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Rahela Sedai

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Posts posted by Rahela Sedai

  1. Yeah I get the feeling Gaul is a one woman man, threesomes don't float his boat. Besides Bain is just a part of the Chiad package, not the main event. Though I don't know why he wouldn't just marry Chiad and Bain could find someone she loves, isn't it just if you both love the same man that you should both marry him? Seems to me like Bain is a little indifferent except that she wants Chiad to be happy.

  2. I'm rereading the series and I'm not yet halfway through but this has been bugging me for a while. Am I correct in thinking that Gaul develops feelings for Chiad or Bain and whoever it is returns those feelings? My memory is a little fuzzy; I think it might be Chiad because that's like the ultimate Romeo and Juliet thing since their clans are in a blood feud....and it just seems like something Robert Jordan would write. Hahah can anyone help me out?

  3. I don't know if someone said this yet but....

    You can kind of tell Selene is Lanfear when she is the most beautiful woman alive and that's what Lanfear was. Lanfear's sign has something to do with the cresent moon and stars and Selene wears silverworked crescent moons and stars in her dress.

    In tSR she actually talks to Rand and says "Selene is only a name I sometimes use Lews Therin. The name I made my own is Lanfear." (pg.181) and then tries to persuade him over to the Dark One saying all that crap about how he is 'hers.' and always has been.(Oh pllleeeaassseee *rolls eyes*)


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