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Posts posted by Alriand

  1. As Alriand slipped off his long coat he felt an excitement pump through his veins. He calmed himself slightly through the unconscious summoning of the Spring within him. He unbuckled his belt that wrapped over his tunic and slipped his fathers sword from his frog, leaning it carefully against the wall. He removed his boots and socks, everyone being carefully placed on and around the bench. Unbuttoning his tunic, he took it off and hung it on a hook.


    Before he pulled his shirt over his head, he hesitated. He was afraid, for a moment, of showing his scars. There were battle scars and a few training scars, but what he felt most self-conscious of were scars given to him in Tear…by the Children of Light. He was at the hands of the Questioners many years ago. He was helping his friend Nuiteri with some family issues, and Lwena was with him. But somehow he let himself be captured… and it was then that he almost wished he were dead. He only ever wished this for himself after his father’s death and when he was at their hands. Eventually Nuiteri and Lwena managed to find and rescue him.


    The memory of that time washed over him, bringing back sharp pains, though he did not show it. No one had seen the scars of the acid or spiked knives before. Pushing beyond it quickly, he removed his shirt and felt more exposed than he had in a long time.


    Turning slightly he caught sight of Deneira, wearing almost nothing. His eyes held for a long moment before he turned them away, slightly ashamed but wishing he could look again.


    After removing the rest of his garments, he slid into the tub, trying not to look at Deneira, being as modest as he could about the situation. ‘Come on,’ He thought, ‘She’s a Tower Guard! If you were assigned to the same baths in the Tower, you’d have to do it! It’s no different than that.’ …But it was.


    After a long pause, she spoke, “So, how goes things for the Grand Masters? Training going ok? No trainees running around terrorizing the city?†Her voice gave a hint of a quiver. Alriand had not noticed until now. He’d been so involved in how strange he felt that he’d not been paying attention to her. Now that he saw her, she seemed almost as nervous as he.


    He suddenly realized it would probably be more polite to answer her question (however mundane) rather than stare at her. “Fine,†He spat out quickly, “Everything has been going well. As for trainees, I’m not sure. It’s not my place to watch over them, really. Just keep them on the right path when training.â€


    The conversation died when she nodded her head in response. The steam rose, clearing his lungs and making him relax. They sat in silence for minutes. He stared into the fire in the hearth.


    At length, he heard Deneaira. “That scar on your chest…what was that from?â€


    Alriand glanced down to see the mark on his skin. It was a burn mark; acid. His memories of the questioners came back him. The wound did not look so bad as it once had, but its impact mentally was as potent as ever. His right eye just barely twitched.


    “It was from…†And he knew now that he could tell the truth, or cover it up, “It was from Tear.†He found the truth spilling out. He had kept deep secrets hidden from Lwena before, and he had regretted them. Perhaps he had learned his lesson. Or perhaps he just wasn’t thinking. “When I was younger, almost your age, I traveled to Tear with friends and my Bondmate.†There was another long pause as he lost himself in thought, and then he spoke again, almost as through a dream, “And the Children of Light were there. They found me and…questioned me.†A deep pain was in his eyes, and shame for what had happened. He had never gotten a chance to strike back at them, and he had wished for revenge for so long. Ever since his father’s death when he was 15.


    A cinder popped in the fire, and he was quickly brought back to where he was. “It’s nothing now.†He said with a finality that even he didn’t believe.


    ~ Alriand

    V for reVenge!

  2. He’d been trying not to think of that parting a few nights ago. He’d been trying to push it from his memory, partially because of his embarrassment and partially because he knew that if he took this further it may not come to such a pleasant state.


    This day he had been running an errand for Lwena, taking an order of herbs to an herbalist on the far northern side of the city. He was on his way back to the Tower, and after dodging a rather reckless carriage and cursing lightly under his breath, he looked up to see young Deneira gazing through a small shops window.


    “Deneira? He heard himself saying. He hadn’t meant to say it at all, not to mention so loud, but for some reason he wanted her attention. She turned looking slightly startled, and said, “Sir, how are you?â€


    “I am well.†He said tightly. He felt himself become self-conscious. There was a long pause before they both spoke: â€Are you busy?†“Want to do something?†They each let out a nervous laugh, releasing some tension from the moment. There was another long moment before he filled the silence with, “What to do…†Deneira looked about and her eyes fell on a nearby bathhouse. They looked at each other and she suggested, “What about this…â€


    Alriand felt himself become slightly more nervous than he was to start with, but…something in him said ‘yes’. “Alright.†He said. “I could use some relaxation. Though I take on few students, I have endless duties on the yards, as I’m sure you do as well.†As they walked into the building, as though he didn’t know what he was doing, or why he was doing it other than…he wanted it.


