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2007 Short Story Anthology

Guest Matalina


It's that time of year again to begin accepting submissions for the Dragonmount Anthology.


Before I get into details about this one let me inform you that the first one has NOT been forgotten. We have the final formatting done and we only await cover art. Now that we have the process down, I hope that this one will not take nearly as long to get published.


Short Story Submissions should be from 7,500 to 20,000 words. Any Wheel of Time fan fiction will be rejected with out ever being read, so please do not submit any. These pieces are to be original works from your own mind. If you are considering sending this work to a real book publisher for consideration, keep in mind that many of them may only want your work if it has never been published before. You should carefully consider this commonly-held belief and make the appropriate choice. Your work will remain copyrighted to you. We will have a contract stating you give Dragonmount permission to publish and that you retain copyright, just to make sure everyone is covered.


The Deadline for submissions is August 31, 2007.


Please send all your submissions to dm.anthology@gmail.com with "Short Story Submission" in the subject. In the body you need to include the name you wish your work to be credited to and your real name for our informational purposes only. All files should be in the .txt, .rtf or .doc formats. Please do not format your pieces with color or special spacing and margins. Doing so will only prolong the formatting process. You may use bold, italics and strike through, subscript and superscript, and underline to format your pieces.


We will be choosing the font, so please try not to include anything "special".


As with the last anthology no fan fiction whether from the Wheel of Time or not will be accepted. Please do not make any fan fiction submissions.


Have fun, good luck.


All proceeds will be going to the same research project that the last one has gone to. We hope that this will help in the same fight that Robert Jordan is fighting now.


We will also be accepting cover art submissions. All cover art submissions should go to the same email address (dm.anthology@gmail.com) with the subject "Short Story Cover Art". Please,include the name of the piece, the name you wish to be acknowledged by and your real name if different from the alias. Please name your file with your name or the piece name so we can easily distinguish it from other pieces.


Cover art will hold the same regulation of NO fan art. Please do not use anything related to the wheel of time except the use of a mountain to signify Dragonmount. I will be able to give you more information on text once our cover art for last years anthology is finished.


I look forward to seeing all your submissions.


Here is some additional information for your use:


If you would like to see how your story will look and help us with the editing process here is the template you can use for your short story. Download the Template This is not mandatory, but will help us in the long run.


Here is the Cover Art Template Download the Template. The spine will be generated after we have finalized all short stories.


For those wishing to use art in their story please use the story template to check your size and visibility when printed.


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