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Posts posted by Eben

  1. As Rien finished relating his "story" to his mentor, he noticed that Cairma was muttering to herself..her face showed disbelief

    Obviously this wasn't something that happened too often...

    Daemon was still as calm as ever, he seemed to be thinking about Rien's story... putting pieces together maybe? Rien thought.

    Cairma still had that cute dumbfounded look on her face...it was obviously more serious than Rien would normally guess....that's why I shouldn't delve into it!

    Now all Rien had to worry about was what form of punishment he would receive...

  2. As Cairma reached for her weapon, Daemon interceded.

    He placed himself between Rien and Cairma, his face was unreadable, as well as his voice

    "That's enough, both of you stand down," Daemon said calmly, like he was interrupting two children who were about to pull each other's hair out, " Now I expect an explanation, from both of you."

    Rien waited for a moment, he had hoped Cairma might speak up with her melodious voice and tell Daemon that Rien had been the cause of all this...but Rien quickly decided that might not be the best thing...after all..she had just tried to kill him...leaving the explanation completely up to her might put his life in danger again!

    "Sir..." Rien started, " This is all my fault..." Rien continued to relate his story to his mentor, from meeting with Maldrin to trying to keep Cairma from getting pranked all the way down to her acting crazy...although most people might see Rien as a cocky self absorbed wool head, he was far from self absorbed...he made his entire story seem like it was all his fault and no one elses

  3. Rien had once again failed to impress this cute lady with the big sword. He knew it as soon as she spoke.

    He was unarmed, but that didn't matter, he would never think about hurting a lady this nice.

    Cairma stepped forward...Rien held his ground

    no way she'll do anything to me out in the open Rien thought.

    By the looks of her, she wasn't going to stop, she was going to keep on towards him at that creepy pace.

    "Cairma, I don't want to fight you," Rien called out,

    "Haven't I proved myself to be trustworthy, after all, I didn't have to wait for you in your room, I wanted to keep you from getting pranked, isn't that enough?"

    Hopefully it is

  4. Rien knew it was coming, he saw it in her eyes. Cairma grabbed him and dunked his face in the water, she then scrubbed him with the soap that had turned her into a pink nightmare.

    "Hey!" Rien yelled as Cairma scrubbed his face, "What was that for!?!"

    Rien fell back as Cairma finished the job, his face was already turning pink.

    "Here I am trying to help you, and you show your thanks by doing this to me?!?"

    "Playing sides in any argument will taint anyone from ever trusting you." Cairma replied, "You pranked the long person, and an Eye for an Eye makes us even and I will not hunt you down to beat the s*** out of you. But you will still be reporting to our lovely Mistress of Trainee's who will in turn have a earfull of words for you. Now march!"

    "Wow" Rien laughed, "You sure are pretty when you are mad. Look! you are making me blush!" Rien pointed to his pink face jokingly. "Well, I'll see you later, maybe next time we can sit down and talk, instead of turn each other pink

    Rien walked off without looking back. He was trying to make an impression...and I bet I did

  5. Well this wasn't how I planned it...Rien thought as he stood with his face to the wall opposite Cairma's door.

    Cairma stepped out of her room, she had covered up all of her affected skin and had that huge sword on her back, she also had a lance and the soap...

    "Follow me" she said, and wisely Rien obeyed. she led Rien to a water trench that was in plain sight to everybody in the Yard.

    "Wash yourself, you're dirty from all your sweating." she said as she handed Rien the tainted soap.

    Rien's mind raced, he was searching for a way out, but he could find none..well, he couldn't find any that wouldn't end with that monstrous sword cleaving his skull..

    "That's a nice sword you got there," Rien stated," I got one of those myself, not quite as big, but it gets the job done"

    Obviously Rien shouldn't have said anything, Cairma glared at him like she thought she could kill him that way. But Rien needed to stall for time, he didn't know what Cairma wanted, but he knew what he didn't want!

    "Before I make a fool of myself," Rien started, "why don't you tell me what you plan on doing, maybe I could help...Maldrin deserves a little payback...and I know just how to get him were you want him...all you have to do is wait..." Rien put on his most trusting smile

  6. Rien started to smile as Cairma entered the room, but the smile slipped off his face when he saw that she was dyed pink.

    oh no, Rien thought she must have gotten the soap while I was out looking for Maldrin

    suddenly Rien was pinned to the wall with a sword pressed against his face.

