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[TV] ANTM Wanna be on Top????


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Yveva??? Where are you??? You watching???


Brittany was a little weird to me, but this week, man, she pulled out all the stops. She's fantastic! And oh, lord Jaseline. So much drama, so bad at the runway, yet so amazing in front of the camera. Crazy.

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Guest Yveva

yay! thanks for starting this thread! I was afraid that if I did it Empy would lock me out of the apartment! :)



Brittany strikes me as awkward when she's not in front of the camera, but I agree that she really brought it last episode. Yay her!


Renee whinging about the photo shoot was completely annoying. Buck up girl! Sometimes they want you to prove you can do something different. The only thing that was preventing her from nailing the shoot was her own lack of confidence.


Jaslene is superannoying, especially with all that "I walk so hella better than the rest of you" when she really doesn't, same goes for Natasha. I think both of them are being kept for drama and neither of them will make it to the top. That said, I could be surprised. It would be hard for Jaslene NOT to nail that outcast look. If she'd been the prom queen she'd have lost.


I like that they have two plus sized models, I hope they aren't just kept around to make a statement *sigh.* If they do make it to the end I am predicting cattiness from whichever designers they have to walk for in the final runway show.

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Guest Cadsuane

Yay! I like this show, but no one else I know watches it, or will admit that they do, lol. I missed last night's episode, but I'll read the updates today at work. :P

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But Empy, she's Mama Tyra. Oprah's protege'. hee hee hee.


Have you all seen fourfour's recaps? He usually puts them up on Friday or Monday after the show. Sometimes they are hysterical. http://fourfour.typepad.com/fourfour/antm/index.html


Ok, so Brittany, does anybody else get a "Helen from the movie Superstar" vibe from her? I'm really looking forward to watching her bloom in this competition.


Ummm, I think that Natasha chick goes to my ex fiancee's church (he's Orthodox now). Therefore she must be vanquished quickly. Although I don't think I have anything to worry about there, she doesn't seem to be doing very well.


I see a full on breakdown coming from Miss Jaseline.

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Guest Yveva

I hate it when they don't see that there *might* be room to grow and they only listen to themselves.


I also think it's a little silly to get all the way to the competition and think you won't have to pose like a ho at least once, I mean, c'mon! a naked shoot is a guarantee, don't try out if you dont' think you can hack it (but, again, possibly they do it for the little bit of TV exposure they get by deciding not to be exposed).


Was it just me or were the production values pretty low on the first two shoots this time?



(and ps, tell your friends they're more than welcome to admit to watching reality shows up in here! :) )

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yeah, I agree on the production. I'm hoping that that means bigger and better later on down the road.


Did you notice Miss J's belly pooch???? And I think his lisp is getting worse. Or maybe since he's gained weight, he just doens't care about being the super perfect MISS J anymore. He seemed pretty half assed this week. I missed most of last week, so I can't compare.

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Guest Yveva

yeah, I'm thinking that the Js are getting a little tooooo much power in the world of entertainment, perhaps a little too full of themselves? Though Mr. J. is pretty annoying doing red carpet stuff (a little too Carson Kressley (sp?) from Queer Eye, I kinda don't change the channel away if I happen on to Style Her Famous).



PS. did y'all notice that Australia's Next Top Model is showing on VH1? Anyone watching it? I kinda like the host, and the accents are worth it for a while :)

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I didn't even know there WAS an Australian version. I don't get VH1, so I can't watch it. And didn't a British version run sometime inbetween last season and this one? I tried to figure out when it was on, but just couldn't catch it I guess.


Duuude, Mr. J is Everywhere! Have you seen his QVC make-up spots???? Or if it's not QVC, it's some home hsopping equvalent. Since he's been doing that, his own make-up has gotten thicker and thicker. I have a very close friend (my gay boyfriend/hairdresser/ex-neighbor to be exact) who looks similar to Mr. J and he HATES Mr. J! Poor thing. He bleached his hair once and so many people kept telling him he looked just like Mr. J that he dyed it back within a week.

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Guest Yveva

*lol* yeah, there is next top model all around the world. Seriously. I saw the UK one while I was over in the UK, and now I've seen some of the Australian one. It's interesting to see similarities and differences. Gotta say, I kinda liked the early seasons when the girls didn't really know what they were getting in to :)

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Guest Yveva

Seriously? I am getting a little confused in my model-watching. Between the Australian and American ones, and then "The Agency" yeesh! I was wondering if I had missed an episode and then I realized the new one is on tonight!

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Latest Four Four recap.


I actually missed this week's episode on Wednesday so I had to watch it in re-run on Sunday.


Renee is killing me. I just can not Wait until she gets the boot! And I guess this week was Pick on Britanny Week. But I really like her. Poor Jael. She did a great job this week despite all the stress she was under.


