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Perrin 187

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Posts posted by Perrin 187

  1. He could have still wiped out the Shadio, just faster and with less wise ones beinge enslaved.


    How? He could hardly get enough forkroot to knock them all out the first time, he couldn't keep them incapacitated for days. Not enough channelers, you also have to remeber Rand is constantly shifting place to place Perrin has no Idea were he is. Plus Rand went overboard in their staged argument. So I can see why going to Rand wouldn't be a good idea for Perrin. He could kill the wise ones or give them to the Seancheans.


    Wise ones like Thervea,(I think thats how u spell it) took part in the rape, the Wise ones knew what was going on and did nothing to stop it. They tortured the wetlanders who disobeyed even though they didn't follow ji'toh. Them going into slavery was one way Perrin could get rid of them and was the main reason the Seanchan helped.


    I wouldn't want to destroy the Shadio and say murder their children and knock them off the face of the planet but if I'm say a Ghealden soldier and they are burning my country down and taking noncombants as prisoners and harshly treating them I would wage war on the Shadio and destroy them if they didn't surrender or leave the country.

  2. Arkelias you may be new to this board so you may not understand, I'am not a fanatic for Perrin he is one of my favorite characters, but at this point in the series I like Lan more and at other parts of the series I've like Thom or moriane more then Perrin. Yeah I named my username after Perrin he is one of favorites but I'am by no means a fanatic since there I are many characters I like just as much if not more than Perrin. I've stated that many times in my board history. Believe me I don't take any of the critiscm to him as personal attack.


    I'm just sticken up for a character I like.

    You criticize Perrin for spanking a women whom was acting like an idiot but when another character does the same thing you make an excuse because you like that character more. Its hypocrisy.


    I know the WOT is fiction but you seemed to be Judging Perrin's action by your personal beliefs and yet ignore them when it comes to another character. Sorry if you felt I had attacked you personally. But I think your argument was hypocritical.



    The 400 wise ones  sanction the abuse and rape of hundreds of thousands of prisons and some even took part in it. They are by no means nice people and are very sadistic like. Perrin could have killed them for their crimes or give them to the Seanchan. This is just RJ way of karma in my opinion.


    The rest of your post is opinion, I don't think Perrin would sacerfice millions or become a darkfriend, but you do so I'll leave it at that.

  3. In my mind a woman with the power is stronger than a man, so it bothers me less because not only can she generally defend herself but she could take on multiple men with casual ease.


    In my case I was raised never to hit a woman.  There isn't an excuse, ever.


    Can't have it both ways.


    Perrin was being physically and verbally abused by Faile and repeatedly ask her to stop, he said so with a firm neutral tone. She continued endlessly so Perrin spanked, wow what a horrible guy.


    Arkelias are you like Rand and not fight Lanefear one of the most powerful and evil forsakens who is threatening the lives of your friends, on the soul fact she is a women. Or you could fight evil, no matter that that evil maybe a women. In a way this is sexism a women can get away with certian things a man can't, just because she doesn't have a penis.  


    Perrin obliterated the Shadio,(who are enemies of Rand) and saved his wife and the queen of ghealden whom sweared allegiance to the dragon. Masema's men got slaughtered and between him and the Seanchan lost 100 guys. Not to mention saved 100,000 people from slavery. Man what a selfish prick.


    He tortured somebody, in a fit of rage and yeah he is pretty crazy and dangerous, but you said you always wanted compelling stories and character. I love the talk him and Eylas have and him deciding to give up the axe. This just shows what he is capable of when he loses control. I don't think he is a bad person like people have said. He saved the TR, voluntarily went to Rand his friend, and saved him at Dumai Wells, he stayed loyal and went to Ghealden on behalf of his friend, ignored berelains advances, and defeated the shadio and is well on his way to dealing with Masema. He also got Ghealden for Rand.    

  4. I agree with with both Nashdude and Cloglord. Its basically a cultural issue between the Perrin and Faile and the two of them,(Nash and Clog)both point out the main reasons, of why Faile acts the way she does in those situations.


    P.S. Guys it obvisous Karthak hasn't read all the way to KOD so don't mention any possible spoilers past LOC. Just trying to look after him,(or her) :).

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