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Reasons? We're Chosen, we don't need reasons...

Guest Mesaana


Dear Chosen,


What are the main reasons for you turning to the Shadow? Demandred, you put up with Lews Therin for three years before turning, what kept you going? Sammael had the same issue. Asmodean, music is powerful, but it’s not that powerful. Semirhage, you didn’t have any place to go so you don’t have to respond. Ishamael, How long did you think about your theory before going over? Rahvin, your reason, Graendal too, Moghedien, Lanfear, (crazy!), Mesaana.



Dear Mooseygirl,


I had considered answering your question, but find myself bored with repeating the same things over and over. I chose instead, to use a bit of this new technology you’ve recently rediscovered and will provide you with a link. I managed to find some bastardized version of the truth here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesaana. After I took a moment to laugh that I have my own page at Wikipedia, I tortured the twit Novice who didn’t warm my tea properly, and wrote this reply. The entry is accurate enough, though you’ll note the background section is a little thin on the details. Must have something to do with the men who wrote the history. I wonder if I’d borrowed Graendal’s dress before applying for that job, if they’d still have turned me into a teacher?







Why the Shadow, people ask. Well, that's simple - better health care. Plus, they're very encouraging when it comes to their employees having pet projects they want to work on. I mean, where else would some of these crazies actually find gainful employment?


It's like one of those 'webcomic' things says: Evil - A Growth Industry!






I got two words for you: Dental Insurance. *broad pearly smile*







Simple. It fits in with my plans for ruling the world and attaining real, ultimate power.





Dear Mooseygirlwithnumbers


I presume you are from somewhere in what they now call The Great White North? And that you are probably the fourth girlfriend of a moose. Neither of those things makes you an excellent judge of the choices I had, and still have.


But, since I am in a mellow mood today, I will deign to give you an answer. An answer, might I add, which I have not shared with anyone before. Does that thought make you tremble in your mooselined boots? No, I suppose not, since I'm sure you do not grasp the implications. But I will give you the answer, nevertheless - I chose to grace the Dark Side with my allegiance because Daddy O promised me he'd make me prettier than Lanfear.





Little Ms Moose,

I am quite certain you do not possess the intellectual depths to in anyway comprehend my reasons for sticking around with Team Losers as long as I did. But I will do my best and break it down as simple as I possibly can, which unfortunatly will mean excluding some of the finer points.


First of all, in the beginning, I kept the hope alive that those fools would realise their mistake and beg me to replace that inferior maggot Lews Therin. Rest assured, that with my superiour intellect and strategic mind running the show, the war would have ended in a very different way.


Second, once it became obvious that the fools depended more on LTT than a newborn does on a pacifier, I decided to go where my talents where more appreciated. I did however stick around a bit longer, because you can never underestimate the damage done from within. Working behind the scenes is a true artform. Unlike rushing headfirst like a bull on viagra, like our "friend" Sammael here, for example.





And thus the reason Semi has to torture people for her kicks. Yet another shining example of men making promises and skipping out on them before they deliver.




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