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Kirjava Daemora

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Posts posted by Kirjava Daemora

  1. As Kirjava followed Darienna Sedai through the halls of the Tower, she kept her eyes open. She didn't feel quite so nervous anymore, but she'd be living here, and the thoughts of getting lost in a place as big as the White Tower didn't appeal to her. She tried to keep track of every turn, something that would remind her of where she was if she ended up back here, but she had quickly lost track and had to quicken her pace to keep up with the Mistress of Novices.


    The approached a door and stopped, and Kirjava stood silently as another Aes Sedai came to the door and spoke with Darienna Sedai. As they said their goodbyes, Kirjava watched as the only Aes Sedai that she knew in the Tower walked away, and then walked quickly into the room as the other Aes Sedai motioned her inside.


    Kirjava took a seat when she was offered, sitting awkwardly on the edge of a couch. So Diona Sedai was her mentor. Kirjava would live with it whether she liked it or not, but she'd rather like it.

    "I can knit" She said unceratinly as Diona asked her. She wondered if "Tell me of yourself" was indicating that she should say more. She stayed silent just in case and glanced around the room. Somehow, she could tell that her room would be several times smaller, and would probably house another girl as well. The blue shawl on Diona's shoulders indicated that she was of the Blue Ajah. She had been told that much on her journey to the Tower. She hadn't been told much about what the Ajahs meant, however, so she didn't have much of an idea if her personality would be different than that of Sisters of other Ajahs.

  2. Kirjava nodded when Darienna Sedai asked about her ring. She had wondered whether she should have mentioned it as a fact, but she had decided against it. Now she seemed she was prooved wrong. She thought over how to phrase her story without sounding silly. "The ring was my Grandmother's" She began. "She was given it by her Father when she was about 10 and she never took it off in years except to polish it" Kirjava paused to think over how she would continue. "When I had jsut turned 14 she got very ill and eventually passed on. My Mother told me that she had explicitly told her to give me the ring. So I've worn it ever since then" She explained.


    There was a slight lump in Kirjava's throat that she used to get when talking about her Grandmother, but she had stopped that two years ago. She couldn't decide why she was feeling upset now. It wasn't her Grandmother unless she was crying for something she thought she had got over years ago. It sudden;y struck her. It was the thoughts of her family. She had mentioned her Mother, and that was leading to thoughts about her Father, her brother. She wouldn't see them until she left the White Tower, which might not be for a while. She hastily tried to swallow the lump, she wouldn't let Darienna Sedai see her cry yet.


    Questions now. There had to be something else she could pull out of her brain to ask. There was one thing that was annoying Kirjava though.

    "Darienna Sedai. Are Novices permitted to wear jewellery?" She asked. It wasn't just her ring, Kirjava had a necklace that she loved, though she wasn't wearing it at that moment. There were lots of questions to ask now.

    "Do we share rooms? Will I get lost easily here? How many Novices are there?" She added after the jewellery question. They had to be the questions to occur most in Kirjava's mind at the moment.

  3. Kirjava listened carefully as Darienna Sedai told her about lessons, and the One Power. There were things that she recognised from talking to Marian, saidin and saidar, the One Power being the driving force of creation, Sisterhood, the shawl, Healing and the five elements. They were all things that she had known, but not been able to form into a flowing explaination. Kirjava made sure that every word that meant something was imprinted firmly into her mind. She couldn't afford to let anything slip now. She'd come too far.


    As they reached the door to what Kirjava guessed was the Mistress of Novice's study, Kirjava found herself whisked into the room and sat in a chair facing a table while Darienna Sedai disappeared into the ajoining room. Kirjava could hear her rummaging through drawers and wondered what she was doing, but she re-appeared soon enough with a set of dresses. The dresses were handed to her and Kirjava studied them quickly. Plain white. She noticed that she would probably never wear colours for a long time. Looking up again, the Mistress of Novices began talking once again.


    "Of the top of your head, tell me five things about yourself, you have thirty seconds."

