte, unknown to herself, is Moghedien's creature (or the Dark One's) and Moghedien will use her (or Moridin) will us

•  Something to do with Egeanin. First mentioned in book 4.

•  Perrin in the Two Rivers which means also including Luc/Slayer/Isam, Birgitte & Gaidal

•  The ter'angreal stash from Rhuidean

•  Tigraine's journey to the Waste.

•  --Speaking of using Need though, didn't Nynaeve and Elayne use Need in T'A'R to find something to fix the weather, but it originally took them to Tar Valon, but they knew that they didn't have access so they added the 'not in Tar Valon' clause? Could that be something? iirc, that topic hasn't been largely discussed. 

•  Farstrider, seen in Graendal's lair? [Luckers comment: This is an assumption. The old man may have been many people—this doesn’t rule out the old man being the issue, though it does rule out Farstrider as the old man being the issue].

•  Nynaeve witnessing Moghedien ripping Birgitte out of Tel'aran'rhiod?

•  Fel, telling Rand he didn't think the Dragon Reborn could make the prison whole again like the Creator made it?

•  There was reported to be war in Shara much earlier in the series... perhaps we will see the results as Sharan armies march to support Rand... seems unlikely as Rand's plotline shouldn't have much time in ToM.

•  Also, all the carts of ter'angreal from Rhuidean that Moiraine was taking to the tower are still somewhere presumably.

•  LoC,Ch22 - Near the River Erinin, Chel Vanin and Mat find a burned Tinker camp with the people slaughtered. There is a message on a wagon, "Tell the Dragon Reborn."  This is the one mystery I can think of that doesn't get discussed much and what discussion there is devolves into "there's just not enough information."

•  Moiraine's letter to Thom, or something she wrote to Rand

•  Tinkers. Lots to think about there.  The Gholam was involved in the slaughter?

•  Perrin chased Slayer to the Tower, Birgitte was there and talked with Perrin...so, we've got Perrin meeting up with Galad who recognizes Morgase. Perrin takes Morgaze back to Caemlyn and meets up with Mat. Also while there they meet Elayne and Birgitte. Perrin & Mat both know her Birgitte and it might well come up a few things about the Tower. It doesn't seem quite right, but could this manage to get Birgitte included in the trip to rescue Moiraine? And while there could Birgitte make a few wishes or ask some questions, especially re: Gaidal?

•  Perrin meets Tinkers again in Two Rivers

Tinker caravan gets butchered with no explanation.

•  [Luckers Paraphrasing] Something to do with Demandred’s talk with the Dark One in the Prologue of LoC.

•  Perrin meets Tinkers again in Two Rivers.

•  Tinker caravan gets butchered with no explanation.

•  The sisters Siuan sent to re-capture Taim. Where the hell are they?

•  The rest of the Black Ajah that originally left the Tower? (Berylla Naron, Jeaine Caide, Rianna Andomeran are still missing.)

•  Who killed Sahra Covenry?

•  LoC p. 183, paperback. Graendal meeting with Ituralde in Arad Doman. You know she wouldn't miss the chance to do something to him.

•  This could be completly off base but when Mat & Rand used the twisted doorway in Tear to enter the lands of the Finns Moiraine specifically said that the presence of a Ta'veren was not a good idea and two Ta'veren were in serious danger of breaking the connection to the finn land. This was in Book 4.

•  Now if I'm not mistaken the pit of doom is somewhat removed from the real world, different sky etc. One might even say that the tunnel down to the pit of doom has the same function as the ter'angreal doorway. If you could get the three ta'veren there at the same time like say "three becomes one" might that not have some serious effect on the "tunnel" and remove the Do's ability to affect the world.

•  Something I saw in someone's signature here on TL, about the 'finn prophecy to Rand "to live you must die".. The 'finn speak the old tongue, which isn't exactly Rand's mothertongue. I like this idea because I noticed the death/Moridin thing on the Horn of Valere and was shot down for it, but what if Rand mistranslated their profecy a little, obviously not knowing about Moridin at the time?

•  Continued: "to live you must become Moridin"? Interesting. Certainly a different way of looking at it.

