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There seem to be a few people who are defending the Amazon adaptation of the Wheel of Time. I have to ask why. The producers seem to be doing about the same thing that was done with the adaptation of the Shannara series, that is, taking some names and content and making their own story out of it. I (personally) am a fan of James Rigney (aka Robert Jordan) and his depth of work, his passion, his storytelling, and his wordsmithing. Every character that James created has been sabotaged in the Amazon debacle, and his foundation and story line have been left out in the cold. My question, then, is: Why are people still defending this horrible rip-off of Jim's work? Really - on this forum, is it permissible to ask this basic question? And if not, then why not, please?  Thank you.

  • Moderator

We already have multiple threads with people sharing their opinions on what they like and why. Please enjoy those. 

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