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News item Comments posted by Eswana

  1. I went to his signing in Madison this week -_ which was awesome, the place was packed with fantasy geeks (the best kind of people, obviously) and we all had a great time -- and several people asked him about the trilogy thing. Each and every time, Pat emphatically assured us that the Kingkiller Chronicle is a trilogy, absolutely no questions asked.


    So there's that. I'm curious to see how he does it; I loved the second book too, but also expected more to happen (which isn't to say nothing happens. A crapload of awesome stuff happens. But I expected more time to pass, etc.)


    We'll see, I guess! I suspect it'll be a good three years before we see Book Three. Sigh. But the quality of his writing makes me okay with that. I'd rather get something with beautiful prose and perfectly-crafted plotting after a tortuous wait than read something shoddy that was obviously thrown together in haste.

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