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Posts posted by ehottes84

  1. Sarena had been in the library for what seemed like hours. Looking up from the book on fire weaves, she groaned slightly from the cramp that suddenly appeared in the back of her neck. As she eased herself off the seat she realised that her whole body had all but gone to sleep as well. Walking carefully to where she replaced the book on the shelf, Sarena then limped out of the library hoping she wasnt too late for dinner.


    As she walked down the hallways she noticed that she had taken a wrong turn somewhere.While she was looking round for something familiar, a harsh voice seemed to come out of nowhere,

    "You there child.  Yes, you. what is your name?" Sarena whiped around and her whole body spasmed at the sudden movement. Sarena then tried to curtsey to the Aes Sedai but she feared that if she dropped any further her legs would come out from underneath her.

    "Sarena" she replied but the hurried on "Sarena, Aes Sedai. My name is Sarena."

    The white clad Aes Sedai went on "Very well child, follow me.  I trust you have nothing else to do at the moment or I wouldn't find you wandering the Halls as such?" Sarena nodded her head at the first instruction, then shook her head at the second comment.

    Sarena then followed the Aes Sedai through a miriad of corridors and hallways. Sarena was pondering on whether to say anything or not when the White Aes Sedai spoke,

    "I have been away from the Tower for some time and since you have nothing to do at the moment, my room could use a good dusting." 'Ah well I wasnt really hungry anyway'.She thought glumly, then her stomach decided to betray her by grumbling loudly. Sarena looked up to see if the Aes Sedai had noticed the noise, thankfully she hadnt.


    Sarena was grateful when the Aes Sedai opened a large door and entered, she stood at the door unsure of what to do next as the Aes Sedai seated herslf at a desk and began reading a large dusty book. After a few anxious moments the Aes Sedai looked up from her book, "Well, must I teach you how to dust girl? I assumed you would know what to do, but I am sure I can make a lesson out of it if you would prefer." Sarena hurried into the vast room and let out a small "Yes, Aes Sedai". She decided to start dusting the bookcase closest to her and furthest from the seated Aes Sedai. Finding that she had a clean hankerchief in her pocket she began dusting the top shelf of books. As she was dusting he noticed some of the book titles, some of them she had borrowed from the library a few months earlier. She had quite enjoyed some of them but had alot of question she wanted to ask but Loraine Sedai said that she didnt really know much on the subject and she was better to ask an Aes Sedai from the White Ajah. Now Sarena had her chance, glancing over her shoulder she noticed that the Aes Sedai was stareing off into space. Not stopping what she was doing she took a deep breath and asked Excuse me Aes Sedai, but I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about some of the books that you have here?.



    Sarena Asnobar





  2. Sorry this took me forever to get it like this and it still doesnt look like everyone elses, the links work though  ;D



    Elgee Edit: I've copied the code in here for you, but have a look at the link to see what your reqs are (for instance, Freeday is required, not an option like in the new reqs)


    Link: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,25709.0.html


    • Novice Quiz - [Complete / Incomplete]
    • Arrival/Meet Mentor - URL - Post Count [ - / 4 ]
    • Freeday - URL - Post Count [ - / 4 ]
    • One OP Related RP - URL - Post Count [ - / 4 ]
    • Choice RPs:
      * Choice RP 1 - URL - Post Count [ - / 4 ]
      * Choice RP 2 - URL - Post Count [ - / 4 ]
    • Three Arches - URL

  3. Sarena wondered as The Mistress of Novices told her that her mentor would be Loraine Sedai. She hoped that her new mentor would be like her last one; exciting, compassionate, but a keen teacher. Sarena didnt want to get a mentor from the Brown Ajah she knew they only thirsted for knowlege not adventure and that was what Sarena thirsted for. As Larindhra Sedai gave her leave she curtsied deeply to the Mistress of Novices and walking down the hallways she wondered how long it would take for her mentor to seek her out. She knew that Aes Sedai didnt like leaving novices unmentored for long and seeing that Sarena had already had one mentor and then left the tower for a time, now she was back they proberly would be harder on her now as ever before.


    Walking to her newly assigned room, Sarena knew that she was going to be in for some new surprises as far as her training would go. Remembering when she was mentored by Telcia Sedai alot of their casual conversations were about the different roles she could perform being in the Red Ajah, alot of hunting down men that could channel and gentling them. It hadnt worried her then but now sitting back and thinking about it she knew that it was important but it wasnt really what she had her heart set on. She had often questioned her mentor as to why she could be both a Red sister and have a warder at the same time, but she had simply got that not many men even warders found it still uneasy to be around when male channelers were gentled. Also most women who chose the Red Ajah disliked men and used that dislike to fuel her passion for the Reds cause.


