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The long trip ahead (attn. Estel and Nyssa)


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"Irina! Tala needs you to serve her tea in the great wagon right now!"


Irina dropped the broom she had been using to clean out one of the empty carts and cringed at the sound of Corlean's voice. She knew she'd better be quick about her business or she risked another beating. Her back still hurt from last time, and when she'd checked in the chipped mirror yesterday evening she still had spotted greenish bruises. They were fading fast, but her anger over it wasn't. Yet another blow to her pride - but then again, so what else was new. Life was life, and it had never been anything but cope for Irina.


She almost burned her hands on the kettle that was steaming over the campfire, but managed to pour tea in the porcelain cups without dropping anything. The tray she put the cups on was heavy oak and polished till it shone. Tala was undoubtedly either speaking to a delegation of possible buyers or she was trying to talk her way into Far Madding, so Irina took the best porcelain they had - Seafolk porcelain, paperthin and very expensive.


The road between Tear and Far Madding had seemed endless with its cracked brown mud and weary travellers, but it was better than roaming from farmstead to farmstead hoping to get a job. She'd been with the merchant train for three months now, and had quickly learned the tricks of the trade. Once in a while Tala even let her participate in the haggling, cause the leader of the train had quickly found out that while Irina didn't have any proper education, she did possess a very quick mind - and an even quicker tongue. She'd taught Irina the basics of reading and writing, and after evenings of diligent study, Irina finally started to make heads and tails of the closely-written scrolls Tala had given her to practice.


Life wasn't all peaches and roses though at the train - far from it. While Tala didn't hit her or abuse her, Irina couldn't do anything right by her husband Corlean. He had very big hands - and a pretty small mind if you asked Irina. That was what she held onto: the man didn't know any better, and Irina felt she had a lot more to offer the world than that pathetic man did.


When she opened the door to the great wagon, she didn't find what she expected. Instead of some representatives from the town's guilds or what looked to be possible buyers, two ladies were sitting on Tala's prized carved wooden chairs, talking amiably with the head merchant. They seemed very young, both, but the expensive clothing and educated manners indicated that they were most likely of genteel birth. Irina wasn't very much impressed though. Everyone held their place in the world, be it high or low, but that didn't mean that she immediately had to bow her head just because she was placed a little lower on the rank. She inclined her head curtly, then proceeded to set the tray on Tala's coffeetable and made ready to leave again.

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Guest Estel

Nervously, the woman glanced at her before sending her husband out to get someone to fetch tea. A relieved look passed across the man's face before he nearly ran out of the wagon. Few men, except Warders of course, enjoyed an Aes Sedai's company, and here there were two. Estel wondered why it was men were so nervous around Aes Sedai but not around other women. Aes Sedai too were women, and to the young Blue, that wound was still fresh. But as always, her musings lack the curiousity needed for her to really wrack her brain for an answer. Still she felt nothing.


Matthias was holding both Dieb, her mare, and Nyssa's mount outside, near the wagon. Since Nyssa had caught up with her, his constant worry had slackened some, but not much.


The Grey Sister had caught up with her a few days ago, with the excuse that she wanted another Sister's company. Estel was suspicious, but couldn't bring herself to care. 'Light, but it would be nice to feel emotion again, even the pain or loss I should be feeling. Blood and ashes, I'm supposed to be an Aes Sedai! Why can't I pull myself together. He's just a man!'


Again the merchant, Tala she had called herself, smiled at the nervously. Had it just been Nyssa, the poor lady would likely have been a tad more comfortable, but Estel's empty eyes and aloofness made her uneasy. And still Estel couldn't bring herself to care.


Finally, a young girl with curly hair walked in bearing a tray with tea and cups- all of Sea Folk porcelin. On a normal day Estel would have been able to spend a minute or two admiring the wonderful handycraft, but not now. Not since... Burn her but all she thought about was that day! She was Aes Sedai! But she couldn't help feeling like a young girl again, when the servant boy she had been eyeing did not return her affections. And still yet she could not bring herself to change. She just didn't care!


No smile crossed her red lips as the girl handed her a cup, no hint of gratitude or even acknowledgement. For the first time in a long while, she almost felt bad for the girl.

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Nyssa had never been fond of travelling all by herself. Of course ‘by herself’ was a relative understanding here, as no Aes Sedai ever left the tower without the company of at least a Tower Guard. Still, that wasn’t the same as travelling without the company of a fellow sister. When she had heard that she was almost on the same road as Estel, a Blue sister only a few years younger than she was, the decision to sidetrack a bit and meet up with her was easily made. The Tower Guard that followed her had muttered angrily about it, but he was easily ignored. Estel’s reaction to the surprise meeting hadn’t been all Nyssa had hoped for, but at least the woman offered better company than her stone-faced Tower Guard. And while it was obvious that Estel was bothered by something, Nyssa didn’t think it was prudent to pry into the affairs of another sister. If Estel needed someone to converse with, she was there.


