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Episode 27 Delays

Guest fader6818


(Update: Episode 27 is now available)


Okay, I seldom if ever post in the Podcasting section, but as Jason is not around today, and the Podcast crew is concerned about it, I should offer some excuses to why the listeners haven't yet gotten the new episodes. ;D


As many of you may know, Dragonmount recently had a hardware failure that prompted us to replace the server with a more powerful one. This process, however, means that not all of the bases are covered. One of these bases is the ability for the Podcasters to actually put their work on the site.


Episode 27 is already done! However, technical issues have prevented us from publishing it. We plan on getting this fixed in the next day or so, but there are a lot of little loose ends to tie up.


Thank you for being so patient, continue showing the Podcasting crew some love; the delay on Episode 27 is not their fault.




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