    Now not knowing who her ner mentor really was was eating away at Sarena's resolve she hoped that Loraine Sedai would find her sooner rather than later.



    Sarena Asnobar

  4. Sarena and Mirandha watched as Selene lent over the balcony railing and let out a loud whistle, the girls glanced at each other horrified and joined the gaggle of girls dashing back to Selene's room. After they got inside then broke out into fits of quiet giggling which got a bit louder when Carina came dashing in after being left behind on the balcony. They all settled down after a bit.


    Sarena had braided Mirandha's hair and had hers done by Selene, which was tied up beautifully with a bright green ribbon. They all chatted about what they were studying and who their mentors were and mostly what ajah they were planning to join. Most of the girls said that they wanted to be in the green ajah but there were ones that had their heart set on joining the blues or greys. It was really interesting for Sarena to listen to all of them list out their pros and cons of joining particular ajahs, it helped Sarena try and make her mind up. On one hand there were the Greens who had warders and went out into the wide world exploring and battling darkfriends and then there were the Reds who didnt ever get a warder and they hunted men who could channel which also sounded exciting but Sarena couldnt imagine a life however long it would be with out a man to share it with.

    Maybe it was her upbringing, her mother had taught her and her sisters young about how to lure a husband and keep him in control....it sounded funny to Mirandha as she explained the lessons her mother used to teach her, maybe Andorians wern't like that. It was then that she decided that she would show Mirandha how wonderful life could possibly be having a man to share it with, and even give her some of the secret lessons her mother had given her when she came of age.......



    Sarena Asnobar

  5. Sarena was running late for her elements class, the mistress of the kitchens had kept her late making sure she had done a proper job scrubbing the large cooking pots. She had just enough time to run to her room and put on a clean dress before running full bolt down the corridors to the classroom. As she sat down near Selene she looked back and noticed that she wasnt the last one to class as another flustered novice raced in and took a seat near the rear of the room.


    Sarena took a deep breathe and realised that Jasmyne Accepted was teaching this class as well as the last. She liked Jasmyne she gave her good suggestions for strenghtening her control over saidar in the previous class. As Jasmyne Accepted explained that they would be dissecting her weave and telling her which threads belonged to which element. Sarena remembered that she was fairly strong in air and spirit, but terrible in earth; she reminded herself that she was like a typical Aes Sedai. Snapping herself back to reality she noticed that Selene was the first to volunteer to do the task. As she watched intently she saw the diferent colours of each weave and part of her was itching to get up there and show everyone what she could do. Selene was almost finished the task when she tugged too hard at the thread of air, that resulted in a deafening bang, sort of like a grounded bolt of lightning. Sarena was thrown back to the ground with a thud. A few moments later she came round and realised that a few Aes Sedai we helping some of the other novices up and offering them healing for their injuries. It was then that Sarena realised that she couldn't hear at all, scrambling up in panic and letting out what seemed to be a soundless sqeall, it attracted a nearby Aes Sedai who came gliding over to her side and placed a firm hand on her head. She shivered when the Aes Sedai healed her, then sat there for a few moments while the experience sank in. After she had collected herself she climbed back into her chair and glanced around the room to see if the other girls were ok.


    Sarena was grateful when Jasmyne Accepted started the class again, she herself looked a little scared to have the rest of the class try the given task after what had just happened. When she asked for the next volunteer Sarena's hand shot up, the Accepted nodded to her to come up and try to disasemble the weave. Sarena opened herself to saidar and then studied the weave for a few moments, when deciding which thread she would attempt first she felt for the bright red coloured thread. After telling Jasmyne Accepted that the thead was fire, she grited her teeth and began trying to ease it from the weave. First it didnt come very easy, but then taking a deep breath she managed to pull it quite firmly and it then just came out. Sarena stepped back in surprise at the sudden ease of it, she looked around the room to make sure nothing came of it. Jasmyne Accepted nodded to her to continue.


    The next thread she attempted was the milky white thread, after the inital probing she decided that it was the spirit thread. This one she managed to extract without any real  effort, Sarena knew she had a way with spirit. Marena Sedai had showed her a few simple things with spirit.  The Aes Sedai had told her that she would be a good healer if she concerntrated on her studies. Sarena then automatically went on to the dark blue thread, even thought she knew she was fairly strong in this element the thread didnt come away very easily, she laboured away trying to get this thread out but every time thought she had a grasp on it it just slipped away from her. Sweating profusly she decided on tugging the quite firmly, taking a deep breath she then yanked the thread hard. The result of this was a showering herself and Jasmyne Accepted in icy cold water.


