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Posts posted by Moirica44

  1. Dania stood waiting for what would happen next and before she knew it there was a blanket placed around her and a plate of food in her hands. She had almost droped it all when the wolf that was with the woman came and layed it's head in her lap. But after a moment she lay her hand on it's, his, head softly.


    Janna soon handed her a cup of tea and spooned a little honey into it.“We’ll not see more of that until we reach the Stedding, if you’ll come of course.â€Dania almost choked on her tea. "The Stedding?"


    Dania remained queit, listening, while Janna explained about the stedding. There were more people who could talk to wolves? “I’ve come to take you there if your willing, Dania. You can learn more about what’s happened to you and how to better control it, understand it. We can teach you.†“Are you willing, Dania?â€


    Dania sat there thinking. Leave? This was her home. How could she just leave her home? But to learn about what was happening. She had to go. "I'll go. But can Climber come too?" She asked as the wolf emerged from the forest and came to sit beside her. "He says he won't let me go without him."


    Dania Cadaway

  2. Dania walked through the woods quietly. How long had it been since her family had been destroyed? Only a few days. She had wandered through the woods since then, thinking.


    The wolves were there even more after the fire. She had talked to more then one from the pack in the area. There was one who talked to her more then the others. His name was Climber, well actually it was much more complicated then that. She didn't know how to explain it. Climber was somewhere out there now, not too far away.


    Suddenly she smelled something, a fire burning, food cooking. This must be who they told her to find. She moved quicker towards the small, stepping on a stick in her haste. Soon she stepped into a clearing. The woman there was not very old and Dania was slightly shocked to see a wolf with her, and golden eyes similar to her own. "My name is Dania. They, the wolves I mean, told me there was someone here who was supposed to help me. I'm guessing they ment you."


    Dania Cadaway

  3. She awoke blinking from the chiming of clocks. She looked around in confusion. Why where there clocks chiming at this hour in the morning? She sighed and moved to go back to sleep but as she tried to take in another breath the air just disapeared. Her eyes widened and panic struck her. Not again! Never again!


    In a panic she moved for the door. Her strength began to falter, she tried feebily to reach out to the source but with her panic and lack of experiance it was like grasping air. Things started to go black and she screamed. With the last of her strength she reached out and her hand grasped cold metal. The doorknob! The next thing she knew she was in the hallway, gasping in sweet, wonderful air.


    Sounds of panic filled the halls but there was no one to be seen. After she had regained her breath she again reached out to the source, now able to grasp a small amount of it she held on to it with all her strength and walked down the hall slowly. With caution she turned the corner and then the world went black.


    Seconds later she opened her eyes, and blinked slowly. It was as if the wall had moved and bulged out, shoving her into the opposite wall. She tried to move away from the wall but found that she was unable to move. The wall held her tight to it and slowly she was being sucked into the wall. Her screams rang in the halls.


    She did not know when her screams died and the wall had complettly enclosed her. But the inpossible has happened. There was a space between the walls, a space that she knew was not possible in the solid walls of the tower. But she was there. Thankfully she still had ahold of the power, in a way it comforted her, even the smallest thread.


    It was only one person wide and there was a choice of which way to go up ahead. She turned to the left and was faced with a similar passageway, with a similar choice at the end. "So it is a maze then...So be it." And so it started.


    Tay Maorre

    Tower Novice

  4. Tay followed closly to Meagen Sedai as she was guided into the novice quarters. She had never realized just how big the tower was. Soon after they stoped infront of a door and opened it, revealing Tay's new room. There were three narrow beds built along the walls, a washstand and a small table with three chairs. There was a row of pegs on a wall for hanging things.



    "This will be your room that you will share with two other girls. Tomorrow when you first wake you will recive a note. In this note you will gain instructions for your fist task. This will be to find my room and meet me there for your first lesson." Tay nodded and her Mentor smiled and left Tay alone in her room. Meagen had mentioned that she would be sharing the room with other girls but so far it seemed she was the only one. She hoped her roommates would be nice. With a small sigh she picked one of the beds and started to put away her things. She had a feeling tomorrow would be a long day.