But as much as I like Britanny, that weave they put in her hair is Awful! It doesn't match the color of her real hair and her real hair puffs out in the front. It's ratty and cheap looking. Blech! In fact, most of the make overs were ho-hum.

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Guest Yveva

*lol* I had to watch it last night as well!


I like Brittany, and truthfully, I think it's fine if she's crying, living in those conditions would be totally stressful and I think I'd be a bit emotionally unstable too. And yeah, they should have left her hair!! I liked Natasha's though, get her away from being the blonde. The immediately after makover pics were the best yet, but the candy concept just didn't look quite right. Did they use up all their good ideas in previous seasons or something? I'm sorry, but that *wouldn't* go in a fashion magazine.


I think I like the challenges where they are supposed to be selling a product, because those are the ones that are more magazine-esque. Or if they are doign "editorial" stuff. I think thier definition of what is and isn't p0rn changes season to season though. I mean, the season 1 nude shoot was way better than this season's.


Renee is a jerkstore. I hated the part where she was "we've been nothing but nice to you, everyone talks behind other people's backs" She's just being a drama-maker.

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Guest Cadsuane

How do you ladies feel about Natasha?? Her posing and walk and such that I've seen are OUTTA CONTROL, and not in a good way. They showed that snippet of her sticking her tongue out in the most ridiculous, insane way while posing for the candy shoot, I couldn't believe she thought that would be attractive! :?

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Guest Yveva

Natasha is not the brightest crayon of the bunch. She reminds me of a well meaning puppy, desperately wants your love, and you want to be nice to her, but just can't quite get it.



ps. Her life story made her sound like a mail order bride, what's with that?

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Guest Cadsuane

I think she's as close to mail-order as you can be without actually being ordered from a catalogue. My guess was that they tried to make it sound less skeezy than it was. But hey, whatever works, right?? It got her on tv, lol.

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Guest Yveva

yeah. Again, she doesn't seem eeeevil or horrible or anything, I genuinely do want to like her (though, I suppose that all could be persona created for the show). I'd be interested to see what she's like in a few episodes if she lasts that long. She does seem genuinely clueless about a lot of things, but she also is really good about twisting the judges comments into positives, and it takes come clever to do that.

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Ok,so one one hand Renee's karma bit her in the butt, but on the other hand, she did an amazing job and pulled that photo shoot out of her butt.


Hmmm, common denominator, here... Butt! She is one, she got bit in one and she saved her self with one.


yeah yeah, retarded, I know. But that's really all I had to say about this week.


Except that all of the girls did an amazing job. Excepting Felicia's shoot. And I can't believe that Tyra didn't say anything to Felicia about the judges thinking her problem was that she was getting too cockey about the competition! What's that about? She pulled the nice card.

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Guest Cadsuane

Yeah, they showed less Natasha this week, so I don't dislike her as much. Renee really IS a biatch, and I hate that she has a child and still smokes. But she rocked her shoot. I was quite impressed with almost everyone this time around.


Did either of you watch the first season(s)? I feel like the more recent cycles have had less in-house drama than the show used to.

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Guest Yveva

There was a VH1 marathon of seasons over christmas break and I was kinda shocked to discover just how many seasons/episodes I have watched... The first time I saw the first season I didn't think I liked it, but on second watching of some episodes I found myself enjoying it more. It was all unexpected, and the photo shoots were really good. Some of the more recent seasons hae really dumb photoshoots.



Sadly, I didn't get to watch the last 15 minutes of last night, so I guess I'll have to catch it on Sunday.

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I've watched every season. In fact, part of the reason I got hooked on season one was because it was a really good exercise motivator for me. I would watch the show, laugh and do my pilates at the same time. The following season I got my boyfriend at the time hooked and we would order chinese or gyros and pig out while watching the skinny chicks argue with one another, haha! Good times!


But I agree, the last two cycles seem to be filled with girls who know what's coming down the pike and so they tend to attempt to behave themselves. Although, there's Always One! I mean Monique and her "wetting of the bed" last cycle. Duuude. She had drama written all over her. And Jade the cycle before was a constant source of drama herself. I think the last real confrontation was with Corinne, I can't remember which cycle it was, (2 or 3 past?) but when she told lisa (?) she was a drunk B, I had to throw up a rockin' sign of the devil.

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Guest Cadsuane

Ohh, I'd forgotten Jade!! She was crazy. I've seen at least some of every season, and there is ALWAYS some drama queen that sticks around for longer than you think she should. I was thinking Renee might be gone this week, but then she did so well onher shoot I gave up hoping.

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Guest Yveva

yeah, the producers definitely have a hand in the eliminations. If there's someone that's boring and definitely won't make it to the end she'll be eliminated before someone exciting that definitely won't make it until the end. *shrug*


I don't like the manufactured drama bit. I just like the photos :)

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