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Posts posted by Underscore

  1. I think of gentled men and burned out women as recovering heroin addicts. Even if they get past the physical addiction the physcological lose of the power (or drug) leads to a  great depression which leads them to lose the will to live. If they had a support system, people who cared about them (like in Stel Anan's case) they could learn to live with there lose and find that they had other reasons to live. However, no gentled man would never likely have such a support system as the stigma of what he was would likely drive most people who knew what he had been away. The burned out sisters on the other hand would have a built in support system except that their sisters can not bear to be reminded of the fate that awaits them if they ever drew to much of the power.


    How many people are repulsed by Heroin addicts?

    Even though quite a few (the majority) are repulsed there is a minority willing to help them.


    The same should apply to Aes Sedai shouldn't it? A few should be willing to help the gentled men and stilled woman to recover. But from the books this isn't the case, the men are kept at the tower until they kill themselves,the burned out woman are forced to take a husband and leave the tower, and the stilled ones are forced to work in the tower as kitchen maids and the like.


    This suggests that the Aes Sedai as a society are morally inept to deal with the situation and from that it can be drawn that they have none of the moral superiority that they claim.

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