  5. "It is nice to meet you Tay." Tay smiled back at Meagan as they walked and talked. Tay half listened as the Aes Sedai as she told Tay her history. The other half of her thoughts wandered wildly through her head. She was here...The White Tower. And she was a novice. In the past two days all of her daydreams had been answered, well almost all. She had learned she could channel, she bacame a novice and she would become an Aes Sedai. She would.

    Her mind was jolted back to the present when she realized that her mentor had stoped talking and was looking at her as if waiting for something. Quickly she thought back to what the sister had last said. "But then an accident that cost me most of my sight brough me to the Tower."

  6. Tay made sure to keep close to Maegan Sedai and she followed her down the halls and to the gardens. It was busy and crowded in the hallways as Tay followed her mentor. They did not say much until finally they reached the gardens. As they stepped outside and started to walk through the gardens Meagan Sedai began to talk. "I'd like to welcome you to the Tower. If you could not guess, My name is Maegan, Maegan Ryanne, actually. In public it would be wise to call me by my title of "Sedai". but in truth it makes me feel old, so Just Maegan is alright. Which ever you feel comfortable with. What is your name? And where are you from? You look like a Tar Valoner, correct?"

    Tay was silent for a moment, she had never heard anyone say so much, so fast. Finally she replied. "My name is Tay. And yes, I am from here in Tar Valon."

  7. Tay sat there nervously as the Mistress of Novices studied her. This had been a mistake, the sister must have made a mistake. She would never belong here. But inside Tay knew that she would be accepted and she would learn to use the power. She would do her best and if that didn't work well then she would try harder.

    Tay's eyes widened when she saw her draw out the book. “So you’ve been tested already. How fortunate.†Tay grew less nervous and more excited as the sister picked up the pen. “Let’s see about making your stay here a bit more permanent then, shall we?â€

    A smile broke out on Tay's face. She was going to stay!“Can you tell me your full name again?â€"Tay Maorre," she said quietly. There was a feeling of binding as her name was written in the book. “And your place of birth and raising?†"Tar Valon," she replied. This was written down as well, making her stay even more permanent. Lastly she was asked her age and watched as the Aes Sedai wrote it down. “Welcome to the White Tower.â€

    After this Tay recieved two white dresses and then was told about the rules of the tower. She was going to be busy, very busy. But strangly she did not mind because she knew that she would work hard and become an Aes Sedai. Suddenly there was a knock on the door that made Tay jump but quickly she regained her slight composure.


    Ooc: Sorry to rush the end but I was running out of time to write.

  8. Tay's eyes widened as the door in front of her opened. She timidly took a step into the room and looked at the woman sitting in the desk. She had a comanding presance and Tay thought that she was not someone to mess with. Tay walked forward and sat in one of the chairs before the desk. "My name is Tay Maorre," she said quietly, "I was told to come here today to become a novice."

  9. Tay jumped down from the wagon bed and started to help her father unload the wine casks. Thankfully there were not many this time. Sometimes it would take forever to get them all unloaded. This time the task was done easy but she would have to wait for her father to finish talking with the Aes Sedai.


    She sat on the back of the wagon humming to herself and daydreaming. She always did that when she was alone. Only when she was alone. When she was around her family she never said anything or made any noise whatsoever. She had not talked in five years. Not once in the five years snce the accident.


    Suddenly she realized that there was a woman standing infront of her. Not just any woman, an Aes Sedai. Quickly Tay jumped up and curtsied clumsily. The sister looked at her for a second more and the started to talk in a happy tone. The next thing Tay knew she was being tested for the one power. "Congradulations child," said the sister, "you can channel."


    Tay was still in a state of shock when her father returned and the sister told him. Her father listened nodding and agreed that he would bring her back the next day. She was to become a novice.


    The next day tay arrived at the tower with her things. She looked around slowly and then approched a accepted. "Umm...umm...can you please take me to the Mistress of Novices, miss?" She asked in a quiet voice. The accepted looked at her for a second and the she smiled and led her through the tower. They stoped in front of a door. "Here you go." said the accepted and then she walked away. Tay took a deep breath and then knocked on the door.

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