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News item Comments posted by smallfox

  1. In 1994 I was 14 years old and I found a free paperback copy of the first several chapters of TEotW at a B. Dalton books in the mall. I took it home and read it and then found the rest of the book at the library. For Christmas either that year or the next, I received every book that was out by then. I've read them multiple times since and have convinced several others to read them as well, including my dad. It's been fun to have this story to share with him. At this point, Rand, Mat, Perrin, Min, Egwene, Nynaeve, Elayne, Thom, Loial, Lan, and all the rest feel like old friends. It took me several months to begin A Memory of Light when it finally came out, because I couldn't handle having a series that has been with me for more than half my life being over. But then I remembered there are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the wheel...

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