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Major RPs by Divisions


CoL: none




Kandor RP





Kandor RP



Watchers with BT





Kandor RP



Like the wind onto a house of cards (Arafel)





Like the wind onto a house of cards (Arafel)






Laurel Crown in Illian (Phase 1)



Laurel Crown (Phase 2)


Laman's Legacy(Prologue)



Laman's Legacy: Sons & Daughters (Phase 1)



Laman's Legacy: Darkness and Shadow (Phase 2)



Laman's Legacy: Dark Before Dawn (Phase 2)





Laman's Legacy (see above)




Watchers with WT



Laurel Crown (see above)




Laurel Crown (see above)


Manetheren RP (the bandit problem)





Manetheren RP (meeting the future Queen)



What is going on in each parts of the world


- Almoth Plain:  After the Seanchan were driven from Falme and thrown back in the sea, Falme and Katar have both started negotiating together to form new defensive pacts as well as to strengthen themselves in case the Seanchan return.  Not since Almoth was a nation has there been such co-operation.


- Altara: Altara is currently divided between four factions including the Queen.  While the Queen holds most of the power, she must also deal with these other factions.  The Kin are hidden, but when they reveal themselves they are going to change the face of Altara.


- Amadicia:  Held by the Children of the Light currently with no challenges to their authority.  Though, there have been an increase in troubles with bandits on their border with Tarabon, and raids by Altaran marauders as always continue.


- Andor:  Held by the Dragon currently thanks to the Aiel and his own efforts, Rahvin being killed in the process.  He rules as regent there because he cannot and will not take the throne, holding it in trust for the Daughter Heir.


- Arad Doman:  Ravaged by the brief Seanchan occupation due to the Forerunners, they are rebuilding and the merchant families are investing heavily in developing their own forces to help repel a second attack while tightening their relations with Saldaea, who helped liberate them from the Seanchan.


- Arafel:  With the fall of Kandor, Arafel has been placed in a dangerous position as it now has a much greater border with the shadow, and alone its forces are not enough to retake Kandor and keep her Blightborder intact.  They have made active attempts to engage the shadow in Kandor’s territory even as they’ve rescued those they can.


- Cairhien: Currently held by the Dragon.  Some noble families are collaborating with the Aiel, but most have supported and participated in the growing resistance which is going to explode in the Laman’s Legacy RP.  After that RP, the Aiel will be removed from the city and the Dragon shall form the Legion of the Dragon from the remnants of the Cairhienin forces to keep order in the city.


- Far Madding:  After Illian and Andor both acquiesce to the Dragon, the council shall follow suit in turn for Far Madding as all their major trade routes will have sided with the Dragon rather than risk confrontation or a loss of trade status.


- Ghealdan:  Things are currently quiet here, no one has done anything with the country and since we never really developed Dragonsworn with a Masema like prophet, there is no disruption there.  We’ll probably think of something suitable to ravage them with at some point.


- Hunters of the Horn:  Despite rumours that the horn has been found and sounded, Hunters still wander the lands in search of adventure even as they attempt to find the horn, or the truth of the rumour.


- Illian: Currently ruled by Ja’varan posing as Queen Sofia Stepaneos after Mattin Stepaneos was found dead in his bed of unknown causes.  The real Princess has taken refuge with the Stavros and their militia and when the Laurel Crown RP finishes, Illian will align itself with the Dragon.  Some of their companions will no doubt join the Dragon’s Legion.


- Kandor:  Completely fucked.  After the fall of Chachin to the Shadow, the remnants of the Kandori army have been scattered and disorganised, just trying to save people and get them to the neighbouring lands as quickly as they can.  The White Tower has just sent considerable aid to reclaim the nation to the Light.


- Kin:  The Kin around the world are still attempting to maintain a low profile and attract as little attention as possible.  Yet within their ranks in the knitting circle, factions within it wish to declare themselves, to live openly and either side with the Dragon or simply place themselves beyond the White Tower’s authority.  Traditionalists block these movements, yet events in the world threaten to tip the balance.


- Mayene: Despite their first not being present, they are managing remarkably well and there is no trouble in her waters or her home thanks to the peace that has been enforced by the Dragon on Tear.  No longer having to fear Tairen designs, they will have little trouble contributing some of their soldiers (including some of the Winged Guard) to form the Legion of the Dragon.


- Murandy:  As always, the nation is a divided eyesore that is only united in its complete suspicion of outsiders.  The King currently holds limited power, but when the Dragon holds the allegiance of Andor, Illian and Far Madding, it shall either help unite Murandy under his rule or require him to enforce it so he is better able to deal with the changes in the outside world.


- Ogier:  The Great Stump has been called and Ogier elders from all Stedding have come to speak about what is happening in the world, and whether they should intervene or leave the conflict that is brewing.


- Saldaea:  Saldaea is currently faced with three problems.  To the west is Arad Doman who they had to liberate from Seanchan occupation, to the north is their Blightborder and to the east is Kandor that has been overrun with trollocs and refugees of the fall of the nation.  Having to guard against the Seanchan, the Blight and try and rescue what refugees they can while resisting the trollocs on a second front is beginning to strain its resources yet it still holds strongly.


- Seafolk: The Seafolk are currently in the process of avoiding the Seanchan, ceding their islands rather than attempting to face the Seanchan in open battle save for the occasional skirmish.  The current Mistress of Ships advocates this strategy, but should anything happen to her, a new Mistress of Ships might plot a new course.


- Seanchan:  After the Forerunners were repulsed, the forces of the Return have taken care to consolidate their holdings amongst the different island chains on the Aryth Ocean, driving the Sea Folk away who are currently trying to avoid rather than engage the Seanchan.  Currently, they plan a two prong attack against the mainland to take both Tarabon and Altara and thereby allow them to crush Amadicia between them.  Absorbing these lands would put the Seanchan in a favourable position against any remaining forces in the land.


- Shienar: Ruled by Sammael posing as the King, he reinforces his position as much as possible in order to resist the Dragon when the time comes.  It has reinforced its border with Arafel as if to send support, but has made no move as of yet to actually do so.


- Tarabon:  Tensions have increased with Amadicia due to bandits along the trade route and Tarabon being unable to fully contain it, but not wanting the Children to move onto their territory in force to do so.  At the same time, while the Panarch and King hold sway in the city, a third force is rising on the Calpene Peninsula, the Four Winds Trading Company.  Managed by Darian and Liara Tiandar, they have not only steadily brought order to the Calpene Peninsula but have begun to assist with the suppression of the bandits along the Tarabon/Amadician border.


- Tear:  Having been under the Dragon’s control for months, a brief attempt by some of the nobles to revolt was quickly put down and since then Tear has remained steadily loyal.  Some of their Defenders will end up joining the Legion of the Dragon.


- Tuatha’an: The Tinkers are all gathering on the Plains of Maredo for a great meeting not only to celebrate their culture, but to discuss what is happening in the world and what it may mean for them.

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