    "Choose your words wisely, young one, or else they may be the last you make in this Yard." Cairma said. Rien's plan had obviously gone slightly off course.

    "Well this wasn't supposed to happen" Rien stated, Cairma pressed the sword harder "I was hoping to catch you before you got the soap, but things don't always go as planned" Rien sensed that she was getting annoyed, so he decided it was time to let Maldrin get his

    "It wasn't my idea to prank you," Rien continued, "If I had it my way, you wouldn't have even touched that soap. But I know who did this to you, I may have done the dirty work, but someone else picked the target."

    Cairma glared at Rien, probably wondering if she can trust me Rien thought. He put on his most trusting smile as he said "Maldrin"

  7. Rien opened the door quietly

    "Maldrin?" he whispered, "is it all clear?"

    no one was there. That fool Maldrin had run off with his tail between his legs! either that or he was stalling Cairma....Rien's instincts told him that the insane buffoon ran off

    I planned for something like this

    So he walked back in the room and closed the door.

    this just keeps getting better and better Rien thought as he leaned against the wall, waiting....

  8. "No questions, my friend" Rien replied,"I can't wait to get started, this should be fun" And Light knows it will

    This dupe thought he was clever, well Rien had a little surprised for Maldrin. Rien was going to switch the soap, and he was going to do everything as planned...except for one thing....this should be great fun, Rien smiled.

    And so Maldrin led Rien to Cairma's room and knocked at the door....no answer..."Good, she's out." Maldrin said. He motioned for Rien to enter, and stood next to the doorway. Rien quietly walked in with the soap in hand. He scanned the room quickly and found the wash-basin and more importantly, Cairma's soap. Rien swapped the rose smelling soap with the trick soap and walked to the door, hoping that his exit was clear...

  9. Rien walked into the room Maldrin was in, he was reclining in his chair as he waved to Rien. Maldrin was a little smaller than Rien, but he looked like he could handle himself...Ha! like that'll matter much! Rien thought.

    "So you have a plan, I take it?" Rien asked Maldrin, "a plan to get Cairma?"

    Maldrin nodded smugly

    "I asked myself some things on the way over here" Rien stated as he leaned against the wall, "Why prank Cairma? Why do you need me? and why were your hands all colored? Did you lose a bet?....that wouldn't surprise me..."

  10. Rien read the note as he walked to his destination

    Meet me in the barracks the note said. It was obviously from that buffoon Maldrin....He had said that he wanted to prank Cairma, Rien didn't know why, but he wanted to have some fun while he was here.

    Rien was wearing one of his favorite red coats, he tucked the note inside it. He decided that he wasn't going to need his sword today, so he left it in his room this morning before he went out, now he was on his way back to the barracks to find Maldrin.

    "It'll be interesting to see what he has in mind..." Rien said quietly to himself

  11. Rien was surprised at his mentor's offer to attack him, he didn't expect to fight him this soon!

    Rien awkwardly drew his curved blade and assumed the only stance his father taught him

    "Are you ready for this?" Rien asked his mentor, who nodded back.

    Rien started out with a quick lunge towards Daemon's sword arm, but that move was easily blocked. He continued with a quick swipe at his mentor's leg, but again, it was blocked. Rien was beginning to feel foolish, he thought he would be able to come here and be better than everyone, but he obviously wasn't better than Daemon. Rien had practiced by himself whenever he got the chance, working out angles of sword strokes and how to block them, but Daemon's moves were subtle and effective, obviously much more advanced that Rien's moves were.

    Rien didn't let that stop him, he let out a fury of slashes directed at Daemon, and like before his attempts were all in vain. Rien decided it was useless, but he wanted to get one more attack in. This move had cut through a small tree back home, before he left...before his father died. Rien stepped back and stood almost crouched with the sword at his left side. He stood there like that for a few moments, gathering up his waning strength. Suddenly he jumped forward and made a horizontal strike at Daemon's middle. Daemon stopped the sword with his own blade and directed it towards the ground.