•  It's Rand. Thom's mention that the Dragon Reborn is one with the land and the land is one with the Dragon. The things that keep happening to the world at large roughly follow Rand's wounds and moods. Much of what has been attributed to th Dark One is actually Rand's doing. He is wounded at Falme, which cannot be healed, and is constantly warm to the touch, and the land enters a long summer.  He is cut by the Shadar Logoth daggar and things begin to rot. He grows increasingly paranoid and suspicious of his friends and allies because the wound is never healed and the spoilage accelerates.  The barriers between his past lives begin to thin and he is able to access memories from them, and ghosts (memories of previous times) start to appear.  He sinks deeper into madness/depression and the 'good' things normally caused by his ta'veren nature stop, leaving only the bad. A parallel to his mental state.  Just something I've been kicking around for a while

•  Possibly! : TITLE: Great Hunt CHAPTER: 50 – After: And men cried out to the Creator, praying, O Light of the Heavens, Light of the World, let the Promised One be born of the mountain, according to the Prophecies, as he was in Ages past and will be in Ages to come. Let the Prince of the Morning sing to the land that green things will grow and the valleys give forth lambs. Let the arm of the Lord of the Dawn shelter us from the Dark, and the great sword of justice defend us. Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time. -from Choral, Drianaan to Calaanon, The Cycle of the Dragon, Author unknown, the Fourth Age

•  Tam, the 'small detail' would be Thom's comment, which most people have ignored. Mythology and legend (and the WoT world being the source thereof) have been major themes. The Fisher King legend is one that has been mostly ignored by the fandom.

•  First doorway ter'angreal introduced in Tear in book four. From then on we come across another doorway and Rhuidean rings and ancestor thing that Aviendha will be using in ToM.

•  Jasin Natael is also introduced in book four.

•  Finally, is there anything that hasn't been beaten to death about these two? (Davram and Mazrim): Joiya tells Egwene that the Black Ajah plan to free Mazrim Taim and set him up as a false dragon in book four (they go to Tanchico instead), Mazrim Taim escapes from the Aes Sedai in book four, we find out Bashere goes AWOL in book five, Bashere leads a taunting Mazrim Taim to Rand in book five, Mazrim Taim sets up Black Tower in book six, etc. Maybe there's something there, maybe not!

•  Moghedien was told by either Moridin or Shaidar Haran that she did some small good thing by mistake which saved her bacon. Presumably that was sometime in books 4-6 and I had a theory that she was responsible for Gaidal's disappearance prior to her ripping Birgitte out of TAR. But I like the Tinker thing too. Maybe we can do some kind of timeline to figure out who could have killed the Tinkers and start from there. At least we know shadowspawn weren't gated there.

•  Another minor detail that would fit this interpretation is the fact that Seed Singing doesn't require channers. That would tie into the return of tinkers to the books after a lapse of a book or two of no mention of the tinkers other than Aram. We learned that seed singing in books 4-6 from Charn's(?) POV in the glass columns ter'angreal, but I'd have to look it uo to give a book/chapter reference.

•  There have been a few comments that if things don't start to grow no one will be left alive for the Last Battle. A rediscovery of Seed Singing combined with Rand's hopefully brigher attidude would certainly be useful for the forces of the light.

•  So, Fisher/Rand/Dragon and the Land/Tinker/Song idea, a very good possibility. We haven't been focused on the combination of ideas...and Rand's direct connection was highlighted in this book, alluding to what's possible for ToM as it pertains to Rand.

•  another possibility that a friend suggested is that Taim is controlled by Demandred via a broken mindtrap

•  Thinking about Thom and Moiraine...is it possible that the small thing is when Moiraine told Thom that she would see him again at some point in the future? Although this won't really be that surprising when it happens... I'm guessing it's something to do with Moiraine, and what she knows that means Rand will fail without her. Something from her questions to the Aelfinn? She has a few POVs in Books 4 and 5 that I should reread.  Although she claims in her note to Rand that she knows nothing about what happens after "except perhaps for one small thing which does not concern you"...so I doubt her answers from the 'Finn can have to do with the future, as that "one small thing" is probably Thom's attempted rescue.

•  --Of the things mentioned here, I'm most inclined to believe the "need" thing.. what's in the Tower that they couldn't get?

