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The Last of the Plainsmen by Zane Grey

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From its harsh, awe-inspiring desrts to its luxuriant, rolling plains to its vast, sky-reaching mountains, America's Southwest is a land of immeasurable beauty.

Zane Grey, chronicler of the greatest adventures of the West, and Buffalo Jones, last of the plainsmen, that tough breed who followed their dreams west, into the empty spaces of the untamed heart of the country. The land draws these men.

The unsettled West is fast-disappearing, along with the wild creatures who call it home. This, then, is the last mission of the last of the plainsmen, the adventure that brough the West to vivid life for Zane Grey: track buffalo, mustange, and cougar, and bring them back, not as trophies, but alive and kicking!

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About the AuthorThe father of the western novel, Zane Grey (1872 - 1939) was born in Zanesville, Ohio. He wrote 58 westerns, including Spirit of the Border, Wildfire, and Riders of the Purple Sage. Over 130 films have been based on his work.
Title: The Last of the Plainsmen
Author(s): Zane Grey
ISBN: 9781466889811
Copyright 2015
Release Date: January 20, 2015
Publisher: Tor Publishing Group
Countries: United States, Canada | Learn more about available countries
Language: English
Format: ePub,mobi | Learn More about our supported formats
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About The Last of the Plainsmen by Zane Grey

From its harsh, awe-inspiring desrts to its luxuriant, rolling plains to its vast, sky-reaching mountains, America's Southwest is a land of immeasurable beauty.

Zane Grey, chronicler of the greatest adventures of the West, and Buffalo Jones, last of the plainsmen, that tough breed who followed their dreams west, into the empty spaces of the untamed heart of the country. The land draws these men.

The unsettled West is fast-disappearing, along with the wild creatures who call it home. This, then, is the last mission of the last of the plainsmen, the adventure that brough the West to vivid life for Zane Grey: track buffalo, mustange, and cougar, and bring them back, not as trophies, but alive and kicking!

At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

About the Author

The father of the western novel, Zane Grey (1872 - 1939) was born in Zanesville, Ohio. He wrote 58 westerns, including Spirit of the Border, Wildfire, and Riders of the Purple Sage. Over 130 films have been based on his work.

Title: The Last of the Plainsmen
Author(s): Zane Grey
ISBN: 9781466889811
Copyright 2015
Release Date: January 20, 2015
Publisher: Tor Publishing Group
Countries: United States, Canada | Learn more about available countries
Language: English
Format: ePub,mobi | Learn More about our supported formats

Dragonmount is a proud provider of DRM-free eBooks. By purchasing any eBook from our store, you are not only helping support our website, but you are helping small businesses thrive in a market traditionally dominated by large companies. Learn more in our eBook FAQ.

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