    Gasping through her wet hair, she heard a few novices giggling in the back rows of the classroom. Trying not to get disheartened she moved on to the almost clear thread, knowing this was air. She steeled herself and began trying to untangle it from the other threads. Once she had a good grip it came away easy without even trying. Smiling to herself about her small victory she then realised that she had left her weakest element to last, earth. A slight grimace took her face as she wrestled with the thread it was like trying to catch a wet bar of soap. Finally after a few minutes she got the thread free without causing any interuptions. After handing her finished paper to Jasmyne Accepted she rubbed the dull ache at the back of her neck. The Accepted then dismissed her with a smile and told her to go back to her seat.


    Sitting down gratfully she then realised just how tired she was, hopefully Loraine Sedai didnt want a private lesson that afternoon otherwise she could go back to her room and catch up on some of the lost sleep.



    Sarena Asnobar

    Soaking wet

  6. OOC- Sorry everyone for my absence, I will try to catch up :)


    IC:  As Sarena moved into the room with Mirandha The girl on the bed introduced herself as Jerinia, Sarena gave her a warm smile and a friendly hello. She then pulled Mirandha to a clear spot and continued chatting only stopping to get themselves a cup of blueberry tea, which was beautifully refreshing after the day she had.


    Sarena was about to ask Mirandha another question about Andor, when a girl came in the room dripping from head to toe with grease and soap. At the same moment Selene and Jerinia stopped talking and stared at the girl who had just entered. Selene jumped up and apologised to the girl who had introduced herself as Carina. Selene then told them all that they would be going out to the balcony to spy on the trainee warders in the yards. Sarena giggled at the thought of watching the young men working delicate forms in the dark had a sort of poetic romance about it.


    As they were all trying to make out the shapes in the training yard, Sarena heard Mirandha mutter "Whats the point". She turned away from the balcony edge and linked her arm in Mirandha's and steered her toward a less crowded spot and asked "Wouldn't it be wonderful to have someone that you could share all your adventures with, as well as being able to help out if you got into a tight spot. I'd think it would be rather exciting even though I don't really need a man to protect me, What do you think?



    Sarena Asnobar

  7. Sarena curtsied to Larindhra Seadi before she turned and walked out of the classroom. She was still in her own little world wondering if she still could remember her way around the library.


    Just then the novice that she had been sitting next to had walked up next to her. Sarena's face brightened as the girl introduced herself a Selenessin and that she was from Andor. Sarena introduced herself and told Selene that she was from Ebou Dar. When Selene asked if she wanted to go with her to the library to do the study that they had been given Sarena jumped at the opportunity " Of course I'd love to, I used to know my way around here quite well but now I think I would get lost." That comment got a puzzled look from Selene so Sarena explained that this wasn't her first time at the White Tower and that she had gone back home after her sister had died. That recieved an gentle "Oh" from Selene.

    "Oh thats ok, Jillen duelled bravely, and it was her first duel after all. We were all really sad after it happened but we are still very proud of the way she fought so." As Sarena finished she realised that being from Andor she might not understand so she braced herself for the questions. She answered all the questions that Selene had on the topic as they walked to the Library.


    As they entered the Library she realised that she was going to need help finding her way round all the shelves. "Would you be able to show me round the library as I don't even know where to start looking." she whispered to Selene, She nodded and said that she would give her a quick tour of the basic areas and introduce her to the Aes Sedai that showed her around.



    Sarena Asnobar

  8. Sarena was still on a high after the slumber party at Selene's room and then the freeday just the next day, she had spent most of the day sitting out in the gardens going over her lesson notes and writing letters to her parents informing them she had arrived safely. But now it was back to classes and chores, Sarena enjoyed the classes as she roughly knew what to expect but that didnt let her get complacent in her studies. She had promised both the Mistress of Novices and her mentor that she would work extra hard on her control of Saidar. Even though she knew how to divide the weaves into the different elements and keep control of them, she made herself go back and restudy the basics of each lesson in case there was something she had missed the first time.


    Walking into the classroom she saw Selene and Merindhra the only two novices she felt particularly close to. She chose her seat and looked up expectantly for the Aes Sedai who would be guiding them but instead there was an Accepted there waiting to begin. Serena had never met her before but she had a friendly demenor about her which made Sarena a little more relaxed about the class.


    The Accepted introduced herself as Jasmyne, then began telling them about the neccessity of controlling Saidar. Even though Sarena knew these things it didnt stop her grimacing in horror as Jasmyne Accepted described the consequences of not mastering control.