•  Someone mentioned Min's bookmark from Fel as a possibility upstream and I think it might be something more like that. As an example, it is a big deal at first but then keeps harmlessly popping up long after it seems important. I don't know that it's that one but I like it as a model.

•  --Probably another bowl. There were tons of them in the Age of Legends - small regions were each controlled by one of them. If not, another ter'angreal that could have done something similar. They could always get Aviendha to visit and find out...

•  I remember RJ being pressed about his favorite chapter before, and he gave the standard answer of "The chapter I'm working on." But then he was a bit more revealing and said that the chapters he thought he did the best were the Rhuidean columns. Those of course have a lot of material, and do touch on the song. Another bit from one of those chapters is something that would relate to the Finn: why the hell did Mat get the ashandarei? Memories, and the medallion are the two obvious ones. He's back in Rhuidean afterwards so that was done, too. Why the ashandarei?

•  As to Fel's comment about the seals - that came out in this book quite sharply, so it's hardly a hidden detail. The reason Rand asked Fel about it in the first place was that Lews Therin appeared to take over his body and try to break the seal that Taim had given him. So Rand asked Fel if there might be a reason why someone would break the seals. Fel seemed to think the idea was ridiculous and even a bit horrifying. But then he left the note about 'clearing the rubble - belief and order give strength'. The 'order' part might refer to something to do with the Seanchan, or just establishing order in general. The Aiel do it. Egwene has done it in the Tower. Elayne has done it in Caemlyn, etc. Belief obviously has to do with people believing that it is important to fight, like the Borderlanders in the prologue (and I think it also will come into play when they have to keep fighting after Rand dies).

•  If you want something interesting from Fel, it might be that he didn't seem to believe the Dragon Reborn could actually make the prison whole like the Creator made it.

•  If you want something from Fain....that's a good one for him to be confused about whether the info was introduced in 4, 5, or 6, because Fain was prominent in those books. The Two Rivers is a good mental landmark, and he might have been thinking, 'Well, I know it wasn't before the Two Rivers (book 4), and I know it wasn't after Lord of Chaos because that's the last time we see Fain before the incident in Cairhien where he knifes Rand (book 7), and then the incident in Far Madding (book 9).' Maybe Fain's special talents? Torturing Fades? Being able to see Darkfriends? Being able to make people do weird things? Some people thought when Crossroads came out that maybe Fain had caused the problems in So Habor.

•  the Aelfinn doorway experience [Luckers insert: with Mat] - why the three extra answers? We know they were trying to get him (and Rand) out of there before the place came down on their heads or whatever, but I'm just saying.

•  The ashandarei was actually the weapon I had in mind when I suggested that the detail might be something like a weapon that someone carries around all the time. I just assumed that the gift of the ashandarei was so strange that it must have been discussed to death already. Terez mentioned a theory that suggested that the ashandarei was part of the leavetaking agreement but I got the feeling that the only reason Mat was allowed to leave at all was because he used one of his wishes to be back in Rhuidean. Otherwise he might have become one of the human skins the Foxes wear. Perhaps they gave the spear to him because he is ta'veren? Is the metal it is made out of important?

•  [Luckers insert: This was a reply to the above] The ravens on it might be.

•  When I heard the reference to Mistborn, my first thought was that it would have something to do with Mat's medallion, as the two objects in question are similar from a literary standpoint. Although the ashandarei does seem more likely.....

•  Somewhere in the Yukko version of these forums is an old exBoard thread about "Suitable Weapons" where I suggested that the Ashendarei was a roundabout wedding gift to Tuon because it resembles a Naginata which was considered to be a "suitable weapon" for women to defend the home estate while the warriors were out doing "warriorry things."

•  Thus far the ashandarei has been a kinda cool, pointy thing with a snarky inscription on it.  The memories and the medallion have already played major parts in the overall storyline. Has the ashandarei done anything like that so far? It interested Tuon but it was his ring with the ravens in flight that tipped her off about him being her future husband, not the ashandarei. The ashandarei seems to be the "Chekov's gun" of the Eelfin experience that still needs to be used.

•  What if the ashandarei is an angreal, sa'angreal or ter'angreal? That would be ironic. What if it were the Blade of Light?

