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Posts posted by aiel@hrt

  1. OOC:-  Hey guys, sorry I've been hibernating for so long, way too much stuff goin on with work and a move is on the horizon...I'll pick up the slack again, my bad! Winterwinds, you are more then welcome to join in, the more the merrier!! I will come up with something to keep this going

  2. OOC: I'm gonna sound like a total noob, but I really dont know whats org side or RP side, I'm guessing this is the RP side...and also, do you think I should create a bio or something for my charcter? If I do, do I just post it under that section as a new topic? lol....it really doesnt matter either way I suppose, I like coming up with random proses  ;D

  3. As Shay'rath finished speaking, Ro'ael lounged on to the rock formation even more and took a swig of the water he'd refilled in the morning near the small waterfall this morning. He paused before speaking, "I'll speak with candor Aes Sedai, I'm an idealist trapped inside a realist...and as far as you not being strong enough, strength is not only measured in might and magic...the mere fact that more powerful Sisters have been killed and you stand before me says something about strength too." Ro'ael thought about his own experience with  Shadow spawn in the heart of the Blight, being a former Captain and a skilled military officer is one thing, but battling with the One Power was a whole other roll of the dice he realized.


    It was becoming twilight in the valley with the halo of hills surrounding it, the amber rays of the sun becoming more subtle and darker. The melody and pitch of the woods taking on a different note as day turned into evening, Ro' took it all in. Out of habbit, he whistled a distinct birdcall and from somewhere up the rough earth path, a strong bristling neigh of a horse came in reply. Ro'ael recalled he hadn't tied Sly to a branch, but he supposed if Sly wanted to wander off a tree trunk would have trouble. The stallion was trained in the Borderlands, and was his steed while he was with his Company...and even now after he decided to travel south from the Blight. Sly's nature was much like his owners, not the least bit fiery or emotional, rather an amused expectation of things to come. The way Ro'ael Chandra looked at it, he could have died on several occasions in his past and he supposed for all he knew, he could drop dead now. This simple fact, he realized through various experiences of gripping and stupefying fear to utter hopelessness in his most desperate moments in his life, therefore, there really was no need to fear nor rush death as far as Ro' was concerned. A cool breeze swirled around the bowl that was the valley and echoed its subtle agreement.

  4. IC:-


    Almost dying changes nothing...dying changes everything. That was the first thought that came to Ro' when he heard Shay'rath's  story. Indeed, it is both a blessing and a curse in lots of facets of life these days, as somewhat cruel as it might seem, the Fates/God(s)/Luck/anything else,  can seem to bless you in the morning and and curse you in the evening he thought whimsically. While she told her tale and he interpreted their meanings casually, for some strange reason, a smirk crawled up on his face...it was the smirk of a survivor having recognized another who might walk that path.


    He told the Aes Sedai(AS), "It seems a lot more heroic and inspirational when told tales of a survivor Morigalexias Sedai, yet a few paces down that path will seem like eternity..."("Once an Aes Sedai always one...stay bloody frosty!!" echoed Ro's father's  words redundantly in his head)


    Meanwhile his mind couldn't help but calculate the odds and probabilities of the newly acquired information, primarily because it was ingrained in his very fiber, but also because this certainly was intriguing and unexpected. If the rumors of the last male AS being executed roughly eight to ten  years ago were true, then she has learned how to use her unique grasp of Saidar for some years now. It's not that he was afraid, nor envious of those who learn to Channel, it was simply being wary. The odds and probabilities of data indeed, to survive in life one had to simply toss the dice and wait to see what happened indeed...

  5. OOC:- Hey Jehaine, I've been pretty swamped and neglecting my DM parlays... ;D I'll come up with something good soon, a few post tennis brews should be ample inspiration eh?(yes, been hanging with the Band quite a bit  ;D)

  6. Seeing the woman sit and talk to him, he truly realized how rare its been the last few years for him to not analyze and formulate strategies and just be another human...Ro'ael Chandra used to be the sly wisecracking friendly guy people wanted to be friends with, but a sadness awakened upon seeing the woman that a little part of that Ro was gone forever. Ro'ael did not feel pity...and he realized she wouldn't care for his pity anyways...it has become a tough world these days. Coming out of his reverie, Ro'ael replied, "Pardon me Aes Sedai, its been some time since I actually was social around others...but, please do continue..." Ro' was suprised however, it was general knowledge that the last male Aes Sedai to be hunted down was supposedly eight years ago...if Ro' was one of the first people that Shay'rath was meeting, that did not bode well.


    "Would you like some water Aes Sedai? I am Ro'ael Chandra, I have been riding down south from the Borderlands for quite some time now. My horse is just a few paces down this path and I have some bread and water if you wish." Ro'ael felt no need to give his title, it really was quite irrelevant to a battle weary Aes Sedai. He couldn't help but feel sorry for the stranger who has lost much, but from his knowledge of Weaving and the One Power, he assumed being severed from the One Power would be a worse fate...

  7. "Nevertheless friend, you've found your own way of perceiving things..." Ro' did not intend to be caustic in his words, he simply meant he was aware that even though Shay'rath wore a blindfold, he recognized that this was not another blind woman....no, she seemed to be something more.

  8. Cynical and sardonic from years of enduring men trying to kill each other in beserker frenzy and in strategic formation/flank movements of battle, Ro'ael Chandra, former Captain of the legendary cavalries of the Southern lands during the War of Power and also noteworthy, former wielder of eucalyptus-made bows used to hunt rabbits, merely continued his observance. Nevertheless, Ro noticed the stranger just probed her surroundings with a breeze, "Stay Frosty" repeated his father's voice from countless years of training. Stay frosty, indeed...he understood how men and women who have different makeup then himself can wield the Source, Ro might have not been the most ecstatic to be around people who have such abilities, but nevertheless, he did not hate them like some other men forming bands against these people down southwest.


