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Guest Barmacral

this is like... not even porn spam, its just completely random... wtf?


Additional earnings in the network - this is interesting! Swindle or earnings, will ask you? In this article will be presented all information about one of the widespread methods of the earnings of money in the Internet (idea it is borrowed even from the economic practice in THE USSR), tied on the money pyramid and the electronic purse Of yandeks. Advertising article for all those desiring, who encountered similar either still no, and for those, who want to learn - this pyramid works or nevertheless this is the inoffensive "method of the swindle (below it is given my own analysis about the truth and the lie). Can immediately copy entire text in order then, under the calm conditions of off-line to read a little and to think over above all that written. I will describe, how that surrounding you "net people" actually earns at present and very not badly. Times change - come the new forms of the varieties of earnings. But it would be foolish to speak about easy money, and in the real nevertheless will be necessary to apply small effort and time!!! YOU DO NOT BELIEVE??????????? IT MEANS TO READ FURTHER IT DOES NOT STAND. You for sure saw similar declarations. And this is the fact of the fact that the system works. The Internet makes gaudy by these communications, but in that continually, which to earn is possible only because of HONESTY and OBLIGATION of participants. Found all this 4 randomly on the business- forum of 4 months ago. THIS IS - the chance to attempt to change its life, as it changed my!!! And 4 to you in this I assure. Wandering as usually on different kind to forums I I find this article, in which it is indicated that IT IS POSSIBLE TO MAKE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FOR THE PAIR OF WEEKS WITH THE INVESTMENT IN ALL '. Well da+ thought 4 then, this must be sequential chip for the oleasters, but it decided nevertheless to read to the end and to learn, that to us for the the sequential Of gerbalayf they propose!!! It was further indicated that it is necessary to send on e0rub. to 6 Internet purses, enumerated below, in the system of the 4ndeks- money (for those, who he does not know, be introduced to the system on http://money.yandex.ru/'>http://money.yandex.ru/). to then cross out the first purse from the list, thus, after displacing list to one line upward, as a result of which the sixth line is freed, where you enter the number of your Internet- purse and fill up this letter more than to 200 different forums. No tricks! Well I thought week and thought that 4 in principle nothing I lose except ' and it decided to try! The purse of the system of 4ndeks- money established the Internet, it transferred to six participants in the action on 30 rub and began to send these declarations on the different forums. During 2- X of days I was registered to 115 business forums and the free boards of the declarations (be stored up for this by patience, but the matter it stands this). Week passed, I glance into my the Internet purse, and guess THAT!!!! The enterings there are none, generally. But different participants write that in the week who earned on 25$, who on y5$. Write propala, it thought 4, it fell in the the sequential of lokhotron as last cretin, who desired to earn for the pair of weeks of thousands of dollars. Well threw this occupation, so without having sent the remainder its declaration to 200 forums. Even in the week, for the curiosity glanced into its the Internet purse. I look, only one entering 30 rub. Yes, I think, the matter not standing, randomly was located the same naive as with 4. In two more weeks, randomly in the Internet found commentary to this project (commentary it was fastened below). Opened its the Internet purse, and in it already near e0$. From where? Incomprehensible picture, but nevertheless in 1 month of e0$ this very little, as the previous participants write - they in 1 month earned tens of thousands of dollars. And suddenly after 1 months began the most interesting: to my purse began to come the money each day, after the already 2 weeks on my calculation there was already more than y000$. After this, I sent its declarations to 120 more forums. Result was stunning. After a lapse of only 2 months, I obtained 4 "00$ and money go each day. Every 10 minutes my calculation enter on y. And this all only for the price in '!!! I was in the very poor economic position and for long it could not find to itself the suitable work before it stumbled on this article. 