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February is coming!!!


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And you know what that means???  It means that the White Tower is getting ready to get involved in a service project.


This year I have a whole month's worth activities scheduled in addition to asking you all to do something good for your communities.  The Theme of the project this year is "Support your Shelters!"  Any kind of shelter will do: animal, children's, women's, homeless.  The point is that if you know of an organization in your area who helps shelter those in need, please join the White Tower in an effort to help out in any way that you can.


Starting February 1, 2009, the following is what activities you can expect to see here in the White Tower:


Week One:  Welcome and kickoff potluck

Week Two:  What you can do to help a shelter discussions (general discussions on how you can help various shelters)

Week Three:  Pimp your favorite Shelter! (tell us who they are and what they need!)

Week Four:  Let's get together one last time and make a final list of shelters so we can organize them by location and type.  I'll make that list a permanent fixture somewhere that's easily accessable by all for future reference.


And in addition, during the entire month of February I will be asking everyone to actually go out and do some good.  In case you are not sure what you can do based on health/financial means/location, Week Two should answer all of your questions.  This year I will not be taking any donations myself, so it will be much easier for you all to just go out in your neighborhoods and do things yourself.  Raising requirement fulfillments are up for grabs for actual donations.  In the case of donations, please e-mail me:  mendorah_sedai@yahoo.com.


And speaking of Week Two, I need people to start discussions on these topics.  Raising requirement fulfillments ARE up for grabs for participation in these discussions as well as for participating in Week Three's "Pimp your Favorite Shelter!" and for participating in the final listing of organizations.  I will Open the topic threads for each week's activity and you all are invited to come on in and enjoy the fun and learn something cool!


See you next Week!!


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