    The round woman behind the counter in the common room greeted them warmly, always taking to new customers. “Good day to you both! She nodded to each of them. “I’m afraid that we are rather full today, but we do have one room that’s not being used at the moment.â€


    Alriand saw the opening to get out, and his hesitation to the idea of this got the better of him. “Oh, well then we can come anoth-“


    “It’s fine,†Deneira broke in, “We’ll take it.†Alriand felt his nerves rise again, and he could feel Deneira’s eyes on him.


    “Right this way.†The proprietor motioned for them to follow her. They went back down a few halls, and every door they passed had tendrils of steam reaching out from beneath the threshold and searching upward.


    The door towards the end of the hallway was opened for them. Two copper tubs sat in the middle of the room, and over the large fire in each of the two hearths were large vats or heating water. The woman called for two of her helpers to come fill up the tubs, and they quickly did so.


    “Enjoy yourselves…†The proprietor said as she began to shut the door, “And if you need anything, I’m at your service.â€


    The dark wooden door shut with a click. Alriand turned to Deneira. “Shall we?†She asked. Alriand’s mind raced as he removed his long coat. What am I doing…?

    ~ Alriand

  3. The night at the inn continued and they drank wine and talked, and time passed without them knowing it. He found himself becoming less nervous about being around her and close to her (though he it didn’t show much) as time went on. Maybe it was the wine. Maybe it was her. She was now closer to him than before, and her laughter and delight was making him feel rather at ease. She seemed so open with him.


    After a round of tasting had been done and the hosts were preparing more, the tasters were sitting and conversing over the heavy wooden tables in the candlelight. It was in this lull that she leaned close to him and quietly asked something she seemed to have been keeping in the back of her mind for some time.


    “Why did you invite me out tonight? And why did you talk to me in the yards today? Don’t tell me it was because of my lack of proficiency in all weapon forms." Her gaze remained on him her smile turned to a gentle laugh.


    Alriand felt his senses heighten slightly as she leaned close to him, and he took in her scent. Her smile warmed him more than the wine. He returned the smile and laugh, but he broke their gaze, looking down into thought, trying to phrase what he wanted to say.


    “Well,†he started, “It was not a lack of proficiency,†he looked up and gave her a slight smile. He wasn’t sure what to say next. He wasn’t sure yet, why he invited her out to the city. So, as was his custom, he went with the truth. “I don’t know. There was something about you…†Looking into her eyes, he saw what it was. “It’s that look,†he said softly, “That’s it.â€


    At that, she stared at him, a bit in shock, her mouth hanging open just slightly. Her face quickly turned rose. She quickly turned her face down, trying to hide a smile and hold in laughter with her hand over her mouth. Alriand was unsure of what to do, as he was left there, hanging in uncomfortable silence for a long moment before she gave him a nod, at least acknowledging what he had said. Embarrassment flooded through him.


    By now they were serving the next wine, and he was able to shift his attention to that. He downed this glass pretty quickly, trying to get over the previous moment. The night continued relatively well, and the discomfort that had come up, ebbed shortly afterwards.


    After the dinner and lots of wine, they walked out into the dark streets. The dim lighting of the lamps that hung throughout the streets gave everything a warm touch that fit the mood. Contented a slightly tipsy (Alriand almost never drank that much) they wandered back to the tower. She was leaning against him for stability most of the way, which Alriand quite liked.


    A while (and a few wrong turns and many laughs) later, they came upon the tower walls. The guards gave them an odd look, as if they weren’t sure what to make of the two of them together, and then bowed their heads. It made Alriand became a little worried, but any assumptions they made he could easily defend. He let his worry go.