A day or two after she and Estel had met, they encountered a merchant train, resting for the night. It would be Nyssa’s last stop before she returned to the Tower. She had set out with half a dozen Tower guards. Five of those were already sent back to the White Tower, each escorting a young woman who could learn to channel. The mission had been entertaining so far. Freja Sedai said it was an essential part of the education of young Aes Sedai. Venture out into the world under the guise of finding potential channellers, and learn about the way people react to the ring and the shawl. Of course she had to be careful with both in some countries. After a few words with the nearest person they could find, Estel and Nyssa were swiftly ushered into one of the wagons, where a nervous looking woman asked them if there was something they needed.


Estel was silent at her side, more often than not staring into the distance ahead of her. Nyssa occupied the woman with small talk, asking her about what she had seen in the world. She was quite confident that there was little she didn’t already know, but it was always best to make sure. After a while the woman had her man call out for tea. Moments later a young woman with a lot of curly hair entered the wagon. Nyssa watched her with barely veiled interest. It was quite obvious that this young woman wasn’t a child of the merchant pair. They looked too different, and the way she acted around them was not the way of a daughter or niece. As so often before during her trip, Nyssa wondered if anyone would miss her if a bunch of Aes Sedai whisked her off to the White Tower to get trained. She didn’t think so.


The girl walked towards the door again, ready to leave the merchants to their dealings with the Aes Sedai. Nyssa raised her hand, halting the merchant in his motions. He stood there, shivering slightly. The girl didn’t seem to be as frightened of them. A slight smile curved Nyssa’s lips. Good. “Wait a moment, child.†She addressed the young woman who had brought them tea. Then she turned to Estel. “What do you think? She seems to be of the right age… should we test her?â€

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Aes Sedai. I should have known.


When the dark-haired Aes Sedai turned to the other woman whom she addressed as Estel, and started to speak of Irina as if she wasn't even there, Irina felt a treacherous heat creeping up to her cheeks. Oh, she tried so hard to keep her anger in check - or at least, not have it show ... a bland face always worked better to surprise your adversaries than one contorted in fear or anger - but she coud only control it one out of ten times maybe.


I am here, you know. I have eyes, ears, a brain ... I am NOT a catspaw to do with as you please. I have a mind for crying out loud!


She was very tempted to just dump the cups in the dark-haired Aes Sedai's lap and walk out of there. On the other hand, a little voice in the back of her head told her to wait. You never knew. What if she tested true? What if it turned out she had the power of the world at her fingertips? An Aes Sedai commanded respect where ever she went, and judging from the way these two were dressed they didn't have it bad moneywise either. So she judged and weighed. And in the end decided that it probably was in her best interest to stay instead of bolt.


But if they thought they could bully her around, they had another thing coming.


"You might want to consider addressing me when you are speaking of me. I am clear-witted enough to understand what you say and I will reply since I have a sound tongue in my mouth. Aes Sedai" she added almost as if in afterthought.

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Nyssa’s eyes wandered over from Estel to the young woman that had brought them tea. She had encountered the kind of attitude she was displaying before, so it did not surprise her… much. She’d have guessed that the girl was eager to take any chance to leave the merchant train though. Perhaps she was wrong. Either way the child had to know that one did not address Aes Sedai the way she had just done without repercussions. “A tongue you may have, child, but unless you learn when to hold it, it shall be of very little use to you.†The tone of her voice was just this side of menacing. “When an Aes Sedai speaks, no matter if it is to you, or about you, you shall be silent, and listen to her words for they may be vital to you.â€


She picked up her cup then, taking no more than a second to admire the fine porcelain, before channelling a small thread of air and water into it. The steam that had been rising from it disappeared instantly as the tea cooled to a temperature where she could drink it. She sipped it, pleased with the taste of it. She regarded the young woman over the rim of the cup. When Nyssa was absolutely sure that she was about to open her mouth again to say something that would condemn her even further, she spoke: “And when an Aes Sedai speaks to her peers, it is wise to stand by and listen, for she may very well say something that might change lives.â€


With a few more sips she finished her tea, placing her cup on the table once more. The merchant and his wife were positively trembling, probably afraid that she would strike them down with lightning immediately now that the young woman had spoken out of order. Nyssa almost laughed. If they knew how much it took to create a lightning weave, they would probably reconsider their fear. “What is your name, child? If I am to address you about matters that may or may not concern your future, I would very much like to know how.â€

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Irina tilted her head a little and studied the face of the Aes Sedai. Oh, to learn to be as cool and composed in any circumstance like that - it was something Irina yearned for. Yet she was afraid to give in too much - to be yet again considered as something or someone to be used and then discarded, something with little value but a temporary gain. Debasing herself before this woman who would possibly rule her future was something that made Irina cringe.


