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Red Ajah's International Women's Week


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This year is a great year in the International Women’s Day. For 100 years, IWD has been honoring those women who are such a big part of everyone’s life. International Women’s Day was originally National Women’s Day and started in 1909, in the US. By 1910 Clara Zetkin, of Germany, proposed a day for celebration and realization in every country. Thus by 1911, International Women’s day was born.


This year the IWW celebration at DM is one of the largest the Red Ajah has ever organized. This year, not only is the Red Ajah and the White Tower Org of DM participating in IWW, but the entire WoT fandom is raising awareness of women everywhere. Individuals from Dragonmount and TarValon have made pledges to complete a simple but powerful activity, to encourage everyone to recognize the hardships women have endured. It is the entire Red Ajah’s hope that you will join in on one of these activities, or even better, make one of your own.


Please see this web site, made by our own wonderful Head Nut Myst, for more info on RL activities and how to organize them. http://www.ariyena.com/IWW/



The key to making anyone great, male or female, is education. Women’s education has always been a struggle for those women who wanted to learn more and tried to do so. In the past, a woman’s place was not education and advancement. A woman’s place was in the home supporting her working husband and raising children. While taking care of a house and family is no easy task, there are still women who want to learn and advance their career. Other women, in some counties, were, and still are, thought of as cattle. A piece of property to be used by men, to barter and sell for profit.


This year's IWW theme is Equal access to education, training and science and technology: Pathway to decent work for women. We will explore the women who contributed to the advancement of women in the fields of education, training and science, and technology.


Please join us in the activities available. The discussions promise to be thought provoking and informative. Special thanks go to all the workers who helped with this year's activities. They put in a lot of hard work and effort into this and I am sure all their efforts will shine, in the next two weeks.


Now, without further delay, we welcome you to International Women’s Week and all the glories that are women.



More links to come!


Story Time

Science Ladies!

Teachers and Education

Guess Who?



RL Activities!

Women in literature!

WoT Women!

Word Game!

Who inspires you?

Women and religion





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