    She then informed them that they would be learning pushing and pulling of saidar. Asking them then to embrace saider, Sarena opened herself to the warm sun that was the source. Jasmyne then told them to imagine clouds moving across the sun, forming the picture firmly in her mind she let the glow fade to just a faint glimmer then very slowly she she made the sun reappear, much to her surprise she noticed that saidar became a bit stronger. Concerntrating hard she made the clouds come back again until only a faint glow remained.

    Suddenly feeling quite tired she released saidar completly and slumped down in her chair, she could feel the sweat running down her face but she didnt care let them see that she was exausted she hadnt worked with the One Power so hard since she did this class the first time. Back then though she had trouble pushing saidar away. Finally opening her eyes she saw that the Accepted was standing over her with a half worried look in her eyes. Sarena wiped the sweat away and gave the Accepted a tired smile.



    Sarena Asnobar




  9. Sarena had hardened herself for the Mistress of Novices lecture. She remembered when she had gotten in trouble for being out of bed with a few other novices after dark, not long after she had first arrived at the White Tower. She had recieved a long lecture and then several weeks of back breaking chores. But the Mistress of Novices did not let loose her berating tone on Sarena, instead it was the same hard voice that she always used.


    “Sarena, it speaks well for you that you tried to keep up with your studies while you were away. However, a year is a long time to be away; many bad habits can develop under such circumstances. Habits I will not allow in a novice under my care. I will be keeping a close eye on you in the following weeks to see that you have not forgotten how a novice is supposed to behave. I trust you will strive to be the perfect novice?”


    Sarena answered "Yes, Larindhra Sedai I will try harder that ever.". Sarena's answer recieved a curt nod in reply. Sarena began to relax a little, but not too much as to seem too comfortable with the situation. Being blazen about it was only going to get her into more trouble.


    Sarena wondered who her mentor would be as she had learned that Telcia Sedai had left the Tower not long after she herself had left for Ebou Dar. She wasn't sure now about her original choice of the Red Ajah. The red sisters she had met were all quite friendly to her, but now having been back to Ebou Dar, back to her old life of mooning over boys and duelling she now couldnt imagine a life without either of those things. She knew she could have both of those things in the Green Ajah and secretly hoped that her new Mentor would be a green.


    Sarena realized that her mind had been wondering and she took a quick glance up at Larindhra Sedai who's gaze could have chilled the sun. Sarena then asked "Do you know who my new mentor will be ?" The gaze softened a little as Sarena waited for her answer.



    Sarena Asnobar



    OOC- Sorry that its taken so long to reply my family  has been keeping me away from the computer. I hope I can catch up on my posting. :)

  10. As a stablehand took Cha away she began smoothing her skirts and fixing her hair, both of which were severly skewed after riding. She then checked that she still had the letter in her purse, then began looking round the Entrance Hall keeping a keen eye out for any Aes Sedai. Sarena noticed a few of them, but she could'nt get to them before they took the other petioners away.

    Sarena was too busy looking round at all the people that she didnt notice the Mistress of Novices walk over to her and stand right in front of her sternly looking her up and down.


    “So you have returned to us, Sarena. I presume you are here to continue your studies?”

    Sarena managed to murmer "Yes, Aes Sedai" as she fell to the floor in a deep curtsey she hoped it didnt look too clumsy, Sarena berated herself mentally 'One year out of the Tower and you've already forgotten how to curtsy properly'. Then remembering the letter she dug it out of her purse quickly and handed it to the Mistress of Novices.


    Sarena stood there for a few minutes as the Mistress of Novices scanned the letter frowning in parts, she then looked up at Sarena and told her to follow her.


    The entire walk to the Mistress of Novices office Sarena was literly shaking, she knew that there would be some problems ever since she had recieved the letter from Merina Sedai. She had been the one that she went to see once a week for simple lessons in controlling saidar. The Aes Sedai had told her that novices leaving the Tower was certainly frowned upon, but if she truely wanted to become an Aes Sedai then Sarena had to go back to the White Tower and face the music.


    Finally she realised that she was standing still with her eyes firmly on the ground, waiting for the tirade to begin. Sarena was unsure whether or not her face showed the firmness that shone fiercly in her eyes. Then as if the Mistress of Novices heard her thoughts, she began.   

  11. Sarena strolled into the classroom with Selene, they were surprised to find that they were the first to class. This was going to be the first time all the other novices feel the warmth of saidar for the first time, of course Sarena had already experienced that feeling having already studied this class before but Larindhra Sedai had told her that she must do these classes again as she would be out of practice. Taking a seat next to Selene she got her notebook out, Selene knew that she had been a novice before and had already quizzed her on what they would be expecting today.