Tala and Corlean looked as if they were about to throw up all over Tala's fine Tearan rug - but Irina would never allow anyone to frighten her so anymore. If there was a way, she knew she could talk herself out of it. And so she straightened her back. The Aes Sedai looked at her expectantly.


"My name, Aes Sedai, is Irina Mariott. And might I then know how to address you as well - since you seem to be adamant to be some influence in my future?"


The slitted eyes in front of her bode nothing well.


"I do not mean to be insolent, Aes Sedai, far from it. But life has been such that it has made me weary of people I do not know, be they of low or high standing. I have been dealt bad cards occasionally -" she glanced at Corlean only slightly "and I prefer to handle things on my own, and with as much information as possible."

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After hearing the words of the young woman in front of her, who was now no longer ‘the young woman’, but Irina, Nyssa inclined her head slightly in greeting. Never let it be said that Nyssa was not gracious on moments like these. Irina had shown them that she had a quick mind, and that she was not easily intimidated by the sight of those who stood above her. “My name is Nyssa Deschain. You may address me as Nyssa Sedai. I am a sister of the Gray Ajah.†She paused for a moment, glancing over at Estel. When the other Aes Sedai gave no sign of wanting to give her own input in the conversation, Nyssa continued.


When she spoke again, it was as much meant for Irina as for the traders. “The White Tower occasionally sends Aes Sedai into the world to find young woman who are able to learn how to channel. During the past month I have found five girls who had the potential. I have sent them back to the White Tower, with a Tower Guard to accompany them.†She had seen the trader eye the Guards she and Estel had with them, weighing their skills against that of his own guard. She expected that he was clever enough to see that they stood no chance at all. “As you may have noticed, there are only two guards left now, for two Aes Sedai. It is almost time for us to return home.â€


She turned her head slightly so that she could look Irina in the face. “Yet we would be bad Servants of the Light if we did not take the opportunities the Creator offers us. We would like to test you, Irina. You may be able to learn how to channel, and if that is the case, it is important that you come with us, to Tar Valon. To the White Tower.†Of course that would mean she would have to leave the merchant train, but something in the little speech Irina had given them told Nyssa that the girl wouldn’t object against that all too much.

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Guest Estel

While Estel paid attention to the entire conversation, she let Nyssa talk- a worrysome thing to someone who knew her, she loathed having people talk for her, but now she didn't care. The girl's spirit though, reminded her of her own; before her fight with Orion.


She snorted when the girl insisted she wasn't being insolent. "If we're talking of taking her to the Tower Nyssa, I suggest we test her, lest this talk go to waste. We still don't know whether she can learn."


Then, drawing her belt knife, she gently held the blade in her hand, letting the light from one of the windows glint of the small stone of the pommel.


"Stare at it, girl." her voice was still empty, but she managed to soften it. "Stare hard, there is nothing but this stone. This stone is the only thing in the world. You are the stone..." her voice droned on, waiting for the small light Irina would give off on her own.

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Irina was sure there was a hint of approval in Nyssa - Nyssa Sedai's - eyes, for which she was glad. Being on top of the situation was one, but being downright stupid was another. It was not wise to piss off Aes Sedai. On the other hand, Irina did feel she'd at least made the impression of being someone with her own mind.


The other Sedai, whom Nyssa had called Estel, now addressed her. Tala and Corlean watched along sullenly, and all of a sudden Irina wished for nothing more that this test they wanted to subject her to would indicate that she indeed could channel. It would give her an immense satisfaction to be able to stand before Corlean and tell him to .. well .. to sod off basically. Tala was alright, and Irina did acknowledge that she had learned much from her, but Tala had not offered her any wages other than a roof over her head and food she needed to cook herself. Both of them saw her only as a working mule - not as someone with capacities or feelings. And Corlean ... well, suffice to say he was just a major pain.


"Stare at it, girl. Stare hard, there is nothing but this stone. This stone is the only thing in the world. You are the stone..."


For a moment, Lyanna could do nothing but look into Estel's eyes though. They seemed so void of everything it seemed as if they were two holes in her head. She wondered what had happened there - and if it had something to do with the Tower. But then she let everything go and focussed on the stone in the hilt of the pommel.


