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Position Open for ADL


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Avalonshroud has stepped down due to real life issues and so the position for ADL is now open. I am opening this up to all of the Tower. Here are the job duties for this position:

AS - RP-Coordinator-

- Main Plotline roleplays for the White Tower

- Tower wide roleplays in retro

- Ajah roleplays (mainly duty of Ajah Heads and Sitters)

- Assist in planning Individual or group Rps within: IE: Tower vs Ajah, Ajah vs Ajah, Sister vs Ajah, Sister vs Sister, Tower vs Sister

- Roleplay planning with other division (Including help contacting and planning with other division, for both individuals and the Tower as a whole.)

- Approving & Reporting Bondings to the DL. - Update on the site.

- Updating any Ajah information on the Website (OP score increases, WS Increases, Member additions in Ajah's)

-Makes sure Ajahs get their ajah reports in for the DL

-Plan rps with ajah and be the DL's eye and ears with the ajahs

-Keep track of NSW's and add to website

-Keep track of Aes Sedai reqs, add to spreadsheet and website

-Announce Aes Sedai raisings on announcement board and website


Application : Assistant ADL in charge of Aes Sedai


Name :


Age :


How long have you RPed at DM?


How long have you been RPing all over?


What kind of IC positions have you held on this site or others?


What do you think our expectations of you are? 


Do you have any leadership experience at DM or RP in general (references)?


If you are applying for an OOC position, what ideas do you have for the division?


What are your talents (ie website building skills, spreadsheets, gaphics, etc)?


Please send the application to jaydenasedai@gmail.com

Applications are due by August 30th!


ADL will recieve acess to the staff board as well as the DM RP Staff board for all staff members. They will help in major decision making and so need to be responsible and ready to help.

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