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Basics of making an FL character


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Well, Taei made me aware of the fact that I hadn't gotten to this yet, so its time I stopped being a lazy git and got it done. :) So just going through a few main points.



What sort of character can I make as a Freelander?


The only two limits are your imagination and common sense. As a general rule, you shouldn't make powerful characters to begin with, though if you have a really good storyline to go with it and development of the character, it'll still get consideration. Except for royalty, that has to be earnt IC.


Having said that, there are some things to be aware of. The majority of FL characters are mobile, they go from city to city, and its advisable your character be the same. Peddler, gleeman, merchant, someone who simply has wanderlust etc. This will allow you to move about to where interesting things are happening rather than getting isolated in a city with no one else around, which can happen.


Also, as a general guide do not make your character overly unique. He or she doesn't need to start of as five kinds of fantastic. Indeed, its better to start off with maybe one thing that stands out, and from there change and add to your character through the RP. It also means if your first idea for your character doesn't work, they're more easily adaptable to other things around them.


So what needs to be in my biography?


The Freelanders use a specific set of requirements for their biographies that can be found below:



Character Name:

Email address:

Division: Freelanders



Physical Description: (Height, weight, eyes, hair, other outstanding features)

Place of Birth/Raising:

Character History: (Should include any major events in the character's life prior to joining the Division, as well as any significant RPs since)


In particular note that unlike the other divs, we have no max of one page for our biographies. If you want to take time with developing your character and want the extra space, its there. As a minimum you should have two large paragraphs or three smaller ones. Bare minimum. Also keep in mind that these bios aren't just for approval, people will use them as a reference when they want to learn more about your character when RPing with you.


All bios should be sent to:


Freecastle.bio [at] Gmail.com


Some people say you can have more than one character in the Freelanders, how?


The current rule for the PSW is that you may have one character per division. In Freelanders, you can have up to three, but with conditions. You may have one Atha'an Miere, one Ogier, and one other char of your choice. The reason for this is that the Atha'an Miere and Ogier were once separate divisions in their own right. When their membership fell, they were then given over to the Freelanders to manage.


I have some ideas for a bio, but I'm not sure about them. Who can I ask about them?


As a rule, I try to make sure as much is negotiable as possible. So if you think you have an iffy idea, come to me about it and we'll talk it out and see if we can't get it to work. Check my profile for contact details.


Where can I find info about the world to help make my character?


Currently, from other RP'ers and the books. This is something we're working on at FL, and a site that is under construction will be hosting information as its created. Likewise it'll hold other information like bios of members, weapon and one power scores, etc. I'm also around to hit up for information and if I don't know the answer, I probably know where best to look at least.


Death Incarnate also suggested that the concordance, a WoT info storehouse, be linked. You can find it









Thats the basics at the moment, at least that I can figure out. If anyone thinks anything needs to be added, let me know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One thing I thought might be handy, in the Freelanders especially, is this. It's a Wheel of Time Concordance and has everyhting to know about everything. if you're looking for information about cultures and customs to help improve on the depth of your character this is where I'd recommend going.








i've personally used the second one and know its good. The first I havn't but 've heard from reliable sources its good. Hope that helps.

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  • 1 year later...

what about transferring a dreadlord to the division? i've got some royal ambitions for my shayol ghul character that would involve a possible rise to nobility/royalty. obviously the latter part has to be earned but i was wondering what it would take for such a transfer to go through? thierry henry was only 16.5 so it can't be that hard???

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Guest Arie Ronshor

If you send your request and reasoning as to why you wish to transfer Divisions to freecastle [at] gmail.com We can look at your request a little more personally. :)

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