It was a blue stone, and it shone in the light that came from the wagon's windows. For a while, Irina had no idea what it was the Aes Sedai wanted from her. Estel's voice made her drowsy, and she tried very hard to shut out the world around her and focus on the stone alone. It took a while .. but all of a sudden a kind of translucid, calm state descended on her. The stone became her whole world, and she - felt - something happen, something that Irina couldn't put her finger on. The stone gave off a small glint, and Irina was not entirely sure whether it was her who'd done it or whether it was just her imagination. She looked up at Estel and Nyssa, hoping to find an explanation there.

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For a moment the girl’s eyes widened, before narrowing in concentration. Nyssa had seen that look in a great number of girls during her quest for channelling women. In some cities, the mere word that an Aes Sedai was there sent girls flocking to her, all eager to find adventure and power. Other cities and towns required more discretion. She would go from house to house, requesting a moment with the resident girls, claiming to be a noblewoman searching for a servant or a companion on most occasions. After a girl had learnt she could channel, such discretions were no longer in order. Parents were often more than eager to get rid of the potential menace in their household.


Irina had the same questioning look on her face, one that soon altered into a look of pure concentration. It often took girls a while to focus. They didn’t know what to expect, and they were nervous, and neither were things that really aided in channelling. It required a lot of patience, the testing of girls. Next to her Estel had stopped talking, withdrawn once again inside the shell she had built around her. A pang of worry shot through Nyssa. Whatever it was that bothered Estel, it had to be serious. She had known the other woman for a long time, and she knew her as a prankster, a cheerful woman. This wasn’t a good sign at all.


The merchants were shifting in their seats. Nyssa raised her hand when she noticed the woman was about to speak. Silence! That hand said. Silence remained. Nyssa felt she was almost as intent on the stone as Irina was. When it finally flashed she found herself breathing a sigh of relief. Sometimes she just knew when a girl could channel. It was a gut feeling of sorts that had lead her to the right girls so far. She was pleased to find that her instinct hadn’t been wrong when it came to Irina. “Congratulations, Irina, you can learn to channel.†She said as she rose from her seat. Next to her Estel did the same. “Say your goodbyes swiftly, and pack only what you need for the journey. We shall leave within the hour. The White Tower awaits you, Irina, and it is eager to accept a new protégé.†Graceful as always she followed Estel out of the wagon, ignoring the protests of the Merchants. If she was right, Irina would come without resisting. If she was wrong… well… there were other ways to get young women to the Tower.

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"Congratulations Irina, you can learn to channel".


Pensive, Irina stared at her hands, half-expecting crackling lightning to wrap itself around her fingertips, dance off of them and dissolve into the air. Of course there was nothing to be seen of the sort. Nyssa had merely said she could learn to channel, not that she could wield the Power right here and then. But when she looked up and caught Corlean's gaze, she saw something there which amazed her. And gave her immense satisfaction. Fear. He fears me now. Good.


She rose, straightening the roughspun dress she wore on the days when they were not expecting visitors - she'd had no time to dress properly for the Aes Sedai - and wondered if this was one of the last times she'd feel the coarse fabric between her fingers. Her life had been a ratrace, a struggle against adversaries always, with very little power to do anything back. But that would change now. Forever.


Both Corlean and Tala protested mightily when she moved across the Tearan carpet on her way to the door. The remarks Tala gave her were along the lines of how she was an ingrate, and how they forbade her to simply pack up and leave, and how she had to recompense them for the food and shelter. Corlean's threats were more coarse and less wellplaced.


Irina turned, and stared at them coolly. She could now. So much power came from such a little statement - you can learn to channel child - that it baffled her. But she gathered this newfound control and held it close, adamant she never loose it again.


"I do not owe you anything. Moreover, I rather think it is the other way around. You may think on that while I gather my belongings. And be grateful I do not intend to hold you to your payment."


Corlean cringed back at that last sentence which had rolled so easily over Irina's lips and Irina smiled a sweet smile. This was going to be lovely. With a swish of her skirt she turned and descended the wagon's steps to the people who were going to ensure her future.



Irina Mariott

Novice of the Tower

*Your halo's slipping down*

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Guest Estel

Once they were out of the wagon, Estel thought she should at least give the girl some advice on how to behave. If the girl went to the White Tower as she was now, she might very end up like... well... herself.


"That quick tongue of yours will get you into trouble once you're among Aes Sedai more strict than Nyssa Sedai or I." From what she had seen, Nyssa was far from the strictest Sister in the Tower- one of the reasons Estel had never found a reason to quarrell with the other woman- and Estel was in no condition to be straightening the girl. Not that she would have been likely to had it been Orion on the other end of the Bond instead of Matthias. The girl had a spirit akin to the one she had taken to the Tower years ago.

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