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Yet Another New Poster to Dragonmount


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Hi there-I'm Fenric25 (real name: Gary), fan of Wheel of Time for five years,  visitor to Dragonmount for at least a year or so now, new member of the Forum. Seeing as I'm getting all revved up for The Gathering Storm and all, I figured I should join this forum...have already posted twice (once a comment on the comic book delay or possible death, the other in asking to join the Illuminaters (sic) org). I've also posted a few profile pics in the gallery, all done with MS paint, so they're not the best quality but, alas, I don't really have much access to other digital media (nor knowledge of-I'm quite the technophobe for a contemporary 24-year old...) Anyway, just saying hi here, now that I've discovered the new members section...


BTW-Favorite WOT Book-tie for The Dragon Reborn and The Shadow Rising. Favorite chracters: Mat, Moiraine, Nynaeve, Thom, Min, Loial, Birgitte, Rand, Perrin, Egwene, Elayne, the Forsaken (cause evil's cool, of course ;))...the list continues, of course. Least favorite: Elaida, Padan Fain, a great number of Aes Sedai, the Whitecloaks, the Sea Folk...can't wait to see lots of this bunch fall flat on their faces...

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Absolutely! If I had more time this morning, I would most certainly join the Band's fires-alas, I have work to be getting to shortly and my three-year old son's chewing on the Internet cable again (he still has a habit of biting things-me, mostly. Doesn't bite anyone else. You'd think he had something against me...)

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