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The 4th Age Podcast – Episode 58 - Knife of Dreams Recap Part 2 - Prologue pt 2 of 2

Guest Virginia


The prologue of Knife of Dreams discussion is by Andrew, Virginia, and Spencer is continued. Part two of two. We are going to try and get through a recap of the entire book before The Gathering Storm is released, so we will all be up to speed for it.


As always, during our discussions we go into all the books of the Wheel of Time series, from the prequel New Spring through Knife of Dreams, so if you haven’t finished your first read-through, you may want to come back to these podcasts when you have, as THERE WILL BE SPOILERS.


The team again sends thanks to Spencer for a job well done. He not only contributes his talents to the discussion, but is one of the super editing team we have now.


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