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Excuse me, but aren't you the new white?? ATTN:Lillian Sedai


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The sun light was only a rim in the horizon, the day was turning to night and darkness soon fell upon the Tower. Deiria leaned on the balcony railings. From this side of the tower you didn't see the huge dragonmount and you could watch the view over the roofs, the city and over the river to the horizon for hours. It was a good place to think or just leave all your thoughts aside. Deiria was very glad that this balcony was a part of white ajah quarters. Cold wind played games with Deiria's long hair which she liked to keep loose. Only small decorative pearl hair clip on the other side to keep few stubborn hair locks away from her eyes.


She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. Home she thought in relief. Hurriedly she had left Cairhien and barely alive. How stupid she had been, she scolded herself. Luckily she had met a wisdom from a village nearby. Without her she probably had been killed. Stupid! She inhaled again. Sweet air of the Tower. She had not realised how much she missed the Tower until she saw the high peak of the Dragonmount and the sight of the Tar Valon rising from the horizon. She had stopped her horse and cried, deep purifying cry. She had been lost for so many years. Answers she found from Cairhien betrayed her. The Tower had been in front of her, a days ride ahead, but it was there, unbreakable and always the same. And Mother always welcomed her children back home, she took care of them - always.


It was dark and getting cold when Deiria left the balcony and closed the door behind her. Even Aes Sedai didn't feel the heat or cold, she could get ill and her simple white dress was not suitable for ourdoors. The silky dress was simple, but elegant. The bust of it was more proper for a green, perhaps, but after so modest dresses she wore in Cairhien it was refreshing. And what other's thought of it was like a whining of a bee to her ears. When she turned she found newly raised Lillian Sedai just in front of her - was she coming or going?


"Evening, Sister" she said politely.



Returned to the Tower


OOC: feedback is received :D you may take this to what ever direction you want...

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Standing behind Deiria Sedai, Lillian was patient as she weighed up how best to approach her new Ajah sister.  Although Lillian was committed to getting to know all sisters in the Tower, it was easier to get to know the sisters of one's own Ajah because of the common identity.  Deiria Sedai was someone she knew little of though, the woman only having been in the Tower during her years as a Novice and disappearing before she became an Accepted.  She'd only returned perhaps a month before Lillian had taken her oaths, or so she had learned, and no idea as to what she had been doing or why.


She chose to wait, letting Deiria Sedai deal with whatever thoughts were in her mind even as she took the opportunity to entertain a few of her own.  When her sister turned to find her there, there was a slight smile on Lillian's face as she inclined her head.  Not simply because she was the older sister and therefore in practice had seniority, but simply because it was polite.


Lillian had noticed the garment that Deiria Sedai was wearing, something for to break the ice with.  "Good evening, sister, I'm sorry to intrude but I couldn't help but notice your dress.  Its beautiful, but it is a touch chilly."  Very true, and the fact that the dress was silk wouldn't help.  Lillian's own simple garment of white wool was a bit more practical considering the cold, even if it wasn't quite so elegant.  Indeed, it was more practical than anything else, something one would wear in the comfort of one's home.


"I was wondering if you would care to come to my quarters and share some tea and warm up, and perhaps while sharing tea we could talk?  We barely know each other, and that is something I would like to remedy if you have the time?"



Lillian Tremina

Sister of the White Ajah

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"Why, yes of course" she answered politely, and they turned walking side by side towards the Lillian's room. As they walked, Deiria continued polite conversation:


"Yes, your dress is more proper than mine is, for the evening like this. But after wearing so many years silk, it is hard to wear anything else. Even after years of education in the Tower there are always something that the Tower cannot root out of us. My weakness - may I say so - is an anything or nothing - the newly raised was probably too polite to let it show. wearing silk in every occation" she laughed merrily. The whole thing she said was - of course - a joke. Every sister had many weakness, faults, specialities or oddities and older the grew, more peculiar ones they had. She raised an eyebrow slightly and watched Lillian curiously. Only a faint glimpse of smile on Lillian's face. That could me


The door was opened to Lillian's room. Deiria's room looked pretty much the same. Plain White Tower decoration and furniture. Not a single furniture was really plain in the Tower really - save the ones novices' and accepteds' have. During the years in the Tower, she had needed only a little and had stayed mainly in the Tower. No courtains from Mayene or vases from Tarabon. Now, it was still like it. She had been forced to leave in haste having only clothes she was wearing. Her things and belonings were still in Cairhien, and probably she was not going to fetch them any time soon. She had sent instructions to her maids to close the house for good and paid them nice redundancy payment. <i>Stupid</i> the thought pushed through, but to Lillian she showed her smile and seated at the small nicely decorated table with a pair of chairs.


Deiria Sha'Veer

White sister



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Lillian wasn't exactly proud of her quarters, mainly because they didn't feel like they were hers as such to begin with.  She had only just moved into the White Ajah Quarters, and her room was still very much a matter of the bare essentials, doubly so because she had chosen the White Ajah.  White sisters had a reputation for rooms sparsely decorated because there was little reason or logic seen in it.  Hence the rooms had a certain...  spartan, feel to them.  Something that Lillian was going to remedy in due course, perhaps after her first mission and she had had some time to think over how exactly she wanted her home decorated.  After all, it was going to be hers for the rest of her life, and even if she could change it later, she wanted to try and get it right the first time.


Showing Deiria to her seat nevertheless, one of the mere two that she had in her room by the empty fireplace, Lillian opened to saidar as she created a self sustaining fire where the fireplace stood, needing no wood to feed it meant no smoke which was appropriate since the fireplace had no chimney for smoke to go.  Smiling at Deiria, she didn't deign to release the power yet as she still needed it.  "Just a moment, I need to retrieve my tea set."


Disappearing through another door, it was less than a minute before she emerged with a wooden tray upon which her cups and teapot rested.  Sitting them on the small table, Lillian moved her seat near Deiria's rather than placing it opposite her so the table was between them.  Water streamed from thin air into the pot and a simple thread of fire had it boiling quickly enough.  Pouring the tea out, Lillian offered Deiria her cup as she apologised.  "I'm sorry I have no sugar, honey or such to offer with the tea, I haven't even moved all the things from my old room in the Accepted Quarters to here yet."


Nodding as Deiria dismissed the matter, Lillian smiled as she took her own tea.  "So, how am I doing so far?"  That seemed to have been a bit more direct than Deiria was expecting.  "I've been a White Sister for only a couple of days, and while I haven't rebuffed my Ajah by any means, I suspect being atypical of the Ajah may not have helped.  Or the fact that I am retaining so many ties outside of the Ajah.  I was hoping you would be able to shed some light upon this."


Sipping her tea, Lillian knew that while she was direct, this was the quickest way to find out where they stood with one another.  Once she had an idea of that, then she would know how best to proceed from there.



Lillian Tremina

Sister of the White Ajah

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