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[Tribute] a tribute


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I have just read the news that Robert Jordan has passed away and just wanted to express my deep and abiding sadness and sincere condolences to his wife and family.  A rare talent of outstanding imagination and creativity, he will be sorely missed.


I agree. but let us not despair over the loss of the dragon. Though the fires of his body were extinguised, the ashes of his memory shall live on in his tales. Just because the author leaves this world, doesnt mean the storys woven into the pattern by the author has to go with him. I bow my head in respect and reverence of his memory. He has awakend from the dream as must we all for that is the way this cruel balanced world works. Live on readers of the wheel of time, Live on and carry the memory of Robert Jordans tales and pass on the ferver of the love of the books on to the younger generation, so that they may do the same!


"May the dragon once again ride the winds of time"


sincerely yours,

The winds of time


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