    As they approached the barracks, they slowed. “Looks like we made it,†Alriand said. “So…â€


    She stepped in to him, “So…â€


    The moment held itself in place for what seemed like minutes. Her eyes flicked from his eyes to his mouth and back. She leaned in closer, and Alriand felt her breath on his mouth. All at once he felt something in him telling him to stop. Lwena was there in his mind. Snapping out of the trance he was in, he pulled back. “I…ah…thank you for the lovely evening.†His manners were well ingrained. “Good night.â€


    And with that he passed the doors of the barracks and rushed upstairs. His mind raced. What was he doing? What was he feeling? …I want her… He decided he was too tired and tipsy and it was no time to make decisions on where he stood or what he wanted. But it was more that he’d rather not think of this at all. Though he couldn’t very well just leave things as they were. He wasn’t sure what would happen.


    ~ Alriand

    Doesn't know what he's doing!

  4. The night at the inn continued and they drank wine and talked, and time passed without them knowing it. He found himself becoming less nervous about being around her and close to her (though he it didn’t show much) as time went on. Maybe it was the wine. Maybe it was her. She was now closer to him than before, and her laughter and delight was making him feel rather at ease. She seemed so open with him.


    After a round of tasting had been done and the hosts were preparing more, the tasters were sitting and conversing over the heavy wooden tables in the candlelight. It was in this lull that she leaned close to him and quietly asked something she seemed to have been keeping in the back of her mind for some time.


    “Why did you invite me out tonight? And why did you talk to me in the yards today? Don’t tell me it was because of my lack of proficiency in all weapon forms." Her gaze remained on him her smile turned to a gentle laugh.


    Alriand felt his senses heighten slightly as she leaned close to him, and he took in her scent. Her smile warmed him more than the wine. He returned the smile and laugh, but he broke their gaze, looking down into thought, trying to phrase what he wanted to say.


    “Well,†he started, “It was not a lack of proficiency,†he looked up and gave her a slight smile. He wasn’t sure what to say next. He wasn’t sure yet, why he invited her out to the city. So, as was his custom, he went with the truth. “I don’t know. There was something about you…†Looking into her eyes, he saw what it was. “It’s that look,†he said softly, “That’s it.â€


    At that, she stared at him, a bit in shock, her mouth hanging open just slightly. Her face quickly turned rose. She quickly turned her face down, trying to hide a smile and hold in laughter with her hand over her mouth. Alriand was unsure of what to do, as he was left there, hanging in uncomfortable silence for a long moment before she gave him a nod, at least acknowledging what he had said. Embarrassment flooded through him.


    By now they were serving the next wine, and he was able to shift his attention to that. He downed this glass pretty quickly, trying to get over the previous moment. The night continued relatively well, and the discomfort that had come up, ebbed shortly afterwards.


    After the dinner and lots of wine, they walked out into the dark streets. The dim lighting of the lamps that hung throughout the streets gave everything a warm touch that fit the mood. Contented a slightly tipsy (Alriand almost never drank that much) they wandered back to the tower. She was leaning against him for stability most of the way, which Alriand quite liked.


    A while (and a few wrong turns and many laughs) later, they came upon the tower walls. The guards gave them an odd look, as if they weren’t sure what to make of the two of them together, and then bowed their heads. It made Alriand became a little worried, but any assumptions they made he could easily defend. He let his worry go.


    As they approached the barracks, they slowed. “Looks like we made it,†Alriand said. “So…â€


    She stepped in to him, “So…â€


    The moment held itself in place for what seemed like minutes. Her eyes flicked from his eyes to his mouth and back. She leaned in closer, and Alriand felt her breath on his mouth. All at once he felt something in him telling him to stop. Lwena was there in his mind. Snapping out of the trance he was in, he pulled back. “I…ah…thank you for the lovely evening.†His manners were well ingrained. “Good night.â€


    And with that he passed the doors of the barracks and rushed upstairs. His mind raced. What was he doing? What was he feeling? …I want her… He decided he was too tired and tipsy and it was no time to make decisions on where he stood or what he wanted. But it was more that he’d rather not think of this at all. Though he couldn’t very well just leave things as they were. He wasn’t sure what would happen.


    ~ Alriand

    Doesn't know what he's doing!

  5. Alriand walked back to the barracks with a new life in his step. He felt a flow of excitement within him. He had accompanied women into the city before, but not like this. Not when he had feelings like these.


    In the evening he made a visit down to the Infirmary to see Lwena. He felt a little uncomfortable around her now, for he hadn’t told her of this young woman he met. He felt as though he were keeping a secret from her. But there’s nothing to tell. Nothing to be ashamed of, he told himself. He had kept a secret from her before, and that was one of the worst things he had done.


