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Question about iTunes

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so i an ipod the other day, downloaded all the stuff i need for my computer, and when i tried to get a free song on the itunes store, it kept asking me for my credit card info. so my question is, if i buy one of those itunes music card thingies they sell everywhere, do i have to use a credit card?


Nope. They give you a receipt number, you enter it, and that gives you credit for the amount of the card. I only use those cards cause I really don't trust internet security.

  • 2 months later...

What you have to do is sign up an account; otherwise, how would the service know who's buying the music??? Nowhere in the contract does it say "credit card required", that's only if you are going to be buying music with a credit card. I had the same trouble when I started using the service; if you email me I'll walk you through it. Basically you fill in the required fields and then start downloading. That cover it? :D


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