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News item Comments posted by Saitan

  1. On the topic if Nym uses the one power.


    I believe the Nym work in a similiar way as ter'angreal that they make use of the power but they don't actually channel themselfs.


    The seed song is what makes the Nym work much like Avi thinks one of the ter'angreal found with the bowl of the winds requires singing to function.

  2. Mat is not the emperor of seanchan just by being married to Fortuona.

    We don't know if he has a higher title now than prince of ravens but he's not emperor.


    It's mentioned earlier by Suroth I think when she wonders if Galgan is gona declare himself the first emperor in XXX years so being married to the empress does not make you the emperor.


    While it does fit for Mat to be the joker, it is a card that's not used in a lot of card games which I feel is a bit unfair towards mat since he's one of the 3 main characters.


    I also wonder if each type of card will have a different character. Queen of spades being Aviendha and Queen of hearts being Elayne etc.

    Else it makes no sense to have Perrin as king. If Mat is the joker Perrin shouldn't even be featured if all the cards will be the same.

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