    It didnt take long for the room to fill quickly. Sarena nearly jumed out of her seat when the shutters slammed shut and a small squeal left her when the remaining light was extinguished. She should have expect this, since Larinhra Sedai had done the same thing at their first class. Regaing her composure just as the large globes of light appeared, part of herself couldnt help letting out a gasp of delight. Then from out of nowhere Larindhra Sedai appeared,

    “Impressive, wasn’t it? Would you like to learn how to do that?” Sarena found her self nodding vigourously.

    “Well, before you can do those, you first need to learn how to open yourself to the Source. Shall we start?” "Oh yes " Sarena said seeming to echo all the other girls at the same time.


    Then Larindhra Sedai started handing three red roses out to each girl, “You are wondering why each of you gets three roses.  Note that they are in the three stages of development: a closed bud, a half-open one, and a fully open one.  I want you to study each one, until you can see them with your eyes closed, every single petal."

    Sarena had already done a similar exercise before. “Just as the bud opens its petals to allow the warmth of the sun to suffuse it, so you will learn to open yourself to the light of Saidar.  Close your eyes, breath in … hold that breath … now breath out slowly … breath in… that’s right, you are all doing well.  Now, every time you breath out, I want you to imagine your muscles relaxing – a little more every time you breath out.“ Closing her eyes Sarena began picturing the rosebud in her mind, once she had it firm she began picturing the petals opening slowly towards and a soft light began to make the petals glow.

    Sarena knew that the soft glow was saidar and she made sure that she didnt lose control of it, not like the first time she tried, she shuddered to think she almost set the desk on fire, by the time the Aes Sedai realised what was going on the desk was already smouldering. Turning her concerntration back to the rosebud she noticed that the glow had gone from the petals. Sighing, as she opened her eyes Larindhra Sedai was standing in front of her with a hint of a smile on her lips. "You exercised good control in opening yourself, but it looked like you were worried about something. Now try the exercise again."

    Closing her eyes again she pictured the rosebud again, but as much as she tried she just couldn't do it. Quietly stamping her foot, she scribled down a note that she must ask her Mentor for a few extra lessons. It had been a long week and maybe it was starting to affect her.





    Sarena Asnobar

    Not giving up that easily




  12. Sarena was so excited to be at her first slumber party that when the girl answered "Mirandha", she didnt even notice that the girl didnt say any more. Steering her toward an open space on the floor she started telling Mirandha that she came from Ebou Dar and had three sisters, she was going to continue then she realised that she hadn't given Mirandha a chance to talk yet. Pausing, she then said " Sorry I get so excited sometimes, you just have to tell me to stop." "So where did you live before you came here?".


    She listened closely and secretly hoped that she and Mirandha would be great friends. Then they both looked up as some more girls came into the room. Introducing herself to them she thought this was going to be a wonderful night.


    After the girls introduced themselves Sarena got up and asked Mirandha if she would like any blueberry tea, when she said 'yes' Sarena bounced up and went over to get some of the refreshing tea for them. Sometimes Selene and the other girl joined their conversation and they giggled whenever one of them mentioned sneaking down to the training yards for a peek.....



    Sarena Asnobar


  13. Selene had told Sarena about the slumber party while they were in the library doing some study after their first class. Sarena wasnt sure what she should be expecting, but if it was anything like the nights she and her sisters secretly used to share then it was going to be a great night. Suddenly she felt really sad, remembering all the fun times she and her sisters used to share together just wasnt going to be the same now with Jillen gone. Sarena felt like cuddling up to her pillow and crying herself to sleep, but she remembered that she had promised Selene that she would be there. It took a while for her to regain some form of composure, splashing some water on her face and tiding her hair she was finally ready to go over to Selenes room. Peering out the doorway into the dark hallway she checked to see if anyone else was wondering the corridors. Slipping out into the hallway she hurried in the direction of Selenes room.


    Slinking along the dark corridor she saw ahead another novice slip into Selene's room, she hoped that she wasnt the last to arrive. As she came to the door another novice bumped right into the back of her, "OH!" When Sarena turned round to see who it was she started giggling, quickly stifling her giggles she put her arm round the other girl, who was also giggling and they both entered the dorm room arm in arm.


    As soon as she entered she saw Selene and another girl who introduced herself as Jerinia, Sarena then turned to the novice she came in with and introduced herself

    " Hi im Sarena, Whats your name?"




    Sarena Asnobar

    Giggling novice

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