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Kiriath Til Asdod

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Posts posted by Kiriath Til Asdod

  1. The first and best (imo) is when Berelain is hit on by Matt in the Stone and she ignores him:

    "He swept his best bow, elegant and formal. "A good evening to you, my Lady." She started to sweep by without a glance and he straightened angrily. "Are you deaf as well as blind, woman? I'm not a carpet to walk over and I distinctly hear myself speak. If I pinch your bottom you can slap my face, but until I do, I expect a civil word for a civil word!""

    I have to paraphrase, I loaned out LoC and the quote I'm loking for is there (I believe):

    Valda has just returned to the fortress of light and is thinking to himself about Morgase

    "By the light she would jump when he said jump." He goes on to explain that he would lead the children into Andor if he has to tie Morgase to a flagpole to act as the children's standard. He is vile but I found his POV to be amusing.

  2. One paragraph from Winter's Heart (Chapter-Out of Thin Air) has always vexed me.

    "Kill him," Demandred had commanded later, but he had added that it would be better they died than let themselves be discovered again. By anyone, including the M'Hael, as if he did not know of Taim's order.


    My problem is why? Demandred burns with hatred for LTT/Rand and lives to be the one to kill him. I do not remember the exact quote but Moridin even rebuffs Dem at one point saying that the GLoD gets to kill Rand, not Demmy. So why does Demandred order the four of them to kill Rand? Does he not think them capable? Is he trying to draw Rand out? Finally the last sentence clearly points out that Demmy is either giving orders at the BT or is in the room when assignments are being handed out.

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