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(Moved from Tinker DG) Ranks and Points of the Tuatha'an


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Rahein Dore

This is the first rank of the Tuatha'an. Rahein Dore translates to Dawn Dancer. This is the rank one gets upon becoming a Tinker. It will take 10 points and activity for one consecutive month to be raised to the next level.


This is the second rank of the Tuatha'an. Shain'dar translates to Peace Sister and Shain'din translates to Peace Brother. This rank is gained once a Rahein Dore, who is aspiring to peace, has earned 10 points. It will take 15 points and activity for two consecutive months to be raised to the next level.


Souvra a'Shain

This is the third rank of the Tuatha'an. Souvra a'Shain translates to Soul of Peace. This rank is gained once a Shain'dar/din has fully aspired to peace.


Additional ranks can be gained as the Mahdi, William, or the Shatayan, Desiree, see fit. A list of things to do for points is listed below.


There are a few ways one could go about getting points. There's the simple 1 point tasks, and the little more difficult 2 point tasks. There is no limit on how many one can do because of the time-limit we have on the ranks.


1 Point

-Identify 3 edible berries, 1 edible mushroom, and 1 poisonous plant/berry/mushroom. (Picutres greatly welcomed)

-Recipes for an appetizer or dessert

-Being a discussion Participant (at least 3 posts to count)

-1-3 stanza Haiku (3-9 lines)

-15 lines or less poem/song relating to nature, peace, or the Tuatha'an

-Test of honesty! Go out and do volunteer work and post your experience on the boards


2 Point

-Recipes for an entree/main course

-Being a discussion Leader

-4 or more stanza Haiku (12 lines or more)

-16 lines or more poem/song relating to nature, peace, or the Tuatha'an

-Mailing letters made from recycled paper to Will or Desiree (PM for address)

-Songfiction (story with a song accompaniment)

-editorial for The Song or The Hornsounder (submitted to Desiree)

-The Song staff member


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