4 it did not believe, that this works, until begins to obtain transfers from in all sveta+ I it purchased everything that to me nado+ and this very by the way, soglasites'?!... my work now - this is each day on 2 hours in the Internet and EVERYTHING!!!! But the earnings of such, that to no chiefs and to leaders even it dreamed. Now I will describe to you as this it works, and most important WHY! 4 to you I promise, that if you are exactly soblyudat' below enumerated instructions, then you will begin to obtain considerably more money, than you thought, without applying to this of special efforts. You will agree, this is simple!!! This is legal. And your contribution composes in all '... (180 rub.) IT IS IMPORTANT: THIS NOT FRAUD And IN THIS CASE YOU RISK In no way, BUT THIS WORKS!!! ATTENTION of!!!!!! READ THIS SEVERAL TIMES!!! Follow instructions exactly and '000$, and can and it is more, they will be your in the course of two months of!!!!!!!. All this successfully works because of THE HONESTY of participants. HERE THOSE OF 3 STEPS Themselves Toward THE SUCCESS: 1. be registered in system YANDEX MONEY, which is located through address http://money.yandex.ru/, thoroughly become acquainted with this system as it it works, after calling by mouse "as to work with the system". Further press "installation and tuning purse". Purse, version (1,77 mb) and in accordance with instruction you will install purse, then select the version of the completion of purse optimum for itself and introduce 180 rub. (6$) to its purse. The cards Of ya.ndekh OF MONEY the minimum 100 rub are sold in the usual stalls. Now, in many stores of large and average it is municipal they appeared terminals with by means of of which enrollment to your purse it occurs in the course of 30 minutes, and can and it is earlier. In them so there is service To yandeks.Den'gi - completion of purse! Or read a little on the page other "methods of completing the purse". I preferred the system of the money orders through the terminal. Although for those whom does not have this possibility, it is possible to conduct enrollment by usual post transfer, the truth of money it is necessary to await several days (detail on http://money.yandex.ru/ for those who it wants to enroll money from Belarus' you stuchite to me to the soap. 2. take the first number of purse from the indicated below list, send to it 30 rub, after entering this number in the field the "number of the calculation:", (field the "name of recipient" and "e-mail recipient" entered nothing must not be), in the field Kontrakt/naznacheniye of the payment: write "if you please, introduce me into the list of 4.ndex- purses". Everything that you made - this they created service, and the main thing is is absolutely legal. You request the legal service, for which you pay. Further, beginning from the second, by analogy send on 30 rub to the following 5 purses (do not forget to enter in the field Kontrakt/naznacheniye of the payment: "if you please, introduce me into the list Of ya.ndekh of purses"). Here is the list of the purses, from which you one should begin: 1) 4100167160095 2) 4100169880191 3) 4100172817941 4) 4100171279327 5) 4100167772286 6) 4100193767820 I repeat in order to derive revenues, it is necessary to send 30 rub for each of these 6 purses. - otherwise, by the net moderators Of ya.ndekh of purses, you simply not will be included in system and you will not be able to cash in income. Now ATTENTION!!! After you carried out STEP 2, copy to yourselves to the computer this entire text from the beginning to the end (possible in size txt or even as to you more convenient). In the copied article cross out from this list, the 1st purse you will move 2-oy the purse for the place of the 1st, which you erased, thus you will move list for one line above (the 6th it becomes the 5th, the 5th it becomes the 4th, etc.), and enter in the 6th line the number of your purse. 3. make in my article what you want change, but you will preserve basic idea. You will place this article on not less than 200 forums and news tapes (News Groups). You will memorize, the more you will place, the higher your income will be, and this income will directly depend on you. The arrangement of this article on 200 forums, even on most maloposeshchayemykh, guarantees to you the income of 6 thousand i - IS THE MINIMUM of!!!!, in the course of two months of!!!!!!! It is more than arrangements - is more income with that in the geometric progression. YOU REMEMBER THIS!!! This business continues to exist and to flourish only BECAUSE OF HONESTY and SERIOUSNESS OF PARTICIPANTS. Thus, when you reach the first position, you you will have thousands of dollars simply as the creator of list! This costs ' and the entirely trifling work of!!!!!!!! The main thing, that this chip works, and soon you of this itself will be convinced! Study this now - without putting aside to zavtra+.!!!!!!!!!! TIME - MONEY of!!!!!!!! As to extend information in the forums: 1. is discovered prospector rambler.ru, yandex.ru, google.com, aport.ru, yahoo.com. 2. we write in the line of search one of many combinations of the phrases (you will move by the brains, you will appear keenness and so forth.): forum to begin new theme, forum to begin new theme work, board of declarations, portal of forums, rating of forums and so forth prospector will find thousands of pages, references to which immediately bring to MILLIONS of new themes of forums. And still: do not be frightened, if suddenly on that site, where you wanted to place your declaration, already are one or several similar. This once more confirms that the fact that this business actually works! But now 4 to you I will describe, why you in any event actually nothing lose, but you only win!!!!!!! Let us say, from 200 arrangements I will obtain only 5 answers. It means, I will obtain shch, being located on the '-oy position in the list!!! Now these of 5 people make on 200 arrangements each MINIMUM with my purse on the shch-oy position, and only 5 people answer those first of five - this is already 25$!!! Further these of 25 people make on 200 arrangements with my purse already on the ya-oy line (because enter their) and only 5 they answer - my income - y25$!!! Now, these of 125 people, after placing and after obtaining only 5 answers, give to me '25$ of profit (4 on by 3- it to the line of)!