    Rien was done. Daemon had blocked everything Rien could throw at him. Rien looked at his blade, saw the damage he would have to fix and winced. Daemon seemed to sense that Rien was done, because he had already sheathed his sword. Rien grabbed his scabbard that he had dropped and sheathed his sword as well.

    "I guess I have a long way to go," Rien said to his mentor, and it was true, he did have a long way to go, but Rien would never give up...

  12. Rien took the items from his mentor. A Katana? he asked himself, the name was new to him. Daemon's explaination of the weapon further increased Rien's confidence that this katana was the right choice of a weapon.

    Rien examined the deadly weapon closely, the hilt had leather wrapped around it, and the crossgaurds were small, but functional. The blade was bright from polishing, it shone in bright contrast with the old hilt. The blade was obviously new, but the hilt must have been sitting around for a while. The scabbard wasn't leather, it would appear that the blade might cut through it if it was, but instead it was hard, Rien couldn't tell what is was made of. On the scabbard there were two yellow ribbons that would hang down when the sword was worn, the ends of the scabbard were capped with metal that seemed to have small designs on it. The scabbard seemed as new as the blade.

    Rien understood that he would have to maintain the sword, after all, he had taken care of his father's sword.

    "I have no more questions, sir." Rien responded, "I am eager to get started"

  13. Rien puzzled his mentor's questions for a few moments. He liked speed, after all he had almost gotten away with his father's brandy back home...He liked the idea of a light weapon such a thing would suit his speed and cunning. Rien also liked both ranged and melee weapons, because they each held their own advantages. But the one question he pondered the most was whether he liked fighting alone or in a group.

    Rien figured that fighting in a group was easier, but Rien wanted to train hard, so he decided on fighting alone

    Rien answered his mentor's questions in order, and Daemon gestured to the wide double doors of the armory, Rien opened them and went inside.

    Rien's eyes widened when he saw what was inside,the room was filled with weapons! Rien had never seen so many in one place! Ringing of steel came from the back of the room, where the forge apparently was.

    As he walked around the room Rien searched for a weapon that looked swift and deadly, and after searching for a few moments he found one. It was a sword, but it looked much thinner than the sword his father gave him, it also had a perculiar curve. But what was it? It looked sharp and very dangerous, but at the same time it looked fluidly majestic.

    Rien decided that he would use this sword, for now at least, he might not like it, it didn't look anything like his father's sword. What about his father's sword? Rien asked himself, should he use that instead?...No,he would use his father's sword when he was worthy of it.

    Rien walked out of the armory quickly and eagerly showed the sword to his mentor.

    "I have chosen a weapon, sir" Rien said, "but I don't know what it is..."

  14. voices: OH YEAH! I rock!

    right....well, I have something YOU don't!

    voices: don't go there!

    oh yes! I will!

    voices: you promised!

    HA HA! I have a body!!!!

    voices: I can't believe you!


    voices: ......well..at least I don't have to worry about my weight...

    HEY! I happen to be VERY fit!

    voices: that not what I meant...you are too skinny

    don't make me go up there!!

  15. hey!

    I am not gay either!

    I'm Catholic, which means even if I was, I wouldn't act on it

    but thats not the point

    the "voice" was always female to me


    but I can say one thing that you can't

    I know what women think!

    voices: HA! yeah RIGHT!

    hey! I've got you in my head, don't I?

    voices: that just means you have a lot of empty space up here

  16. get a room!


    if what you say is true, then my "voice" wouldn't be a woman!


    at least, that's how I thought of them

    voices: its because you are a girly man


    that is NOT true!

    voices: I think I would know...

    oh get over yourself!

    voices: it alright Eben..* tries a mental hug*

    HEY! get off of me!

  17. Rien walked with the unfamiliar man, and answered

    "My father started to teach me the sword, but he died before he could teach me much of anything" Rien's nervousness showed in his voice, he was finally starting his training! "I also can use a bow and a quarterstaff, although I don't see how that could help me here" Rien finished.

    Rien's long journey from Caemlyn to Tar Valon had been wearying, but he paid no attention to his fatigue, after all, this was his dream.

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