    Kirjava looked startled as this was flung at her out of the blue. She searched the realm of her mind quickly, sweeping away information that would never work.

    "I-I love to read" Kirjava stammered, unsure if this was what Darienna Sedai was really looking for. She scrabbled desperately for another piece of information to throw out.

    "I love the countryside. It's beautiful and the tranquility amazes me" She come out with. Not surprising from a farmer's daughter.

    "The One Power amazes me and I wish to learn all that I may about it" Was the next fact that she had managed to find. Well, that one had been true since a channeler had healed her brother of almost certain death. Two more facts. And how long?

    "I want to learn. Anything, just learn" That was something Kirjava had always done. She loved to learn. Now one more. She was momentarily tempted to say "Men are useless" But decided against it.

    "I-I..." She trailed off. She couldn't think of anything else. She looked up at the Mistress of Novices, fingering the ring on her pinky nervously.

  4. Kirjava watched from where she was standing as her guide to the White Tower proceeded up the steps. She paused beside another woman, Aes Sedai from the clothes that she was wearing, and the two began talking. What startled Kirjava most about this other woman was the pipe. All that Kirjava knew about Aes Sedai was children's tales and what Marian Sedai had told her, and she hadn't expected to meet an Aes Sedai smoking. Kirjava sighed silently. She really was unprepared for this.


    Gazing around her surroundings once again, Kirjava found herself amazed once more. The beauty that was Tar Valon stunned her to no end. She would enjoy wondering the city if she was allowed outside the Tower itself. She had never believed the stories of the sheer beauty of the city, but here she was, proved wrong. For a moment, she wondered what had happened to her horse, Trak. Her parents had purchased him for her when they found out she'd be leaving, and Kirjava hadn't seen him since she had gotten off the boat. She trusted the Aes Sedai though, and decided that he had probably been stabled.


    Kirjava was snapped back to reality when the corner of her eye caught movement. Marian Sedai had preceeded into the White Tower and the other Aes Sedai was making her way towards Kirjava. She sucked air between her teeth. This was it. Kirjava was about to meet her fate. Kirjava stood awkwardly for a moment as the Aes Sedai reached her, unsure whether to curtsey or smile or just stand her ground. She was saved the trouble of deciding when the woman clasped her left arm. Kirjava tried her hardest not to tense under that grip, and was unsure how far she had succeeded. As Darienna Sedai introduced herself and welcomed her to the White Tower, Kirjava relaxed a little bit. At least the Mistress of Novices wasn't plain evil.


    Darienna Sedai released her arm and told her to follow up the steps. It took Kirjava a moment to process the word "Come" and she jumped slightly and began walking quickly after the Mistress of Novices.

    "What would you like to know?". Oh, there were plenty of questions that Kirjava could ask, but she stuck to the basics of what she wanted to know.

    "What exactly is the One Power? What do we learn here?" Kirjava flinched as her voice came out more high pitched than usual. Kirjava always had a fairly low voice, and hated when it mutated on her. Kirjava ran the words she had just said over in her head. She had forgotten something. "Aes Sedai" She added quickly at the end. She had to remember that!

  5. Kirjava stepped off of the boat onto the island that was Tar Valon. The Aes Sedai who had accompanied her was still behind finishing up some business. She gazed around, taking in the place that would be her home for the next few years if everything went well. Her gaze fell upon the White Tower - taller than anything that Kirjava had ever seen - and a shiver went down her spine. That was where she was being taken. That was where she'd meet whatever fate that the Wheel had in store for her.


    As Kirjava and the other two women approached the main enterance to the Tower, she began to feel sick. What if she was sent home? What if this was a huge mistake? Well, there was no going back now, she was trapped. The Sister motioned for her to stand her ground and walked forward to meet the woman who was waiting for them. Kirjava stood in the cold, feeling as alone as ever. She took a staggering breath and silently prayed that everything would turn out alright. It had to. Didn't it?

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