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News item Comments posted by SixPips

  1. I'm surprised Saerin didn't get an honorable mention. She was one of the smartest and coolheaded of the Black Ajah hunters, she was a Sitter for the Hall of the Tower, and she ended up a member of Egwene's inner circle once Egwene was instated as Amyrlin in the Tower. Plus, with about five seconds to make a decision, Egwene chose her as one of her representatives and advisors during the Dragon's Peace conference. That would indicate a strong level of trust and mutual respect from "the girl Amyrlin". Saerin is best Brown, imho.

  2. This review has put me from the status of pacing back and forth in anticipation to the early stages of foaming at the mouth, with a little drool thrown in for kicks. When's Tower Guard recruiting going to begin? I'm so down for keeping the watch in Sacramento. By your leave, Mr. Denzel, the watch is not done.....

  3. I cannot be sure of the date, but my fondest memory of Dragonmount is the day I would have normally ventured to wotmania (being my first introduction to the Wheel of Time universe online)......only to find that it had been shut down. Fortunately, Dragonmount brought many of those fans, like myself, into the fold and I felt that the transition was pretty smooth. I could still read theories, catch wotnews, and peruse the fan art gallery every once in a while...Now I feel that Dragonmount is the sweet hook-up for all things Wheel of Time (except for the Thirteenth Depository. Those guys rule at what they provide for us...) Dragonmount means a great deal to us. Thanks to all who run it and propagate its existence.....The Wheel turns.....

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