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Server Upgrade Successful

Guest Jason


Dragonmount.com has successfully been moved to a brand new server. No data was lost in this transition and (multiple) back-ups were made.



For those of you who are interested...


This is the first server upgrade we have had since 2002. The old server ("saidin") ran nearly non-stop, 24-7 for about 5 years. It hosted this site as well as several other smaller sites. (While I'm at it, check out www.Spectre-Movie.com)


When one of the hard drives on saidin crashed last week, I moved the entire site over to a spare computer I had sitting around. The name of that server was (fittingly enough), "salidar", as in the name of the city where the Tower in Exile went.


I could have just ordered another hard drive for saidin, but I took this event as a sign that I should just get an entirely new server. So I ordered one and about a week later, a brand spankn' new server showed up at my door. I named it "saidar".


After installing the OS (SUSE Linux for the geeks out there) and other software, I moved over the site contents and the rest is history.


So, even though the majority of visitors will never know the difference, welcome to saidar, and farewell to saidin, who will get its replacement hard drive eventually and join my private collection of render farm nodes in my home office.


Specs for old DM server, "saidin" (2002 - 2007)

  • Intel Pentium4 1.8 Ghz
  • 320 MB RAM
  • 80 GB Hard Drive


Specs for new DM server, "saidar" (2007 - )

  • Intel Pentium D 3.0 Dual Core
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 80 GB Hard Drive




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