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News item Comments posted by Grifter7

  1. @Orderfolde,

    Sales price of items is determined by supply and demand, not by manufacturing costs. Could they sell more decks at a lower price? Definitely, but if a majority of people are willing to pay the price they set for it, then they would be stupid to reduce the price. 

    I know that they did do surveys and asked how much people would be willing to pay for such items, so I don't think they are gouging.

  2. @Metal Head - The Comics aren't hard to find. Go to your local comic book store and ask them to order them for you. If they don't or can't, then find one that will. I know my local comic shop does, and once they started ordering for me, they had other people ask about them. So now they have them stocked on the shelves.


    And you talk about the lack of WoT Merchandise?

    What about Ta'veren Tees? https://taverentees.com/threads/

    I mean it's not interactive media, but it is another Wheel of Time merchandise vendor. And they ACTUALLY LISTEN to the community and make what we request! At least they are interacting with the community and trying to do things the right way.


    And then there is Badali Jewelry. http://www.badalijewelry.com/

    They make kick ass stuff as well.


    And the officially licensed Wheel of Time Artist like Jeremy Saliba (http://www.imagekind.com/GalleryProfile.aspx?gid=112d76db-788a-4184-83cb-b874b0829357),

    Seamas Gallagher (http://www.imagekind.com/GalleryProfile.aspx?gid=df06ed81-af74-413b-869f-6e96b091d75e),

    and Paul Bielaczyc (http://www.aradanicostumes.com/) [his artwork's not on the site yet but he sells it at Cons]

    that sell amazing WoT artwork.


    There is no question REG/REE has screwed up the management of the games and movies but give the other WoT merchants some credit because they are doing stuff the right way. If you haven't checked out any of them then I think you should do so. They deserve your money for quality WoT products while we wait on someone to make the WoT game that we are all waiting for and that the series deserves.

  3. @Falling Gholam - It's in Chapter 2 of The Fires of Heaven. A discussion between Rand and Asmodean.


    @Despothera - The only thing you left out of your article was Logain's ability to see Ta'veren (Sited in Chapter 30 of Lord of Chaos. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ta'veren#cite_note-1) and how this could play into his role and return to Glory.


    In particular, I believe this Talent will allow Logain to see through a deception by Taim. I believe Taim will use the Mask of Mirrors to present himself as Rand to the Asham'man at the Black Tower. However, being that Logain can see Ta'veren, he will know it is not Rand, and will rally his forces to attack, and eventually kill Taim. This makes sense as to why he would be laughing as he stepped over "Rand's" dead body. It also explains why Rand's face breaks apart (Mask of Mirrors). Thereafter he ascends the black stone, and becomes the new M'hael (if he still uses that title, though I think he will title himself Tamyrlin).

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