    In his room he selected his wardrobe of a long silk tunic of dark green and black leather boots up to his knee. His pants were mostly covered by the green fabric, but were black.


    At dusk he walked down to the arranged meeting place, now more nervous than before. She was already there.


    “Good evening,†He said and bowed his head out of courtesy. “Where shall we be off to? I had heard news of a new tavern that just opened its doors tonight. The will be having a wine tasting, if you would be so inclined…?â€


    ~ Alriand

  6. For the next week, Alriand kept thinking of her. It lessened with time, but it was always there. The days passed with little news out of the usual, but there still seemed to be a part of him that was… discontented. He almost wouldn’t admit it to himself, but his better senses let him know. Something wasn’t quite right.


    He had seen no sign of her in the yards where he was for more than a week. He wasn’t looking for her, but he kept an eye open in mind of her. His duties led him into Tar Valon and around the Tower, but they never met.


    But one morning when the yard was rather empty (many Trainees had at least one day off at some point) and he was sitting enjoying the silence, she was there. She was finishing the same warm-up she had been doing when he saw her last. She was making her way to the well when she noticed him. She seemed slightly surprised to see him there again. Alriand kept his gaze steady, though he did not mean to. He wasn’t very conscious of himself at that moment. There was something about her that drew him in.


    After getting her water, she stepped out onto the dry, bare dirt of a training circle and continued her practice. She stepped fluidly into her first exercise, but every now and then glanced back towards Alriand, who sat off to the side, not close, but silently observing her. Her moves were still fresh and were not yet honed, but she had spirit in them.


    Alriand realized that if he has going to meet her, now was the time. Without too much thought, he stood and began to move towards her. Strangely, his nerves were now taking hold of him more than they had in a long while. His training had tamed them, but now that he was walking into a situation he had no plan for and did not really know what he wanted, he felt a bit nervous and worried.


    Giving him a smile as he walked up, he decided to speak first. â€Good morning.â€


    She bowed and said, â€Good morning sir, anything I can help you with?â€


    “You’re not bad with that blade.â€


    “Thank you, sir.â€


    “But you could use some work… just something new.†Alriand picked up a short broadsword from a weapon rack nearby and tossed it to her. He then took one for himself. “Perhaps this would change things up a bit for you.â€


    She placed her sword on the ground. Alriand walked to the center of the circle, a little unsure of where he was going with this but willing to continue. “The main difference you need to worry about is the distance. It’s now much different, so you’ll have to deal with closer maneuvers.â€


    He then went about teaching her the parries, cuts, thrusts and so forth. During the time, he noticed her becoming more comfortable around him. A few times he had to show her positions manually, moving her arm this way, or turning her wrist over with a gentle yet firm lead. When he touched the bare skin of her hands, he felt a rush within him. But instead of pulling away from it, as he once would have done, his fingers were only slightly hesitant to leave her. And then he noticed the looks she was giving him. They were not uncomfortable, but rather kind and… more than kind.


    After the lesson, which was not too long), Alriand felt compelled to see her again, and just asked straight out, “Do you have any plans for later?â€


    ~ Alriand

  7. When Alriand rose in the minutes before dawn, he stretched briefly and then sat down to meditate as he had always done. The cold morning air seemed to penetrate him, though. And today he truly felt it, though he had known it for a while, that the Spring within in was… less than before. He seemed mire cold inside now than he had been in a long while. When he was younger he felt a lack of control of the Spring, for he felt the guilt and grief of his father’s death. Alriand hadn’t fully come to terms with this even now (though he thought he had), but it wasn’t this that made him feel empty now. He did not know what it was.


    He continued his meditation.


    He then dressed in his well-worn garments and slipped his sword through one of the frogs in his belt. His father’s katana always reminded him of what he was doing here; of why he was here. He left his room.


    In the back of his mind he felt Lwena, always there, frequently busy. The infirmary was a great deal to run, and because she was the First Weaver she had many more things to take care of. But he felt more distant from her now, for some reason. This cold he felt within seemed to create a wall between them. He tried to ignore the feeling and press on. He fed it to the Spring, but it still stayed.