    He noticed all her details, from her voice to her rather worn out clothes(not that he hadn't been there before), to her rather calculated stance. He knew she was aware of him before she even "probed" her path with the wind, and when she asked her question, he had to take a second to evaluate all the information he had. He is knowledgeable but not a know it all, and one his greatest strengths that has allowed him to endure all these years was that mere fact that he recognized this. So, after a brief pause, Ro simply replied with truth to this stranger, "A passerby friend...merely taking in the sunset like you." Ro understood that she was able to appreciate the radiance of the setting Sun just as much as he did, Ro'ael was not ignorant of the unknown.

  9. The humming and melodious accompaniment of the chimes were subtle with the wind, but this time, he was not lost in random musings...and he realized he could have easily missed it were he not trying to lock in while in the position of total relaxation. It was not because he felt threatened or anything remotely close to warranting worry, but it was simple the make up of the man. He learned that lesson since he learned to balance himself. As he listened to her strange yet instinctually stimulating melody, the woman started walking towards him in a rough hewn earth path. She drew closer, and his hawk like eyes starting picking and cataloging the essential details. Dressed in her sensible woodland clothes, and using/carrying her staff(which seemed to be uncarved and roughly hewn from solid Oak) she drew closer and he identified a blindfold on her face. Yet, she stepped on the ground as if she was merely taking a slow stroll over a path known to her even in her most unfamiliar moments. The first thought that struck him was she seemed oddly enough like an Oracle. He's heard of these men and women and knows about their abilities, yet oddly enough, he still did not felt compelled enough to stalk, instead he simply continued in what seemed like his continued survey of all his eyes could hold.

  10. OOC: awestruck by your knowledge Jehaine! :)


    IC: While Trollocs, Fades, and such are new emergence s, the heart of that evil and what pushes them forward is as ageless as the moon. He knew this, mainly from experiences and skirmishes in his darkest hours, but he also knew it through comprehending the concept of continued balance in life. Thus lost in his own musings, resting on his haunches he continued taking in the breathtaking site, he felt as if the subtle chimes of Her staff were a part and parcel of the cool evening breeze. It took him a moment to register and separate the sound of soft bells from the wind, and track the direction from where they come from. His military heritage going through the motions of deciding the bearing of the sound, the probable distance from the source, weather the source was mobile or stationary in the blink of an eye and as routine as one too. She was wearing good woodland clothing, muted colors perfect for blending in, but that was all he was able to make out. She seemed to be holding some sort of sturdy wooden staff with something hanging from the top roughly about 200 paces from him.  Born on the foothills of The Mountains of Mist he had inherited excellent woodland skills and from his Cavalry experience as an officer, he was more then capable of being stealthy if he wished, but he did not to move in any such fashion. He simply stood up and leaned into a stone formation near him and continued his survey of the valley and the mysterious woman...

  11. You're absolutely right Jehaine...bear my ignorance for a second, I just saw your profiles for your characters and wish I'd seen them before, else I wouldn't have sauntered in here and wrote something random(pun not intended)...so here goes:


    He climbs up soft earth littered only by nature's doings, leaves and vegetation ranging from dried tan brown to fresh green leaves, the terrain cut gently only by thick heavy wooden roots from ancient trees. Its a good time to be cresting a pass in the Black Hills during spring. Southeast lay Dragonmount, and for some reason it did not sit well with him that his stealthy legs carried him in such direction, but that was a ways off and that did not warrant an analysis currently. It has been roughly eight and a half years since the last male Aes Sedai was hunted down and killed. There were rumours of some White Tower being built tumbling around like dice in the last inn he visited. Nice comfy clean little place with plenty of meat, bread, wine, and good Tabac imported from somewhere down Southwest. Aware of all of this, yet realized that right now, this second that he is still alive, none of it mattered. It did not matter, because as he scaled up roughly a 55 degree upsloping hard rock mountain, he looked exactly as the sun was cresting the horizon before deciding to call it a day and washed the valley with his amber honey light...

  12. Well...I've gotten some views but no one seems motivated enough to help me build up some sorta plot, so I'll go again...hahha  ;D



    Thus, after many years of enduring everything from the biting cold North Winds which can freeze a man's bones to the vapid, dry, life draining heat in the South and all that lies between his right and left, he finally wanders without a certain goal nor a specific direction...in his own world for a change.


    Seeing nothing that hasn't been registered and made aware of in his mind, he scales a steep up climb of lush green vegetation and hard earth and looks down into the valley lighted only by the amber golden light of the setting Sun...

  13. If I ever was some sort of hunter-gatherer or some sort of warrior, I think I know what my equipment would have been. Aaahhh..its great being buzzed off good tasting cold beer and letting ur mind wander is it not my friend? With all that being said, my equipment would’ve been the following:


     Light flexible armor. Good thick padding in the front and back but not so thick as to compromise my quickness and strength.

     A Longbow harnessed in a leather bow hide slung on my back. Plenty of aerodynamically carved arrows with ruthless slick steel ends also strung around my back.

     A short blade at my hip. Light, lethal and perfectly balanced for quick clean cuts. In the lines of a Katana blade from ancient Japan I suppose.

     Finally, in my hands a strong sturdy hefty quarterstaff. Perfectly balanced for using both ends, not nearly as quick and fast as the blade of course, but strong enough to embed a finely struck slash from a heavy blade. Oh yes, lethal damage potential when struck on something living with my might.


    With that all of that sorted out, I started on a trek trying to conserve both my fluids and my physical and mental resources...


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