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Posts posted by Tifa

  1. Iorwyn released the breath she didn't realize she was holding. She felt relief course through her as the Aes Sedai in front of her told her she could channel. She would give just about anything to learn to channel so that she could protect her family. She had not considered the fact that they would grow old and die, but she decided that even if that happened, she could still protect her people. Just as she was considering how best to answer, the woman continued. “A novice and Accepted’s life is hard, Iorwyn, but an Aes Sedai’s is much harder. Are you sure you want to do this?”


    “Absolutely.  I hard life does not scare me.” Iorwyn finally decided that rather than piecing together a carefully worded response, perhaps honesty would be best. “I came to the White Tower to learn to channel, so that I can protect my family and my people. Truly, I did not realize that they would grow old and I would be left behind, but if that is the price, then I accept it.” She took a deep breath and steadied her voice. Why was she nervous? She was from the Borderlands, and had certainly faced worse than this. “I honestly have no great love for the Tower, for it is because of you that my brother is now dead. However, I wish to protect my family for as long as possible, and my people and the others of the world for even longer, and the only way I see to do so is to become an Aes Sedai.” She paused once more, before finishing with, “Yes ma’am. I am certain that this is what I want.”


    ((ooc: sorry this took so long. RL has been crazy. I've had three midterms, a quiz, two papers, a project, and a presentation in the last week and a half...))

  2. “So you want to learn to channel, child? Well, sit down and let’s test you to see if you can." Iorwyn moved to the chair and had a seat. She watched curiously as the woman retrieved a gem from her desk. Her eyes widened as it then lifted into the air, seemingly of its own accord. She noticed when she began to smooth her skirts anxiously, and quickly clasped her hands together in her lap. She almost didn't notice the woman tell her to focus.


    Still somewhat shocked, she took a deep breath and turned her focus to the stone. She sat perfectly still, or tried to at least, and just stared at it, not really sure what should be happening, but careful to keep her breathing even. Her thoughts began to wander once or twice, wondering what was supposed to happen to the stone and what would happen to her, but she immediately stopped herself and focused back on the stone.


    She had no idea how much time had passed, but it seemed like several minutes before the Aes Sedai told her she was finished and the gem floated back to the woman’s hand. When it came to a rest, Iorwyn was very worried. Was she supposed to have felt something? Or done something? ”Well?” she asked impatiently. “Can I channel? Please don’t send  me away.” She couldn't bear to leave after making her way to White Tower. If she couldn't learn to channel, how would she ever be able to protect her family?

  3. Iorwyn Tachi followed closely on the heels of Daiyna Sedai.  After a month on the road, she was glad to finally arrive, and to finally be free of the infuriating Red Sister.  The only problem was that she didn’t have a chance to rest.  She was now following the woman to someone’s office… the “Mistress of Novices”?  When she set out from home, she realized that she would have to become one of the women she hated.  She just hoped she didn’t become like them as well.


    She was amazed as she walked through the halls of the White Tower.  She didn’t see as many people as she expected, but most of those she did see were wearing solid white dresses.  Wondering what that meant, she noted that they all dipped quick curtsies as she and the older woman passed.  In contrast, Iorwyn looked briefly over what she was wearing.  She had on a slim green dress, with silver hems and cuffs.  Her cloak was a simple, dark green with no adornments. Her long, black hair was pulled back loosely behind her shoulders.  Her only jewelry was a necklace, bearing a shard from her brother’s sword.  She never intended to remove it, as it was a constant reminder of why she had traveled here.


    Just as Iorwyn glanced around her again, she realized Daiyna Sedai had come to a stop at a door just in front of her.  As she approached, the Aes Sedai knocked on the door three quick times. After a few seconds, she heard a voice call out "Enter". The Sister walked away as Iorwyn slowly opened up the door. She quickly observed her surroundings as she walked into the room, then forced herself to meet the eyes of the woman in the office and said, "Good morning ma'am. My name is Iorwyn Tachi, and I would like to train to channel. One of your Sisters told me that it is possible."

    • Novice Quiz - [Complete]
    • Arrival: Meet MoN - http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,35803.0.html - [ 3 / 4 ] [incomplete]
    • Arrival: Meet [Mentor OR Roommate] - URL - [ - / 4 ] [incomplete]
    • Novice Life - URL - [ - / 4 ] [incomplete]
    • One OP Related RP - URL - [ - / 4 ] [incomplete]
    • Choice RPs:
      * Choice RP 1 - [Name] - URL - Word Count / [ - / 4 ] [incomplete]
      * Choice RP 2 - [Name] - URL - Word Count / [ - / 4 ] [incomplete]
      * Choice RP 3 - [Name] - URL - Word Count / [ - / 4 ] [incomplete]
    • Three Arches - URL - Word Count - [incomplete]
    • Novice Interview - OOC - [incomplete]

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