    He walked down to the yards. Today he had no one to train, and no assignments to manage. He sat by the barrack and looked out among the trainees and Tower Guards teaching them. He noted the progress (or lack thereof) of many of them, as well as the progress of the Guards. Some were meant to be teachers, and others had a harder time, as it had always been. He didn’t approve of some of the teaching method of some, but he could do nothing about it. More and more he began to see most of the Guards and Trainees becoming military-oriented. Alriand had stayed away from that frame of mind and way of training since he was very young. He wouldn’t allow himself to become just another expendable part of the whole. He had some long time friends who had devoted themselves to the hardening of the emotions so as to become mindless servants and killers and he wouldn’t let that happen to him.


    And he saw trainees teasing one another and smiling. He sometimes worried that they didn’t know what they were getting themselves into.


    As he looked across the yards, he saw one newly raised Tower Guard doing laps. She ran far and long, and did not slow. As she passed closer to him, he saw her more clearly. And his eyes lingered upon her for a long moment. There was something about her… he could not explain it. When she had returned from her running, he found himself watching her again. And she saw him and smiled. And for a second, he felt less cold.


    She continued with her training, and Alriand decided that sitting and watching other train was not the best thing for him to be doing. He walked to the Armory (which was not far from where the young Tower Guard was training) and helped them reorganize some things. But in between hauling things around the armory and taking them in and out, he found himself glancing up at this young woman. In one moment their eyes met and he stopped all he was doing. They held the gaze for a long moment, and then a trainee approached him looking for something in the Armory, and the moment was broken.


    The day passed and he didn’t see her again. But her image kept coming up again and again in his mind. He made his usual visit to Lwena around evening. He enjoyed his time with her, as he always did. But he felt less connected than normal. Something had been stirred within him today. New feelings were arising.


    That night he lay awake in his bed. He could feel inside of him something pulling at him. He wanted to see the girl again. Even just to look at her. That night many thoughts entered his mind. Thoughts of her that part of him wished would leave and part of him wanted more of. His mind turned back and forth through the night until he fell into a deep sleep of many dreams.


    ~ Alriand

    Bonded to Lwena



  8. The still, chilled air of morning felt refreshing on Alriand’s weathered face. A pale light shot up from the eastern horizon, and mists hung low around the garden where he sat in meditation before dawn. He opened his eyes and felt calm. It was his habit to take the silence before dawn to meditate in the gardens.


    He breathed deep the clean air and made his way to his room on the top floor of the barracks. He was training Liitha again today, and for the rest of the week, in fact. Stamina training. Something that he didn’t particularly like (very few did), but not something he wasn’t prepared for. His own training had pushed him quite far, and this was one of the earlier steps.


    He had trained Liitha once before with whips. She was a good student, but he thought this training might bring out more of her mother in her. Trying to get Tanitsja to do anything as painful and potentially boring as stamina training would have been far less than pleasant.


    He entered his room and found his papers for stamina training on his desk. He had written down some exercises and ideas for training. He wasn’t one to go by the book on training, but it was nice to have some default practices. He heated a small kettle of tea in the hearth (another advantage of the gaidin’s quarters) and dressed in some more durable clothing. His usual black knee-boots, rugged twill pants, and a lightweight muslin shirt. Over his shirt he wore his knee-length weathered leather tunic and left it open in front. The tunic had been with him for thirty years. It was covered in stitches and worn down in many places, but it was almost a part of him. There were few material possessions he truly cared for, and this was one of them.


    After buckling a belt around his tunic, he caught sight of himself in the mirror. His few grey hairs seemed to be multiplying. Or perhaps he hadn’t noticed them before. They were still relatively few, but regardless, he would rather they turned back to their ash brown they had once been.


    Making his way down to the training grounds, he awaited Liitha. The yards were sparse at this early hour, but movement could be felt from barracks as people began to stir. When Liitha had arrived, he gave her a slight bow and then spoke. “Today begins stamina training. I’ll warn you now that not many people of fond of this week, nor of almost any of the training itself, but it will be good for at least building a resistance to tedious practice.†Liitha looked only slightly worried about what she might have to do. Alriand continued. “I hope you’ve had some hearty food for breakfast, because we’re about to burn all of your energy. Right now all I want you to do it follow me. And don’t lag too far behind. Understood?†At that, Alriand stared off at a light jog around the yards. Little did Liitha know how many laps she would end up doing. And this was still the warm up.


    ~ Alriand

    Bonded to Lwena


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