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Character Name: Kivyl Pelory

Email address: raeynsedai@yahoo.com

Division: Freelanders

TTPC Die-by Date: After returning to Tear.

Age: 23

WS: 7

Physical Description: Standing 5'10", Kivyl is whip-thin with short dark brown hair and eyes.  As he is a minor lordling, he dresses to match what he considers his station - puffy sleeves in bright blues and greens.  He also, of course, wears a neatly trimmed and pointed goatee.


Place of Birth/Raising: Tear, Tear


Character History: Kivyl is the nephew of a Tairen High Lord, and the eldest son of said High Lord's sister.  His mother, Lamila, married below her station to a wealthy horse-breeder, Daruvan.  While his uncle wasn't extremely happy with this fact at the time, he was intelligent enough to realize that it strengthened his family's financial pull within the country, and had even debated suggesting raising Daruvan to a Lord of the Land should someone die.


Of course, most of this by-play was beneath Kivyl's attention as he grew up.  He dutifully studied all the things his parents felt that he would need to know as either a merchant or a Lord - basic accountancy and bookkeeping, the Old Tongue, manners, swordplay, etc.


His tutor was one Master Lindor, who also tutored a few other well-off children.  One such child was Joruil Laedrig.  Of an age with Kivyl, the two boys were fast friends, and did everything together as they grewup.  When they worked on the Old Tongue, they would keep each other falling over laughing from poor pronunciations.  When they trained with their rapiers, they always tried to spar against each other.  Joruil was like a brother to Kivyl, which was convenient, as Kivyl only had sisters!


This all changed as they entered into their twenties.  Kivyl, while having a frivolous and fun side, took the business side of his future estate very seriously, and dedicated most of his time to understanding their stock, their books, and so forth.  Joruil, on the other hand, was a third son, and therefore spent more and more of his time gambling and wenching in increasingly seedier locations.  Kivyl was dismayed at his friend, and as they drifted further and further apart.


Until the day he heard of Joruil's death.  Outraged that this could happen to someone who was so dear to him (even if they had been on the outs for all his poor behavior), Kivyl decided to hire a thief-catcher to track down this murderer so he himself could bring this scum to justice.

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