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So some of the training reqs require us to RP with other people in the Yard, including other Trainees. So I thouight this would be a good post to have for when we come to those reqs and need to find someone to help. So post here if you're looking for another trainee to help out with an RP.


I would like to offer Alwyn as a sparring partner if anyone's up for a good spar. :)


For example this elective could work for that:


* Forms / Spar - Learn a few of the basic, advanced and intermediate forms. Not all of them are RP’d out, this depends on the mentor. The student will need to look up the website himself to learn more and has now done his basics. A spar with another trainee will conclude this, if a trainee cannot be found, the mentor can of course do the spar with said mentee.


Or just to practise some forms and fighting skills. I'd love for Alwyn to train with other trainees and maybe further both trainees in their training also?

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