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is further more ridiculous: these of 625 people make on THE MINIMUM 200 arrangements with me on the 2-oy line and only 5 people answer, this already ey25$ of!!!!!! Well and most interesting, this that that these of 3125 people make on 200 arrangements each with my purse already on the y-oy line and them they answer again only 5 people, then my income -15625$ of!!!!!! Not this whether imposing number of?????!!!!! And this are all for the initial contribution in ' of!!!!!!!! When already you are not in the list (they ceased entering or entering very small), you will place this article again on 200 forums!!! And ENTIRE!!!!! You can visualize that 1000 people from entire peace are joined to the Internet and read these articles each day!!! Exactly as you now read this!!! Well, so that???????? Will spend you in all ', in order to learn, does work this??? But if you everything do in the manner that I described above, THIS WILL WORK, I SWEAR TO YOU!!! This line for the pessimists: But suddenly this business will collapse and to me no one money will send??? BUT INDEED each day in the Internet they appear from 20000 to 50000 thousand new users of!!!!!!!!!! Each day in the Internet appear tens of new sites and hundred of forums for the filling of new that THIS IS FACT!!!! According to the forecasts of specialists, to 2009 a quantity of users by the Internet increased in recent years from 9 million people, to 25 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What chances, that they will want to try themselves in by something new in??????? Only you will memorize: HONESTY and ONLY HONESTY OF PEOPLE makes possible to flourish for this business!!! Well and the latter - actually great axiom: in order to obtain something, it is necessary to give something!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4 this system for itself I start already second time. I will add from itself before beginning to work read below conclusion of one of the authors of this project!!!! CONCLUSION: Some people began to write that they already tried themselves in this form of earnings, and there were no enterings at all it was little or, asserting that the forums make gaudy by similar declarations and calls - THIS NOT THUS!!! This is the most efficient and most reliable today system. Participant earns nothing only in 2 cases: 1) if he is dishonest; 2) if it sent this article less than to 60 forums. Briefly about how everything is arranged: Man participates in the system only in such a case, when he is introduced into the list Of yandeks of purses. For this it is necessary to make enumerations not less y into 6 purses having compulsorily indicated in each of 6- TI of purses in the field Kontrakt/naznacheniye of the payment: "if you please, introduce me into the list Of ya.ndekh of purses". The list Of ya.ndekh of purses conducts the net moderator money.yandex, that, by the way, is one of the co-authors of this project. In other cases, the purse can be used simply as pay tool (for example, the purchase of refrigerator, RR tickets so forth.) and in the pyramid it does not participate. When man begins "to philosophize": not to send money, it is simple to enter its purses, means to it the calculation do not enter. To deceive the system of the registration of the list Of yandeks of purses is extremely complicated, yes even it is disadvantageous. Each computer has a name. Each person has specifications. Therefore the name of computer is fixed with the installation of purse and in order to deceive system, user must be registered 6 times from 6 different computers, or 6 times replace the name of computer and 6 different specifications. Further it must in the correct sequence send by y to its 6 purses. Only after this it can become a participant in the pyramid. You will think, it does be worthwhile this to make? The net moderator has other methods of the development of dishonest participant. Suddenly somewhere you will be mistaken, and benefit that kopeck! Below according to table it is evident that this is disadvantageous: 6) there are no enterings (i.e. the entrance into the system) 5) of 5 men on y = shch - the income 4) of 25 men on y = of 25$ - the income 3) of 625 men on y = of '25$ - the income 2) of 3 125 men on y = of 3 y25$ - the income 1) of 15 625 men on y = of 15 '25$ - income to extract a good profit is possible, only starting from the 6th position. Evidently from the table, after passing all six steps with one purse, you obtain 15 '25$. If let us suppose all 6 purses belong to you - you will obtain 19 ya05$ (i.e. difference it will compose only of 3 "80$), and risk not to obtain gain considerably it increases. Pover'te to me, that the inventors of system considered EVERYTHING, so that in honest participants in any problems not will be. System money.yandex, is interested in development and prosperity of this form of business, since it has 1% from each money order. It is more than purses - it is more than enumerations, system in the gain means. Now the matter after you! I desire successes! With The respect Vladislav Peshkov.


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