•  Thom, Mat and someone else must enter the Tower of Ghenjei to rescue Moiraine. At some point, I believe it was revealed that the Finns were based within and/or accessible from the Tower. We were also given the indication from the Rings that they don't like music or fire. Similarly, with the Snakes and Foxes game, we discover that the only way to beat the game is to cheat. Do we have any hints as to how to cheat the Finns?

•  Taim's taunting of Bashere when they meet: Compulsion. He used Compulsion, or something very much like it on two of Bashere's officers (and I believe their wives) when they first met. If Taim's been sitting in the Black Tower using Compulsion on everyone for the past several months what could that mean?

•  Ituralde is a particularly combustible ally for Rand heading into Book 13. There's this Graendal factor you just highlighted ... and I agree, I don't think she'd miss the chance to tamper with him. Plus Rand didn't keep up his end of the deal in Arad Doman (though he could theoretically correct that post-tGS).

•  [Taim] does know compulsion. (LoC, 93) Unless he used the Verin method and talked to lots of male wilders with daddy issues, he probably learned it directly from someone. Perhaps the same source he learned his other old-knowledge weaves. Maybe whoever helped him escape from his Aes Sedai guard?

•  [Luckers Paraphrase-ment] Rand’s new attitude seems to be based on love and peace, but notice the correlation between Rand’s thoughts about that in Vein of Gold, and his feelings when he is under Avendesora. So I figure, maybe a small little place we were told about way back when might be able to help him out:

•  [Luckers insert: On Taim’s use of compulsion] not compulsion then, but something similar, something mind breaking. All this time with him doing stuff like this is a minor detail, the implication of which has largely been ignored.

•  What about Avendesora? I could see the tree being something we glossed over. Oh wow, the Tree of Life, lets move on. Anyway, we know Avi is heading there, all signs point to a song being found and sung and I think Avendesora could play a big part in the fight against the blight. I can see it now, lines of weaponless Aiel, Tinkers and Ogier singing saplings to grow and fight the corruption of the blight.

•  What about Min's viewings in the first chapter of TSR? Not all of those viewings dealt with the WT split and subsequent fighting. Sheriam's viewing of her face battered and bruised didn't come to fruition until much later in the series. I've always wondered about the "apple-cheeked Accepted" that Min views right before Sheriam. It's most likely that she's Theodrin, from the description we get of her when she initially tries to help Nyn break her block:


Originally Posted by TSR, Chapter 1

Another Accepted came to replace one already there, and to Min’s eyes bars floated in front of her apple-cheeked face, like a cage.


Originally Posted by LoC, Chapter 8

Of course, the apple-cheeked Domani woman was not Aes Sedai. Back in the Tower, Theodrin would have been raised to the shawl already, but here she had been raised to something more than Accepted, less than a full sister.

•  [Continued] Why are there bars in front of her face? We know that currently, as of TGS, she's missing along with the other AS from the Rebel camp on the BT mission. What if she's being held in some sort of prison by Taim and/or other Asha'man? Not sure what significance this would play, but it could point to exposing Taim and his cohorts, or it could be indicative that the A'M have some way to overpower a group of women channelers, because if Theodrin retained her ability to channel, why would she be imprisoned?

•  I wonder if Aviendha will be the one to bring back singing after seeing/learning it after her trip through the glass columns

•  Speaking of the corruption of the lands after Rand's first wound, were his followers also corrupted? It was at the same time that Masema became fanatical, and that may have only grown worse over time, spreading through the Dragonsworn.

•  Also, a small detail about the Tinkers may be the fact that they were on the way to see Rand in Cairhien when they were killed, since Mat was going the opposite direction south to Tear. And obviously, the message was such a small detail to Mat since it slipped his mind when Rand showed up to send him to Salidar.

•  Mat had it correct on the tinker thing, IMO. I think it was simply a tragic case of "death before important detail written down". There have been a few good cases of someone dieing before giving the final bit of info. (Harid Fel among them). Maybe we will find out what it was, but it won't be from where we expect.

•  Tinkers' song is a pretty good detail, but hardly hidden. It is mentioned in every book with a tinker in it, pretty much.



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