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Trebor Nadroj

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Posts posted by Trebor Nadroj

  1. I will always vote for Rand. That guy is getting damaged physically and mentally like no other WoT character  that I can think of, and wrestling with immense powers that threatens to rip his soul to shreds. I think also he's the character that has evolved the most since the beginning. There is basically nothing left of the farmboy we met in The Eye of the World.


    But who would I trust most to reveal my deepest secrets to in trust that it would stay with that person forever?


    The answer: Perrin

    I've always seen Perrin as a man of principle. That if he gave his promise I'm sure he would not break it. The fact that he's prepared to die to save the one he loves the most shows he is prepared to go the length. And he will now do so for Rand and Mat too. He's a character who's got depth we've yet not seen. Remeber how he battles with himself that time when he cut of that Aiels hand and threw the axe away.


    As for Matrim

    I've never been able to identify with him on a personal level because he's so unlike me. He's not the brooding type as much as Perrin and Rand and them I can relate to. But I do not dislike him at all and my favorite moment with him is when he beats the crap out of Gawyn and Galad in TDR. And I like the excitement of all that dice rattling in his head.


    ---Besides the point---(If there is one other character I think have suffered immensely it would be Padan Fain. Remember that Fain was quite normal in the beginning before the Dark Ones treatment and the Mordeth thing. How many of us could in the beginning have imagined what that character would become?)


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